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Strands #115 “Looking good”
  • Strands #115
    “Looking good”

    Found the sibling word of the spangram immediately, and got confused when it didn't credit me, took awhile to figure out the actual spangram

  • Relatle #106
  • I got the related word on my first guess, I feel so smart

    Edit: as someone new to the community I just learned the format you post it in, and that these games have share buttons

    I got Relatle #106! 🎉
    In 1 guess 🎯
    Using 0 hints 💡
  • Singlehood is on the rise around the world. New evidence suggests many single people are choosing to remain single and living happy lives.
  • Aromantic asexuals exist, I'd imagine they'd be part of the people who are secure, at least in their not wanting a relationship. I am glad to see more people choosing this. I feel less people feeling like they absolutely must be in a relationship means fewer people are going to marry when it is not right for them, which leads to fewer divorces and fewer broken hearts.

    Personally, I'd like to be in a romantic relationship but if that does not happen for me, then so be it. It would be nice to have but I also know I could be happy and fulfilled without one.

    I took an attachment online test once and came out secure. Not sure if that has anything to do with my decision though lol

  • A list of casual communities on Lemmy (that aren't just tech news or politics)
  • Communities show up as to me when I'm browsing—I am on Kbin. It would be really nice if the two could just agree on this or make the links work with each other, because I know when I view them on a Lemmy website they say !

  • Anyone playing Linxicon? Linxicon

    Link 2 random words together by creating a chain of meaning!

    > > > Your goal is to connect two random words by creating a chain of new words that bridge the gap in their meanings. > >

    I got

    <details class="spoiler"><summary>Game #123</summary>

    narrow -\> width -\> measure -\> statistic -\> fact -\> fiction


    The 5 Knitting Styles (And How to Knit Them) The 5 Knitting Styles (And How to Knit Them)

    Everyone&#39;s knitting style is a little different. Whether it&#39;s tension, your personal knitting gauge, or the way you wrap your yarn around your fingers. But when it comes to which hand you hold your yarn in, the knitting world is pretty divided. There are five basic knitting styles based on ...

    The 5 Knitting Styles (And How to Knit Them)

    Caveat: when the article mentions the "dominant hand" and "non-dominant hand" they really just mean "right hand" and "left hand". These knitting styles do not adjust to your personal handedness. So I guess you can read it as written if you're right-handed, but if you're left-handed this was not written with you in mind.

    A cool guide on Speaking to children and honestly adults
  • I understand most of these but I have no idea what's wrong with "Do you need help?" and why "I'm here to help if you need me" is better. The "What questions do you have?" instead of "Do you have any questions?" feels kind of presumptuous, as if you must have questions, but I get the point that it's trying to encourage kids to ask questions and the kid could always just answer "none".

  • What notes do you find yourself on most often?

    Whether you just refer to them, or you continuously edit them. Asking because it's always fun to hear about other peoples' use cases and experiences with Obsidian. And because I was thinking about some reference notes I made that I do not actually use for one reason or another, but it boils down to something like this: I miscalculated how much pain or time making the reference resource would save me. That note gets 0 visits. Meanwhile, other notes I made get near-daily references, and I feel so glad that I made that note because it makes my life a little easier or better.

    Non-Political Connections Left and Right
  • I feel this just happens organically in some communities. People meet up to play basketball/play golf/knit/whatever, eventually as you talk it might come out one's the opposite party as you.

    However, some people just awkwardly go "oh" and fade the person out of their life/just tolerate their presence, forever locking then out of friend territory. People entering this community will probably not do that because they are actively looking to talk to people with opposing views about something other than politics.

  • Converts from other notetaking software: how, why, and was your conversion complete?

    On the "conversion complete" bit: if you migrated your stuff from, say, Notion, did you move all of it to Obsidian or do you still use Notion for some things?

    I moved from Notion after I made a database of about 40 items and Notion became super slow for me. I manually moved my information over and didn't finish doing that. I don't use Notion anymore, except to transfer things that are still hanging out there. (They are not things I expect to need to reference frequently, hence being able to not use Notion and leave them untransferred. However, I still want to transfer them because I might need to at some point, and want it in one place instead of having to run back to Notion.)

    I used to use Google Docs for my academic notes and have been writing new ones in Obsidian. I transferred a few docs manually, but the rest are, like with Notion, untransferred and still in Google Docs. Since I still do use Docs for anything collaborative, since the workspace is still something I use, it is still convenient for me to just search for my old academic notes in Docs. Would like to eventually transfer to Obsidian. I originally wanted Notion to be my place for everything, and to move all my Docs information to Notion. Now that I've abandoned Notion for Obsidian, my goal to move my Docs information has changed to moving it to Obsidian.

    There are probably plugins to transfer from these places to Obsidian, or at least some script to make .md files out of Notion and Docs things. Part of why I don't do this is because when I transfer, I also like to clean up the information. Investigate things that were written down hastily that I no longer understand, make that stream-of-consciousness more comprehensible, remove information or to-do-later things that are no longer relevant…

    What sources of information (e.g. books with patterns, yarn ranking sites, how-to-guides) do you use for knitting?

    While I am asking about what knitting resources you use I might as well plug this thread asking for knitting resources for beginners.

    I have a Ravelry account I rarely use. I come here from time to time. I still have a few how to knit books I got as a child. And I have a few specific tutorials (none are video-only, they are all image + text tutorials) bookmarked online that I know I'll need to refer back to sometime in the future:


    Finally, I keep the pattern I am working on written out in Obsidian ( says hi), with a little note at the bottom describing the tension I am using and this: "Finished row x, need to start at row x + 1". (If I wrote 'row x' I would have no idea if I just finished it and need to start x + 1, or if I just finished x - 1 and need to start row x. That was a serious issue for me when using just a counter that ticks up. I could just technically write 'Finished row x' but I feel better both writing that and 'need to start row x + 1'.)

