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The insidious rise of "tradwives": A right-wing fantasy is rotting young men's minds
  • Plenty of people start law school, medical school, nurse training etc after 40

  • What’s your relationship with your sibling(s) like?
  • Nearly my entire family went full-tilt Trump and it blew me away. He was everything I had always been taught not to be and here was my family, that I loved, all head-over-heels for this conman.

    I withdrew from the family and stopped talking anything politics with them for years. It's only been the last year or so that everyone in my family has woken up to what a pathetic girfter Trump is. Everyone except my brother who I don't talk to anymore. I hope some day he grows up and realizes how many vulnerable people he has to hurt to feel like an "alpha".

    I miss him. He used to be a genuinely sweet person.

  • EVE Online | Havoc – Feature Tour
  • Looks great! I am a pretty new player but I'm interested in how the FPS stuff is going to work. Guess I should log on and find out.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • How dare you? Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is a classic! 🍅

  • One Button Sound Recorder made from spare parts
  • Really great project, well thought-out and seemingly implemented. Super impressed, I love how much attention was put on it being sturdy and reliable. I wish more of my tech was designed like this lol

  • US Vetoes Resolution Calling for ‘Humanitarian Pause’
  • The UN is not useless. The whole point is to facilitate conversation between governments. They were never intended to have authoritative power.

  • creator trolly
  • Evil is a dumb term. The word they are looking for is "responsible".

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • I got super into Rimworld this last month and had a blast. I am also closing out my first playthrough of BG3, doing it with a friend so it's taking a bit longer. Picked up the new Cyberpunk DLC but haven't really had a chance to dig into it yet.

  • China says Israel has gone too far
  • Your reply is literally a statement with no question lol

    Sorry, that was too funny not to hit on. I'm out, enjoy your day, man.

  • China says Israel has gone too far
  • I'm done, you're not arguing in good faith. Have a nice day, touch grass.

  • China says Israel has gone too far
  • How am I moving goal posts? I posted info and asked a question. I'm not sure you are arguing in good faith.

  • China says Israel has gone too far
  • So no refuting the info I posted just moving the goal posts?

  • China says Israel has gone too far
  • The UN visited and said china's actions were crimes against humanity but pulled back from using the word genocide out of caution. That is not the same as saying they "they don't believe there is killing happening".

    wikipedia/Uyghur Genocide

    Also the only reason China hasn't had a deeper probe into the situation is it keeps getting downvoted at the UN Human Rights Council, guess who is voting against it? Qatar, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan citing the risk of "alienating China".


  • finally finished mounting the porsche
  • That looks great

  • An American mom, 67, spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights. Then, Hamas came for her.
  • Nowhere did anyone say that is enough to condemn people to death. My question was in good faith and you respond with an ad absurdum reply. This thread started with Hamas is not Palestinians, which someone responded Palestinians voted for Hamas, you said it was a long time ago, and I asked who would they vote for today... and bam you call me a genocide supporter. I don't think you are conversing in good faith.

  • An American mom, 67, spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights. Then, Hamas came for her.
  • I totally get this but let me ask honestly, if Palestinian's had an election last year wouldn't they have overwhelmingly voted Hamas still? I know this is more complex, I know Hamas murders dissident's and uses heavy propaganda in the schools. When a kid is growing up chanting death to Israel they are going to vote Hamas when they get older, I would imagine. I absolutely am not blaming innocent people and my heart goes out to all the civilians in this horror show. My question is just to learn.

  • An American mom, 67, spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights. Then, Hamas came for her.
  • Exactly, like when people write off victims of a tornado because they would never "be dumb enough" to live in Tornado Alley. There's a lot of reasons people end up there that have little to do with the weather. I doubt that everyone living that close to the border was doing it to flaunt their lifestyles in Palestinian faces. I have read about how aggressive some of the settlers have been but that doesn't sound like these people in the article.

  • EnlightenMe EnlightenMe

    I apologize if you are doom reading this because I said something that came off as ignorant or offensive to you. I admit my own biases but I am honestly here to learn. I am a bit of skeptic but I am an open ear ready to be shown a better way. Let's be friends!

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