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What's your favorite underrated band?
  • Halocene. They got noticed for their covers of a variety of songs but they've also got their own music as well. Here's a couple of my favourites.

    Hold Me Help Me


    Devil Inside Me

    They're currently touring as well through Europe and back around the US later this year.

  • 2024 Canadian Grand Prix - [POST RACE] discussion thread 🏁
  • Just finished watching a replay cause I wasn't staying up for a 4am race start, but that was easily the best race of the season. There was actual racing, good overtaking, different strategies in play, and you genuinely weren't sure who would win for a good portion of the race.

    More races like that please.

  • Dystopian ass bullshit
  • Even if this worked as promised, if someone just murdered your child for example, and they got given a 1000 year sentence that was over in an afternoon from your perspective, would you feel that justice had been done?

    You can argue that yes, of course it has, they've lived a millennium being punished for their crime, but I feel the vast majority of people would feel short changed by the process.

    Whether that in itself is right or wrong is a completely separate discussion. But you'd have to have it if this tech actually existed and was used as they're suggesting.

  • [Request] Don't filter blocked community post when directly accessing the community
  • As a temporary measure could you set up a second account with different communities blocked? So browse on your main with everything as you have it but if you want to dive into the politics communities, switch to your alt account?

  • Is Firefox still good ?
  • Isn't Safari WebKit which is different again? Or is that a chromium base as well? (I realise you can't exactly choose Safari unless you have Apple stuff, but I thought it was its own thing).

  • What is YOUR top 10 list of all time best video games?
  • Oh, sorry, please don't read it that way! It's a game I very much enjoyed when I played it, and I do still today watch speed runners race it occasionally. The bug didn't impact my enjoyment of it in the longer term, it's just a fun fact I remember about it from when I did play it all those years ago that I thought I'd share.

  • Removed
    [MacRumors] Apple Says Future iPads Could Feature Landscape Apple Logo
  • Honestly I'm surprised they aren't adding something that would allow it to rotate with the iPad. A second screen, maybe an e-Ink display, just to display the Apple logo, and the iPad can just send it a signal to spin it with the iPad screen. Make it a colour e-Ink screen and make it match your wallpaper.

    Doesn't really add any value but can be the beginning of iPads entering the RGB era.

    Rhetoric aside, I can see why they'd do this. If you're buying a 13in iPad, statistically you're probably going to be using it in landscape, so it makes sense for the logo to be orientated that way as well.

    But on the other hand, is that going to be a deciding factor in a purchasing decision? I highly doubt it. You're not going to be looking at the back of the device when you use it. Plus if you use the Magic Keyboard with it, you don't even see the logo anyway.

  • What is YOUR top 10 list of all time best video games?
  • Chrono Trigger have played and loved as well, but it's not one I've gone back to and replayed, which was one of my key criteria in this list, longevity (for me - I realise Chrono Trigger does have it between the multiple endings and New Game+ mode).

    I have a very distinct memory of first playing it via emulator on ZSNES, and running into a bug in a section in the future that required you to hold L and R and activate some controls to open a door. For whatever reason the emulator wasn't handling that properly and I got stuck. Eventually went back to it on Snes9x and was able to progress, but that stuck out.

    Haven't heard of Song of Saya though, thanks for the recommendation!

  • What is YOUR top 10 list of all time best video games?
  • Hmm, tough choices. In no particular order.

    The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past This game was great when it was released and it's great now, and thanks to the randomiser community it's now infinitely replayable as well.

    Super Metroid A series that literally helped define a genre, Super Metroid was everything that I suspect they wanted Metroid and Return of Samus to be but the hardware couldn't keep up. The world is built for speed running as well with so many shortcuts that experienced players can utilise, and again, with the randomiser community making it infinitely replayable (not only on its own, but with a crossover with ALTTP!), this game easily makes it onto my list.

    Final Fantasy VII My original introduction to JRPGs and a game whose story and mechanics still hold up today even if the graphics don't as much. Obviously a lot of people feel the same way thanks to the Remakes, which while slightly out there have had so much nostalgia to play through them.

    Final Fantasy XI The original Final Fantasy MMORPG and my introduction to MMORPGs generally, I put about 10 years into this game and still to this today occasionally reinstall it and see where I was last up to.

    Final Fantasy XIV I tried several times to start FFXIV, but never got past the first few dungeons until COVID lockdowns hit, and since then am fully on board. The story, while a slow burn, is so good, and being a live service game means there's always new content coming or changes to learn. But really, the story in FFXIV is easily good enough to qualify as a mainline FF title, and any FF players who haven't tried it yet, should.

    Doki Doki Literature Club You have to play this blind. Don't watch a let's play, and avoid any spoilers if you can. It's worth it. But when it's all done, if you're playing on PC, people have written entirely new mods and story for it, and the good ones really know how to make you connect with the characters.

    Persona 5 Royal I discovered the Persona series with Golden, and was super excited to play Persona 5 when it released, but Royal is the definitive version that you'll want to play. The story is great, the gameplay is lots of fun, and the combination of JRPG and slice of life makes you feel a lot more connected to the loveable cast.

    Factorio Just perfectly tickles that itch for resource management. The factory must grow.

    Metal Gear Solid 2 A main memory I have of this game is the first time playing it where I bought out a whole box of those chocolates they sell for fundraising - was supposed to sell them to other people but they were great for late night snacking while I played. The stealth, the tension, the weird everything towards the end, it was a trip from start to finish.

    Duke Nukem 3D Duke wasn't my first foray into FPS games (Wolfenstein 3D manages that title). But it holds a special place in my heart as it was the first game I ever played online multiplayer on. But I did it before the internet, so literally had a modem to modem connection running over an IPX network. Realistically, there's been plenty of better FPS games since, both modern and classic, but the irreverent humour, plus the fact I was a teen who probably wasn't supposed to be playing a game with strippers and highly pixilated tits in it, just edges it into my top 10.

  • Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • So if they were basically regurgitating Reddit already, does that mean they were using AI before it was cool? They might have just used the Amazon approach to AI (I.e., why use technology when we can throw a bunch of minimum workers at the problem).

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