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With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?
  • I've talked for years with friends of mine about MLB+Steroids+Aluminum Bats. I want to see someone hit two 700ft homers in a night.

  • Protect your PC
  • That's a term I haven't heard in a very, very long time. I keep one in a drawer with my Sound Blaster PCMCIA card.

  • And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • Portuguese, to me, sounds like this: msh msh oowow msh msh. I love it.

  • And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • I don't speak Spanish, but do Spanish authors pull the same shit English ones do, where they give characters absolutely nonsense names with ambiguous pronunciations? Is it even possible? I will read a name of a character or place and spend the next 20 chapters reading the word twice or three times in different ways.

  • And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • I pronounced epitome epi-tome for the longest time. Now as I read, I pop onto Google when I encounter something I'm unfamiliar with. And I'm 36, my job has me fairly familiar with the English language, but I swear some writers discover a word and they're like "can't wait to use this two or three times in the next couple chapters."

    It's that and character/place names, but character names are dangerous lookups, spoiled a plot in WoT looking up how to pronounce Moraine. And the worst part is her name's pretty obvious, but I fucking looked it up anyway. I thought Hermione was obvious as a kid, but that's probably because I transposed the I and O, now that I think about it.

  • And here I am just wanting to spray paint "bitch" on my sub's car :'(
  • I've noticed, on ones I've seen in person and online, the paint job makes a huge, huge difference. Black ones look pretty good. Someone has a dark red one by me that's just less bad.

  • The end of an era?
  • Pretty brave to admit that.

  • Leaky bags
  • My bag of flour is in a Ziploc bag as we speak. As was the previous bag. The choice between environmentalism and a pantry without flour everywhere is unfortunately an easy one to make for me.

  • A flawless strategy
  • It's funny, two things that made it infinitely easier to pick up women were my wedding ring and my kids. Of course it's probably the complete lack of pressure, knowing I'm not actually picking up anyone. Always been a confidence issue.

  • A flawless strategy
  • Aerospace engineer, 16-40$ per hour. I hope the benefits include an actual salary.

  • A flawless strategy
  • Just another strategy, she clearly wants to date a Nazi, grammar or otherwise.

  • I have seen puff pieces but this is another level of PR.
  • And here we are talking about it.

  • I have seen puff pieces but this is another level of PR.
  • Have you considered being born massively wealthy?

  • I have seen puff pieces but this is another level of PR.
  • Not just in sport, but in life. With a bit of talent and a bunch of money, you can do whatever you want!!!

  • I wish I knew another language
  • I speak French until they have enough of me butchering their language with my Jersey (New) accent. Bon Joor, je voo le pan. They beg me to stop and I keep going. Jaim vo d-nay. Mare C bo coo. They thank me for leaving.

  • Things the guys who stole my phone have texted me to try to get me to unlock it - Gothamist
  • We have a black coffee table and sometimes it's just on the coffee table and I'm like "Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with you.". In fairness to me, it's summer, I keep the shades drawn, keeps the temps down.

  • sphincter? i never even met her
  • Hey, I'm not even 37.

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • My six year old daughter is getting the hanging of the spelling and whatnot, but earlier on in her Kindergarten year, words like "driver," to her, started with a J. I had never thought about it, but it absolutely (at least in our NJ dialect) has a J sound, because, as you say, we all talk fucked up (paraphrasing).

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • I feel like it's the glottal T. I know for me, personally, my tongue doesn't touch my teeth, but there is still a T sound. I am not British, though I am from Jersey (New).

  • Can't be thanked enough
  • It's probably bad parenting, but I tell my daughter that people who litter are bad people. I can probably put it better, but she's young, simple is good, and so litterers=bad people. I honestly think that to essentially be true, because if you litter, you've essentially internally rationalized your entitlement to make your shit someone else's problem. Right there with people who don't put their carts back.

    That being said, I do also say to her that sometimes the wind will carry trash from a receptacle, and that sometimes folks have difficulty ambulating, and so there are exceptions.

  • My experience so far on Lemmy.

    A technical disaster, but sure, I'll keep coming back. Can't wait to reminisce about the days when it was a technical disaster, though.

    Also, posted from my PC, because doing anything on Jerboa has proven impossible.

    New Jersey Dozzi92
    Sparta couple charged with stealing COVID-19 money.

    Love to see it, and I want to see more of it. Anyone who did this absolutely deserves what they have coming to them.

    Dozzi92 Dozzi92
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