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  • Anger can be acceptable if you consider that statement isn't just about you. If someone rejects me because I'm not their type, that's ok, but if you go around saying other singles are bad too, rather than admitting your standards are just high (which is fine), that's rude, especially if you're not one of the "good ones". My sister uses that phrase and it does mildly anger me, because from living with her I know she's immature (among other problems) and, to a lot of men, and especially the "good ones", I'd assume she is seen as a bad partner herself.

    That being said, I do agree that the comic here is kind of forced, I only heard this being said while gossiping, and never as a form of rejection of a specific person.

  • How did you meet the love of your life?
  • And yet some people would call that a Red flag...

  • sleep paralysis
  • My sleep paralysis demon was a black cat, and it stepped on my balls, causing astonishingly realistic pain

  • They're often much older if I'm emulating
  • The developers who made Big Rigs probably wouldn't have the budget to make an AAA game nowadays. A better comparison would be indie games, and there's more of them (or it feels like it) due to easier development & distribution. (Which does involve shovelware). Even excluding Indies, AA games without subscription models are plentiful too.

    Edit: (AAA games are a better example of being worse, I haven't played them but comparing Assasin's Creed or Metal Gear back in the day to now is better to show the bad practices. Thankfully, like I said, there's just a ton more games and you don't need to play the crappy ones)

  • Let's discuss the 3ds family?
  • Had it for a few years now, still playing it, on the bus and such. Including DS games, and maybe even some of GBA library, I'm not even halfway through my backlog for it. The favourites would be all the main Etrian Odyssey games but there's so much other good ones. Radiant Historia is budget but has some cool ideas, Fire Emblem (besides Awakening, I actually disliked it more than Birthright, didn't play Revelation yet), all of the Shin Megami Tensei games... and I'd add Kid Icarus or Mario 3D Land so it's not just JRPGs.

  • Today, another strike was carried out at a Russian training ground.
  • Isz been Polend ud meer isd deeze Shprasze auk egaal.


  • Vintage NCD'ers
  • This is precisely what Soldier from TF2 did, after WW2 ended

  • Anon watches youtube in 2024
  • I actually watch those small accounts (they tend to be short and related to games I know), it feels a bit more comfy when the guy actually reads and replies to my comment.

    I think I also came upon aftermath of some personal quarrel between the account and a commenter, they were talking about how sorry they were and the guy accepted the apology. It was wholesome, and probably as memorable as other videos I waste time on watch.

  • Something's wrong...
  • So what you're saying is, we no longer live in a fair system and it used to be fair(ish), better. That suggests it'd have been easier to live in the 80's.

    What is your point?

    I get your intial point was that life is more convenient now, but you have done nothing to substantiate the claim that we wouldn't manage in the 80's. Only thing that comes to mind is shipping things from abroad via Internet, but that's only really for side hobbies in my experience, I could focus on other, local things instead. Everything else I feel would just be varying degrees of "less efficient" and/or have alternatives.

  • Capitalism really just reinvented sleeping outside SMH
  • "Proper, comfy warm bed"

  • How many days do your wear your socks before changing them?
  • The temperatures are rather consistent here in Poland actually, I only felt it was mildly warmer for a day or so, but besides that I've been wearing the same clothes and feeling fine. Autumn was way worse.

  • How many days do your wear your socks before changing them?
  • On the contrary, if they're not too tight, they are a bit comfy for me. I heard Einstein was even proud of never wearing socks, but I think you people just have different foot vibes, I'm rather neutral about wearing them.

    Even more importantly, it's winter, it's really fucking cold, and a blanket or two just isn't enough, at least not when I get out of bed early the next day. Directly covering extra skin helps.

  • How many days do your wear your socks before changing them?
  • 24 hrs since I put them on for sleep and keep them on for the next day

  • Magic ฯ€
  • Much more round than 17 at least

  • What are your favorite game consoles?
  • 3DS.

    Though I didn't have many - GBA, Wii, 3DS, and now Steam Deck. The Deck is much better in a vacuum, but the 3DS just offers an experience you couldn't get via emulation or ports. Even if it's just the dual screen, it looks better as seperate physical screens than what emulators do on single display devices.

