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Detroit just had it's first population growth in 66 years. Huzzah!
  • Yes. I've been told that by cops in prior years.

    That said, things have improved enormously in the last 10 years. There is a vibrant downtown area, and fairly large pockets of redevelopment around it, with safe(-ish) and affordable housing.

  • Detroit just had it's first population growth in 66 years. Huzzah!
  • I think most Americans like the idea of public transport, and including a robust national rail network. The reason it doesn't exist are the oil and automotive lobbies. (Mostly oil.). Poorly educated Americans (the ones wearing MAGA hats) are easy to manipulate by these groups, as well.

  • My first grade report card from 1982
  • I was diagnosed at the age of 56. It might be worth you trying meds again. I have found Strattera to be extremely helpful to me.

    And I followed every productivity guru in the world for decades just to try to keep things going for myself professionally. I have so internalized that I am just lazy and need to rail on myself to keep myself in line, that even though I know it isn't true I still do it to some extent.

  • Doctor recommended trying Strattera, looking for other users experiences
  • I don't notice anything else related to vasoconstriction. My BP hasn't changed since I started on it, for instance. It doesn't really affect my appetite for sex, just my ability. This has lessened over time, but it's still present. (And after ~8h, everything is fine.)

    You can take it before bed if you like. Some people find it sleep-inducing at first. I find it simulating an hour or two later.

    From what I have read, there are several different experiences from it. You'll likely have to try it and see how it works for you, and what accommodations you'll need to make. Hopefully the comments in this thread give you an idea of what to look out for.

  • Doctor recommended trying Strattera, looking for other users experiences
  • Yes, its daily. It took a few days to notice a difference for me, but it definitely helps me with executive function. I'm up to the max dosage after 18 months, but it's still working.

    Side effects for me are nausea for maybe an hour after I take it, and major "shrinkage". Sex is a real challenge for around 8h after taking it, and it looks like I've been swimming in the Arctic sea for about that long. This isn't a major problem because I take it in the morning, but it has been occasionally frustrating. That effect wears off by evening, though, so my spouse is ok with me taking it. 🙂

    I have never taken stimulants, so I can't offer a comparison there.

  • A realistic take on rescheduling

    It's a step forward, but there is still a long way to go for full legalization.

    DJI might get banned next in the US
  • Is there a good source explaining how these drones are used in the US by the Chinese govt? Are they sold to consumers, but upload to a China-based cloud? There was zero background in that article.

  • U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs
  • I have been told (by my attorney) that arbitration is sometimes more expensive than filing suit. IIRC, the rationale is that arbitration can have very high fees and involve a large number of people. It was in the context of drawing up a boilerplate nda, but it has been awhile and I don't remember the details.

  • What are you using AI (ChatGPT, Perplexity AI) for in your daily routine?
  • I've tried paid versions of ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. I am currently using Gemini, and it is working reasonably well for me.

    I mostly use it to replace searches. I haven't used Google in years, but mainly relied on DuckDuckGo until SEO made it less useful. My secondary use case is for programming. I tend to jump around to a lot of different languages and frameworks, and it's hugely helpful to get sample code describing what I want to do when I don't know the syntax.

    Once in a great while, I will have it rewrite something for me. That is mostly for inspiration if I want to change the tone of something I wrote (then I'll edit). I think that all of the LLMs suck at writing.

  • Trump’s Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You Think
  • I would love to understand this better. I have worked in power generation before (writing maintenance software for a nuclear plant, so I picked up a few things). I don't understand the distribution side at all, though.

    Can you suggest a book or article on the subject?

  • Trump’s Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You Think
  • Renewables are an important part of the mix, but seems like nuclear is more important right now. It's the best way to move industry away from coal and gas in the long run, though it's something we in the US should have started on 30 years ago.

    I'm aware that nuclear power has it's own set of complications, but they're more solvable than reducing emissions without it

  • A community for people using GLP-1 medications for weight loss Zepbound, Weygovy, Mounjaro and other GLP-1 medications - Lemmy.World

    Discussions about weight loss, challenges and victories (on the scale and otherwise) using GLP-1 medications.

    Check out Zepbound at

    This is a community for anyone who is using or plans to use Ozempic, Zepbound or any of the other peptide-based obesity/diabetes drugs. Share information, hacks and get support!

    AI, regulation, and lessons learned from the current state of big tech To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money

    Unlike the risks from AI’s capabilities, the economic risks from new technologies are knowable and can be mitigated

    To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money
    A cosmology without dark matter

    I haven't found anything calling this crank science, although it does make some rather sweeping claims. One is that dark matter does not exist, and another is that the universe is 27 billion years old.

    Crisis in cosmology? Or just tweaking models?

    I have read several articles like this one.

    They all seem to be saying that there is a "crisis in cosmology", where different measurements can't reconcile what the value of the hubble constant is.

    Then I watched this video last night that seems to be saying it's all just tweaking different models.

    I'm not entirely sure if they're talking about two slightly different things. (Hubble's constant, and the predicted age of the universe.) Or if the "crisis" is really just a misunderstanding, or just clickbait tactics. Any informed opinions on the subject?

    A newly-discovered volcano on Mars Mars Unmasked: Giant Volcano and Hidden Ice Challenge Old Theories

    A deeply eroded giant volcano, active from ancient through recent times and with possible remnants of glacier ice near its base, had been hiding near Mars’ equator in plain sight. Its discovery points to an exciting new place to search for life, and a potential destination for future robotic and hum

    Mars Unmasked: Giant Volcano and Hidden Ice Challenge Old Theories
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