    Do you use Excalidraw, Canvas, both or neither?
  • Neither, what I currently do is draw it in some drawing software, export an image file from it, and embed the image in Obsidian. I have been thinking of looking into Excalidraw and Canvas thanks to how much everyone talks about it.

  • Dear Daily Notes Users: What do you put in there?
  • I checked your bio and instantly found the existence of How is Mastodon going for you, anyways? I double checked on my Kbin instance and the Mastodon posts (toots?) you made to just plain don't appear to me unless I am on your profile. I have been considering Mastodon but I was never a Twitter user so I never made the conversion. And how is I like personal knowledge management, and I'm wondering if the Mastodon community for it is more active than the Threadiverse or whatever we call Lemmy and Kbin.

  • Dear Daily Notes Users: What do you put in there?

    Honestly curious, as someone who keeps hearing a lot about "my daily notes" but who personally doesn't use them.

    Also seeing lots of activity on the Obsidian subreddit and figured the Obsidian community on Lemmy could stand to have a post this month too.

    Anti-Corporate Movement
  • Regardless of my own stance on these things, just happy that you intend to have the community talk about ways to change stuff. I'd browse different subreddits and found way more "X sucks, here is my emotional vent about it" than "X sucks, here are some steps I took to make it suck less or affect my life less, even if they were tiny steps to combat a massive complex problem". Was particularly frustrating when I was searching for a solution for a problem that applied to me, even making a post about it, and I got a ton of "I have been there too, you are not alone" but no actual actionable advice. Solidarity and empathizing helps but sometimes you just want practical advice, and given just how many spaces will give you a place to vent, it would be nice to have a place free of it that sticks more to how to fix it.

    I recognize the irony of me just blathering about my feelings here, talking about how you are doing the opposite of the thing that sometimes upsets me.

  • Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Starlight Express is roaring back and I’m ready to be transported
  • The concept of Starlight Express sounds fun, and makes me interested in it. I am a grown woman with no particular love or hate for trains.

    I wonder how many Starlight Express fans are Thomas the Tank Engine fans, and vice versa. Or how many train fanatics have seen Starlight Express.

  • Watch Reddit Die -
  • For some people, watching something they hate fail is pleasurable, even if they understand it's not a person who will feel shamed by their eyes and instead a corporation that is much more likely than a human to benefit from the negative attention. Getting that schadenfreude rates a little higher for some individuals than what they perceive as contributing just a tiny little bit to it by giving it attention. And sometimes, negative attention isn't always going to benefit a company.

  • Why Paramount Didn’t Market ‘Mean Girls’ as a Musical: ‘People Tend to Treat’ Them ‘Differently’
  • We were conscientious that we weren’t like, “Here are all the lines from the first movie! It’s back again!” We wanted to show there was something fresh.

    The musical itself sure wasn't this conscientious. Not sure about the movie, didn't watch, didn't like the musical enough to bother.

    Yes, I am not happy with the Mean Girls musical, and saw the original film.

  • Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials for DMs Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials - Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials

    Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials - Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials

    Tutorials for using the notetaking/personal knowledge management system software to organize your campaign.

    Name That Song Emotional_Series7814
    Classical piano piece with quicker stuff going on around the sixth octave

    Left hand sounds like this while the right hand does something a lot faster around the sixth octave.

    EDIT: An in real life friend solved this for me. It's Chopin's Étude Op. 25, No. 11.

    Personal Knowledge Management Systems (PKMS) Emotional_Series7814
    Professor’s Discrete Math Notes in PKMS system (Obsidian) START HERE - MTH 225 Vault - Obsidian Publish

    START HERE - MTH 225 Vault - Powered by Obsidian Publish.

    Originally posted to !obsidianmd.

    This is absolutely gorgeous. I take academic notes in Obsidian and am going to take several cues from this professor’s notes.

    I may have also been trying to make a similar thing for math in general, including discrete mathematics. The professor’s turned out prettier than my own. Still going to make my own, taking/making the notes myself will reinforce these topics, but this is definitely a handy reference.

    Professor’s Discrete Math notes on Obsidian START HERE - MTH 225 Fall 2023 - Obsidian Publish

    START HERE - MTH 225 Fall 2023 - Powered by Obsidian Publish.

    Also posted to !pkms.

    This is absolutely gorgeous. I take academic notes in Obsidian and am going to take several cues from this professor’s notes.

    I may have also been trying to make a similar thing for math in general, including discrete mathematics. The professor’s turned out prettier than my own. Still going to make my own, taking/making the notes myself will reinforce these topics, but this is definitely a handy reference.

    Personal Knowledge Management Systems (PKMS) Emotional_Series7814
    What software and organization systems are you using for your PKMS?

    I’m not using any particular organization strategy like Zettelkasten or PARA or anything. I am using Obsidian for most things, but my to-dos are in Apple Reminders and there are some scattered pieces of information in Google Docs and Notion that I still have yet to migrate to Obsidian.

    What other things do you usually do while knitting?

    I am still at a point where I have to focus on the knitting, so right now the most I can do while knitting is listening to music that I need to learn, or participating in a conversation that does not take 100% of my brainpower.

    Intro: Digital Garden Tutorial for Obsidian

    Crossposted from !digitalgarden. !communityName@instance links have been having trouble federating from Kbin, so here are some other links to the same place: and @digitalgarden

    Is this more a musical theatre news sub or is it open to all things musical theatre?

    At the moment this seems to be more articles about the world of professional theatre, and I was wondering if content more focused towards shows in general or even peoples’ individual experiences with shows is welcome here. Also trying to think of things I can post here to help out with engagement, but not doing too well with that.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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    Comments 53