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I don't know if it's a server problem but all my mastodon feed is this over and over again
  • we need to protect democracy

    ukranian flag emoji in handle

    How's Zelensky's term as president coming along again?

  • NSFW
    U.S. soldier in Japan charged with sexually assaulting teenage girl in Okinawa
  • the only reason this is news is because someone actually got charged with it

  • In order to save democracy you must vote for Biden which will probably result in Kamala Harris becoming president. A person nobody voted for.
  • like that one Ukranian nazi from several years ago who just fell over and died mid sentence

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • the chicken is also covered in shit and stuffed with broken glass, but the liberals keep insisting that it's the better choice because there's still some chicken in there. somewhere

  • Removed
    How would you react if vaush started dancing up to you on a public street?
  • Haruka: I think we're going to have to kill this guy, Uncle Kaz

    Kiryu: Damn


  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • drinking less, losing weight, buying girl clothes, finally feeling the physicsl effects of HRT, and loving not having to live in my parent's basement. things are finally looking up in life

  • Massive rally against US imperialism held in Pyongyang
  • "umh, paid protestors, much. did you know if they didn't attend their entire family would be thrown into turbo mega gulag???" source: my ass



  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • pffft. idk shit about metas. i enjoy building clueless jank instead

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • yo where my pauper players at, i crave commons

  • Biden administration moving towards allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • In the wise words of Joe Biden: "Joe Biden is a rabid dog, he should be beaten to death with a stick"

  • Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records show
  • i don't know what that thought didn't cross my brain

  • NSFW
    [CW: SA] There is no bottom, it's just and endless pit of savagery.
  • 07 Thank you for your posting, Nakoichi

  • Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records show
  • You should order that one Cards Against Humanity "expansion" that's actually just a box full of cow shit

  • calling out from work tips for someone bad at lying

    how tf do i call out of work. i never do this shit and i'm always terrified of doing it. i hate my job and would much rather do the thing with my friends tomorrow but i'm a terrible liar and have a deep seated need to be seen as doing good, even by my fucking b*ss. does anyone have any tips for how to do it?

    Biggs says: Ursus Hexagonum Adventuring Guild Wants YOU!

    We're a small TTRPG group on Discord that's been active for a little under 2 years and for various reasons a number of our members have dropped out. So far we've played mostly stuff for/built ontop of D&D 5e, but we've also played a little bit of Roll For Shoes and Everyone Is John. The plan moving forward was to play some Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e (namely, the central Enemy Within campaign) but this may change based on how prospective players fit with the existing players (including EstraDoll and GarbageShoot)

    We usually meet on Sundays around 6:30-7:00PM EST and end around 10:00, however the weekends of May 26th and June 2nd are kind of up in the air, which seems like a good time to recruit new players.

    CWs are sort of hard to predict, however, when I find/build something that seems like it should be CW'd I will post such in the Discord server.

    Comment or send me a DM to Join up today! Experience Role-Playing with reclusive author Thomas Pynchon as D/GM!

    matt yglesias

    he hasn't said anything particularly dunkworthy recently but he deserves to be here again anyway. fuck 'em

    [Incoherent but genuine rant] Family Guy isn't funny, but the existence of Family Guy is extremely funny

    I don't know how else to phrase this but hear me out

    Is Family Guy funny? 98% of the time, no. There are a couple genuinely funny bits tossed in here and there but the average episode of Family Guy is some weird, uninteresting plot that keeps getting interrupted every 2 minutes with some cutaway gag that usually involves some form of bigotry/violence against a minority group or a crude joke no one over the age of 15 finds funny. Sometimes there will be a sort of funny gag about how your local pizza place makes the worst "salad" or that one bit about Pat Tillman which was really funny, but I can't imagine anyone older than the age of 16 saying "yeah, time to turn on the TV and watch Family Guy!"

    Literally who is the target audience for this? This show has been going on for nearly a quarter century now and stopped being good after like three years and yet it still keeps getting renewed. I don't know anyone who watches it. I couldn't even imagine what a Family Guy fan would even look like. Like, if I walked in on someone sitting on the couch at their house and they were unironically tuned into Family Guy, I'd be thinking "holy shit is this guy for real?". But apparently, considering how much air time and ratings this show gets, there are millions of people out there watching what's basically the equivalent of a dollar store joke book written by your racist uncle that nobody wants to invite to thanksgiving. Everyone knows about it, it's not funny, nobody yet also millions watch it? I can make Family Guy references and people get what I'm talking about because we've all fucking seen it and nobody likes it. It's just this white noise TV show that you just use to fill space. It might as well just a blank screen that read [Insert TV program here] because it just feels like filler. You can just put Family Guy in literally anything and it somehow just... fits? It's the TV show that you put on when no one actually wants to watch it. Remember like 6 years ago when "they added Peter Griffin to Fortnite" was a dumb meme? It was a dumb meme, and then they made it real because after it was funny, then it became real and now it's just like. Yep. They got Peter Griffin in Fortnite"

    Family Guy isn't funny, but it's deeply funny in the metasense because of it's omnipresence and renown, clear attempt at humor, yet complete lack of anything approaching substance to say nor any coherent overarching message. Forget the average Family Guy viewer, who writes this shit. I genuinely can't imagine anyone who makes this show actually wants to write more Family guy, they just do it because they're Family Guy writers and that's what pays the bills. Didn't we have a post here like 3 days ago saying that Patrick Warburton and his mom really want to quit the show? It's even more incongruous because there's even a handful of times where they TRY to have some kind of moving message or deeper themes, like the one episode where Brian and Stewie are trapped in the bank vault all night and Brian opens up about his suicidality and alcoholism and there's either very few or no cutaway gags. But of course, it's Family Guy so they can't actually do something interesting or good without fucking it up so of course they write in a joke about how "haha brian has to like stewie's poop off his ass"

    I don't know how to put it into words other than I'm laughing at a clown that isn't funny. It's trying to be funny, it isn't, and THAT'S what's funny. Come to think of it, that's basically what I've always thought about Big Chungus and why I ran that as a pfp/username here for like 3 years. It's the comedic equivalent to "Ceci n'est pas une pipe". "This is not a joke", yet it clearly presents as one

    As a result, all I can do whenever I see Peter Griffin in literally anything is just laugh because it's just not funny. I can make myself cackle by doing a bad Peter Griffin impression saying "Hey Lois" because shitposting about Family Guy is just what the fucking writing staff of that show does

    Post things you genuinely believe that make zero sense and refuse to elaborate on

    (or do choose to elaborate on if you want), I'll start:

    Riichi mahjong is incredibly sexy

    EstraDoll EstraDoll [she/her]

    I used to take pictures of Biggs !biggs, now I'm a girl :3

    pronouns are she/her/!gangster-spongebob

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