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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • dumb enough to think that a fresh face also means a fresh start instead of just more of the same late capitalist rot


    Do they have anyone who is liked by donors and who is at least not reprehensible to voters?

    multiple governors that are not personally doing genocide but refuse to condemn the president or party?

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • The Constitution’s Eighth Amendment serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people and in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy

    just perfect double speak chefs-kiss

    Rather than criminalize mere status, Grants Pass forbids actions like “occupy[ing] a campsite” on public property “for the purpose of maintaining a temporary place to live.” Grants Pass Municipal Code Under the city’s laws, it makes no difference whether the charged defendant is homeless, a backpacker on vacation passing through town, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protes on the lawn of a municipal building.

    just literally and unironically that_Anatole_France_quote.jpg

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • Biden did call him out, repeatedly but the format would've been fucked for that with a competent person in his seat. 2 minutes of nonstop gish gallopping bullshit cannot be refuted in a 1 minute response. the moderators never tried to force trump to stay on topic, or to actually answer the questions. they did this because they want him to come back so they can get money on the next debate, it's also why there was no public audience

    we should be able to step back from the horserace and say "it's bad to let a man spout genocidal lies on TV for an hour" and journalists should have a responsibility to challenge that, regardless of how 'partisan' that would be in the context of the competition. CNN does not have journalists, of course, just craven little eichmanns and goebbels

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Condom use in the past year among sexually active 16–24 year old men increased from 61.0% in 1990 to 82.1% in 2000

    the earliest data i can find is from the late 80s, with expectedly slightly lower 52%. then we're into the reeds. there's claims condom use was down from some high point before the pill was introduced but i cannot verify this. but idk there's just a very strong pattern with more recent generations tending to increase use, and a reverse of this trend has not yet borne out.

    conservative politicians are always hard at work getting that number down though, i think 2020+ might present interesting data but i don't think anyone has that published yet

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • according to the cdc the youngest demographic remains the best about that. and to whatever extent "Well she is (or I am) on hormonal birth control" exists, it's significantly different from how men used to make up lies to avoid using them

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • it's just labor dynamics. why soldiers don't mutiny is the same as why a workforce won't go on strike: material interest, manipulation, and discipline.

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • its about to happennnn dog-screm

    im reading about medieval afghanistan

  • Rare China L.
  • is China a country where courts can actually do that? all the charts seem to place them as using civil law so it seems a bit anglo to assume a court decision would impact more than the immediate case

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • going behind congress, outside the law to give child murderers child murder tools: just normal statescraft, he doesn't want to do it!

    having his "keystone" legislation blocked by single members of his party or literally unelected rulebook-scolds: he tried his very best, these are the most important issues to him

  • The white libs are at it again
  • that's just convenient for films, not a documentary detail of yankee lifestyle. im sure somebody does it tho

  • What's going on with the "Chinese Police Stations" in Canada thing?
  • that was basically it as far as i'd heard. canadian gov't has lacklustre language accessibility so chinese citizens need more help navigating it

  • USA Demsocs: "Bernie could have been like my wholesome white nationalist!!"
  • i think it's relatively accurate and illustrative to put FDR/LBJ/Truman into a socdem box--they point out, with Typical American Extravagance the inherent contradictions of this political programme. the rightful disdain these names elicit is what people should feel for "social democracy" writ-large.

    putting Teddy Roosevelt, a naked imperialist & Bernie, an unaccomplished collaborateur on the ends really completes the picture chefs-kiss

    e: im sorta dumb i copied their demsoc framing when its obv about social democracy, not democratic socialism.

  • I don't get this attitude some people have, where they think they can dictate the precise direction any discussion under a post they make
  • i am actually the dictator general on all posts i participate in, not simply when i am OP.

    this post is now dedicated to the brave mujahideen of afghanistan 07

  • Short selling spice derivatives based on future forcast retirement community being built in order to afford the $5/bottle surge after the petrochemical train devalued its load into the aqueducts.
  • this is just a basic contradiction of capital, obviously its true in the long term but capitalists will always pursue the road of maximum profit to the ends of a common ruin of the classes. they're going to do surge pricing and all manner of new horrors if not restrained by a state or overthrown

  • Short selling spice derivatives based on future forcast retirement community being built in order to afford the $5/bottle surge after the petrochemical train devalued its load into the aqueducts.
  • pricing can be completely automated

    when that's working there's no reason they couldn't do surge pricing. an infrastructure existing with only the prospect of modifying their pricing algorithms & updating it more frequently to enchance profitability.

    you can't squeeze blood from a fucking stone

    you can bleed an awful lot from monopolized essential goods

  • Lets gooo, Balkanized Italy!!- "Italy's parliament approves new law giving regions more powers"
  • the byz royal family were running Montferrat at the time there is no escape

  • Lets gooo, Balkanized Italy!!- "Italy's parliament approves new law giving regions more powers"
  • Giudicato Sardenga "what if we had an italy literally named guido?"

  • Helpful life tip
  • oh no i'm not falling for that one again, if you want me to change into a cute maid outfit before sitting on the couch you're going to have to ask nicely soviet-huff

  • Looking for basic resources on islamic jurisprudence

    videos, short books, etc. im looking for it as supplementary resources for other reading im doing, i don't need intricate histories of scholars just what the schools are, why they're different, how that manifested in politics

    Nationalism in Yugoslavia, what was going on there?

    hoping for some basic, short answers from the socialist perspective before i have to look at big books like literally called "The National Question in Yugoslavia"

    for context i understand basically nothing about post-ottoman developments in the balkans, so feel free to start with what the fuck a 'Yugoslavia' was supposed to be before socialism too.

    !stalin-heart thanks in advance you wise Hexbeariens

    Hitler Particle Concentration nearing 10^6 ppm

    look at my recommends dawg why do i even bother going onto that site

    Class Character of the US officer corps

    specifically right now/recently. what are the recruitment paths, who do they draw? has it changed much? how different is the officers' disposition from the enlisted?

    im reading about the Grande Armeé rn so naturally im curious about existing systems



    BECOME Mehmet, CONQUER Konstantinoupolis. MORE factions. MORE HISTORICAL SCRIPTS. a historical experience unparalleled in the M2TW modscene

    they also have a 14th century release, it's very good and fun too

    How the Fuck does the Empire of Tamriel (Elder Scrolls series) work

    you got fucking kings, Torygg, Helseth, living gods of the Tribunal.... under an "Emperor"? who puts some garrisons around but does.... what exactly?

    theres an "East Empire Trading Company"? whats that do?

    it kinda seems like a holy roman empire, kinda seems like a regular roman empire. they've got knights, dukes, but a Legion...

    yes i know the answer is technically "these jackoffs just made it up as they went" and don't care a lick about political theory but this is exactly the kind of excercise that makes fun speculative historiography

    Dolores Dolores [love/loves]

    !amerikkka 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 ✋ 秦始皇

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