    With the Deck, I just got it as an alternative to buying a new gaming laptop. Years from now, I'll be able to replace my SD with another Steam, or even non-Steam handheld PC, but once I lose my 3DS and functioning second-hand ones run out too, that experience is gone, and even 3rd party emulation machines will probably lack features.

  • Counterspell this
  • I didn't understand the title before the pic loaded so here it is

    Shit llepsretnuoc

  • (TRUTH) New year and reflection time for past 6 months
  • It's my main PC gaming device since my laptop is even struggling with TF2, and occasionally Ultrakill (which I only play there because I want M+K, and I might just start plugging those into my Deck), so it has been more than 95% of my PC playtime since I got it 1,5 years ago.

    Which I'm fine with since I can't bother with a desktop, and gaming laptops are too loud/hot, both from older experience and seeing others.

  • Should I get a PS5?
  • The average earnings in European countries, however, vary significantly. I think I remember checking years ago that here in Poland, games and consoles cost 2-4x of the % of minimal/average income compared to other Germany, though you could also look at spending power. And plenty of countries have it WORSE.

    I know for a fact that when I went on a trip to London, I was kind of disturbed by how expensive food is if you only compare GBP to PLN via the exchange rate.

    Edit: Also, OP could just be a student with a part-time job or something. I'm not saying being American makes you rich or anything, it just means that once you buy all the essentials (food, rent) which should roughly cost "the same" in most countries, you can do more with your remaining money.

    ALSO, PSA: Some companies try to do regional pricing to make things actually affordable, like Netflix subscriptions. People then use VPNs to buy them for a cheaper price (sometimes 10-20x cheaper, if they earn in USD) and the the companies have to go back and sell them at close to a 1:1 currency exchange rate (saw it happen to Dead Cells too, the devs tried but they ended up losing money). If you meet anyone like that, tell them they are assholes.

  • [Discussion] Steam Winter Sale 2023 - What games are you buying?
  • It also plays pretty damn well in single player. I actually enjoyed it more than in the few co-op sessions I had, and 100% including rushing NG+, which I do less often in games now.

  • Should I get a PS5?
  • Are you American or something?

    I think a lot of other countries would consider consoles expensive, as well as games and other imported/regionally priced things.

  • How to go about Devil Survivor endings? [Death spoilers]

    I'm replaying DeSu, doing the other routes one by one, and I've been wondering about how things play out if you let everyone die. Primarily how the Belial fight gets skipped (or so I heard), does the death clock, just, disappear before the fight?

    Anyways, my idea was:

    -quickly pick Yuzu route and 8th day on a "good" playthrough for another route, just to see how it looks when everyone lives, including the "protect Tokyo" sidequest

    -reload save, do whatever other route I was doing

    -as my final route, if I still feel like it, do a "jerkass route" where I let everyone die and do Yuzu ending

    However, I know that you need Gin to do that sidequest. I guess I'll see the details once I do it on a "good" Yuzu route, but, if I want 100% completion on a single save, then I'll need to keep him alive? Or would I also need Haru alive, in case Gin gets sad and won't help? Or, most likely, I guess I'll just say "screw it" and resist the urge to see a 100% number on a save, if I did all I needed to over multiple saves. (Lucifer can't be that bad, right? Right?)

    Also, right now I'm doing Atsuro's, I am way past the choice of letting Haru die, and will need to keep her alive for Amane and Gin's routes. So, Yuzu is the only I could let her die in now.

    Alternatively, if there's a let's play, walkthrough or video that could satisfy my deranged needs to see these characters suffer, that would solve this problem easily. Or if someone tells me if Gin dying actually has any impact on the characters for more than 1 day. If not and it's just like two lines in the evening, I'll keep him alive on the "jerkass" run too.

    Edit: Oh shit, I only now realised there's a message skip option, why didn't I see this? This should make replays faster, I haven't played in a while so this time I'm listening to dialogue tho

    How much of the series are you planning to play, and how is it going?

    I've made it through the whole modern Persona series (besides dancing games) and the whole 3DS library. Also Nocturne and SH2.

    I don't play to play the really obscure games like Majin Tensei or Demikids, but something like SMT1,2 or Devil Summoner (is that one translated?) sounds like something I'd still play. So, I'm barely halfway there, and these games were my main focus for a few years now.

    Dutczar Dutczar
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