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Someone give me some context on Gavin Newsom
  • Newsom could easily win just by pointing out that there’s no such thing as an unhappy Californian homeowner, so vote for him and every homeowner will be rich.

  • G@mer moment.
  • These idiots think they’re genetically superior to you.

  • It has never been more joever
  • Great Supreme Court nominee.

    Trump got three that are actively and openly biased in twisting laws to give the voters what they voted for. One of which was literally GIVEN to Trump by Obama because democrats are weaklings and didn’t just nominate a liberal when the GOP were throwing their tantrum, and RBG was too stubborn to retire because she risked it all in hopes she’d be replaced by Hilary and give CHUDs a middle finger by being replaced by a woman…that they’d probably get over in like 15 minutes. I’m tired of hearing about the courts.

    Once again, liberals are people who think good intentions are good enough.

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • It always puts a smile on my face when I see Amerikans cry pig tears whenever a billionaire in China or Vietnam gets jailed for corruption.

    porky-scared-flipped: “Corruption is punishable!?!? Why do those poor browns hate FREEDOM so much!?!?”

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • Politicians: “homelessness? Just genocide them all, lol!”

    Also politicians: “we need to do everything in our power to raise property values! Muh invoosent must go to the moooooon!”

    They know what they’re doing. They just want as many poor people dead as possible, they unironically want to live in a world with only billionaires.

  • Woman has epic meltdown when she discovers drag queens in her hotel lobby. surprise surprise she is a conservative activist with moms for liberty
  • I hope someone does their psychology PhD dissertation on 4chan and the brainrot its spawned in younger generations, chan culture has undoubtedly preserved boomerism by repackaging it as something hip.

    4chan is the OG brainrot, change my mind.

  • Woman has epic meltdown when she discovers drag queens in her hotel lobby. surprise surprise she is a conservative activist with moms for liberty
  • Yet 99% of the population is going to look at her and think "wow, what a fucking badass!" with a straight face.

    Can we please bring back tumblr SJWs? It felt nice seeing someone say "no, YOU'RE INFERIOR" to them and watching people freak out.

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • It's rich that they have been spouting that "young'uns are lazy and will never be as cool as us boomers!" for almost 12 years and won't see the irony. It's the same tired mental masturbation I've seen all my life.

    Maybe they will get real answers if they actually let gen Z and millennials speak rather than have another baby boomer speak on our behalf.

  • Why would you talk down like this to people you want to vote for you, this is just jacking yourself off! (rant below)
  • Ok, and if consumer goods was a reason why the election will go to Trump, why have you done NOTHING about it for four years?

    It's damn obvious that a good amount of this hyperinflation is porky throwing a four year long tantrum to try to get people to vote republican, so just jail them for election interference or something, or use this precedent to aid in unionization. After all, these are porkies working together for their class interests, anti-union laws therefore make no sense if unionized capital is ok but not unionized labor.

  • [copium news] Fucking math.
  • Fr, why should I even vote this election when what the dems are going to do is simple: they’re going to take a dive and let the GOP win?

    Hell, Biden might as well just be Raegan.

  • The mythologizing of Killdozer continues
  • So the internet is valorizing a guy who threw a hissy fit over someone else doing what he pleases with property the killdozer guy does not own?

    And all that destruction is heroic because “ItS fUnNy!1!1!1!1!”

    Once again, the west fetishizes its respect for property rights until someone they don’t like leverages them…or if they think it’s funny enough to disrespect them at any given moment.

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • I swear, white people made that shit up just so they can mental masturbate about the idea of other humans viewing them as literal gods.

    I have never met a single person from anywhere in Asia do that while in college, and the university I went to is pretty popular for international students.

  • Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors
  • I'll give them this: anti-meritocracy and corruption is very much in line with Amerikkkan culture. EVERYTHING in this stupid country is a goddamn good 'ol boys club.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Even if those liberal politicians had the best of intentions, what do they have to say for the fact they have done NOTHING to resist the white ruling class’ SIX DECADE LONG TEMPER TANTRUM over the civil rights act? Hell, Biden did nothing about the oil cartels raising prices together as one likely as protest over a non-republican in office.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Fascists will openly embrace being evil, but liberals love to do all sorts of mental gymnastics to tell leftists “nuh-uh, YOU’RE THE REAL PORKY! I’m the only viable protector of the masses!”

    Liberals think intentions are everything.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • I wish these men would take a look in the mirror and realize that all the “traditional values” they tout are just them acting like what they don’t like about women, they feel like the other party has to bring everything to the table and not them because they’re the “good” gender, and that is good enough.

    To make matters worse, any woman can tell these Mfs aren’t looking for a spouse, they’re looking for an employee.

  • The white libs are at it again
  • “Lol” said the westerner. “Lmao”.

  • Neoliberals will look at shit like this and still say westphalian sovereignty is real and sacred and borders must be respected.
  • Would make for a fun joke to celebrate Juneteenth with Canadians but insist it only be celebrated in the Amerikkkan backyard.

  • When did the whole “generation struggle” start?

    I know a huge thing that you see online is talks about different generations, and it almost seems as if to me that for some folks, “generational conflict” has replaced class conflict. Furthermore, I worry that the American dream was supposed to die so everyday baby boomers could buy houses and see their property values go up hundredfold and invite otherwise working class folk into an “honorary bourgeoisie” system. But ultimately this is still a class struggle rather than a generation struggle. Like I’m gen Z and I do not see baby boomers as my oppressor, there’s plenty of millennial landlords ready to rip me off because LinkedIn told him to liquidate his assets’ or whatever idk I don’t speak Porkuguese.

    I’m no exception, I’ve made my guesses on why any given generation is the way it is, but I can’t help but wonder when did this focus on generation over class all start? Did baby boomers grow up identifying as baby boomers, and when they were in their 20s-40s was there this idea that millennials were going to be their designated bagholders? If so, did baby boomers always have a consistent culture and identity?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, it’s just that the generational struggle seems really flimsy upon further scrutiny.

    Kind of old news, but if you need some good news here you go: Children have universal healthcare in New Jersey NJ implementing universal health care coverage for children, including unauthorized - Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy

    A bill signed into law earlier this summer by Gov. Phil Murphy creates a system of universal health care coverage for tens of thousands of New Jersey children, including unauthorized citizens. Now, the state and partner entities are working to get the word out, so that families who consider coverage...

    NJ implementing universal health care coverage for children, including unauthorized - Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy
    Literally the plot of a Spongebob episode

    LMAO. CHUD gets what he wants and then gets bored from lack of brown people to lord over.

    Whether fascists want to admit it or not, they need minorities but minorities don't need them. Ergo, making minorities superior to white supremacists.
