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gonna be a long one
  • I currently work as a barista, but I've also previously been a pharmacy assistant in a methadone clinic for recovering opioid addicts.

    Honestly apart from the paperwork and the stakes involved if one messes up, the jobs are pretty similar.

  • A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
  • Beverly Hills - Weezer

    I actually quite like Weezer, but goddamn that song drives me nuts for some reason I can't put my finger on. A close second is Bubbly - Colbie Caillat, in large part because of the line "I get the tingles in a silly place". It's such a deranged way to say you're horny.

  • AeroPress Premium
  • Unless you're buying used (or you really know what you're doing), you'll get way better coffee out of the Aeropress than the espresso machine for that price

    Of course, the point is moot when you could make coffee just as well in a cheap plastic Aeropress.

  • Register to vote, the BC provincial election is in a few weeks
  • I was talking about the NB election in reply to the other commenter's mention of the upcoming elections here. Sorry, I could have made that clearer since the thread is about a separate upcoming election.

  • What music do you use for concentration?
  • My go-to is MF DOOM's Special Herbs, which are compilations of his beats without the rapping.

  • What keeps you going every day?
  • My continued existence pisses off fascists.

    I'm vegan, non-binary (with dyed hair), car-free, a member of a linguistic minority, poor, and many other things that make conservatives think the world would be better off without me. I strive to survive mostly to spite these fuckers.

  • Register to vote, the BC provincial election is in a few weeks
  • I'm very left, so I have historically always voted Green in provincial elections (I'm a big fan of David Coon, at least as far as I can be a "fan" of a politician).

    However, I'm considering voting Liberal for the first time in my life since my riding is tightly contested between the Lib candidate and the incumbent Conservative. I absolutely despise both strategic voting and the provincial Liberal Party, but not nearly as much as I loathe Higgs and his crew.

    I'm non-binary, have many queer & trans friends, including some who do drag. I'm also francophone. NB under a Conservative government is dangerous for my loved ones and I. Especially since we're basically guaranteed a Conservative victory I'm the next federal elections, I have night terrors at the idea of Premier Higgs and PM Poilievre.

  • Thatcher effect
  • Thatcherface will never not make me laugh.

  • Postal worker parent of trans kid refused to deliver hateful flyers. She's being punished.
  • Personally, I think refraining from distributing genocidal propaganda is pretty functionally dissimilar to being a bigot.

    I don't want to come off as abrasive and I don't want to assume any ill-intent on your part, but it's fucking frustrating hearing takes like this as a trans person. Equating the refusal to participate in a hateful disinformation campaign to refusing to marry a gay couple is deifying the liberal concepts of law & order at the expense of human decency. It is not hypocrisy to support anti-fascist actions whilst denouncing fascist actions, even if they express those actions in a similar fashion. For example, I largely support Just Stop Oil's disruptive protests, whereas I would be disgusted if fascists defaced artworks by spray-painting swastikas all over. Is that hypocritical?

    Again, sorry if I come on strongly in this comment, my frustrations are definitely from society at large rather than your comment, but having your right to exist being framed as a "political belief" is frankly exhausting.

  • What fruit is tasty on a pizza?
  • Jackfruit! You can use it to make a mean vegan pulled "pork", it'd be great on a BBQ pizza.

  • They Might Be Giants are on tour. Anyone going to the London one?
  • Ooo I can only imagine TMBG live would be such a fun time, I'm jealous!

  • 'I’m the proudest bisexual you’ve ever met, so why do I still doubt that I’m queer enough?'
  • It's extra fun when you're bisexual and non-binary!

    Most expressions of attraction towards me are from "straight" drunk guys telling me I'm cute "for a guy" 😅

  • What is your favourite breakfast food?
  • I've tried both ways and didn't really note any differences. If anything, unpressed might've had a slightly better texture.

    I find for crumbled or smaller pieces of tofu, pressing doesn't do much. It's really more for when you have bigger chunks and want to marinate it, in my experience.

  • What is your favourite breakfast food?
  • For a savory breakfast, my go-to is tofu scramble. I keep my spices premixed in a mason jar so it's really easy. Oil in a pan, crumble up the tofu, add spices and a can of black beans. If I'm feeling fancy or have veggies I want to use up, I'll fry those up a bit before adding the tofu.

    For dessert-breakfast, (vegan) waffles with maple syrup and fresh strawberries is my Saturday morning staple.

    If anyone's curious, here's the spice mix I use for my tofu scramble (quantities listed are good for around 6-8 blocks of tofu):

    4 Tbsp nutritional yeast
    2 tsp chili powder
    2 tsp ground cumin
    2 tsp black salt (also called kala namak)
    1.5 tsp turmeric (for colour)
    1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • The Biggest Countries in the World in 2100.
  • The romance language definition begs the question, are French-Canadians Latino?

  • Deleted
    "Latte art"
  • Barista here, I do latte art even on the to-go orders for two reasons;

    1. Practice, it's a lot less stressful to practice new techniques or variations on latte art when you know you'll cover it up with a lid, so who cares if it's messed up?

    2. It's fun!

  • Linux rule
  • You never knowingly met a Linux user. Statistically speaking, you probably have.

    The issue is that OS-preference is not very common as a small talk topic. This is why you should name drop your fav distro in every conversation.

  • How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • I work in a café, so I really only pay for my coffee on my days off.

    I average maybe half a pound of beans per month for home brewing, so let's say $20 for a nice bag from a local roaster (in Canada-bucks). Ten or so dollars in V60 filters is enough to last me most of a year, so add a dollar a month. I also like checking out cafés, so add $15/$20 in random café visits, and I'd typically spend anywhere from $20 to $40ish per month.

  • Kids are getting lost boarding the wrong school bus home. Parents want answers
  • Since when are 3 year olds being sent to school?

  • Having difficulty visiting an mTLS-authenticated website from GrapheneOS [SOLVED]
  • Like I said, not an expert haha (thanks for explaining what mTLS is because I had assumed I knew but truly didn't)

    That being said, I found a reddit thread detailing what seems to be the same issue as you, with OP linking a Stack Exchange post with their solution.

  • Air Canada's chatbot gave a B.C. man the wrong information. Now, the airline has to pay for the mistake Air Canada's chatbot gave a B.C. man the wrong information. Now, the airline has to pay for the mistake

    Air Canada has been ordered to compensate a B.C. man because its chatbot gave him inaccurate information.

    Air Canada's chatbot gave a B.C. man the wrong information. Now, the airline has to pay for the mistake

    Jake Moffatt was booking a flight to Toronto and asked the bot about the airline's bereavement rates – reduced fares provided in the event someone needs to travel due to the death of an immediate family member.

    Moffatt said he was told that these fares could be claimed retroactively by completing a refund application within 90 days of the date the ticket was issued, and submitted a screenshot of his conversation with the bot as evidence supporting this claim.

    The airline refused the refund because it said its policy was that bereavement fare could not, in fact, be claimed retroactively.

    Air Canada argued that it could not be held liable for information provided by the bot.

    Federal cap on international students is unfair, N.B. says

    New Brunswick universities are scrambling for information after the federal government announced new caps on international students, set to come into effect for the next school year.

    Article en français (Acadie Nouvelle)

    [Help] Audio devices disappear after reboot (EndeavourOS, Pipewire)

    Hello! I've posted this a few weeks ago on /c/ but I didn't get much of an answer, I hope it's okay to post it here as well.

    I use 3 audio devices on my computer: my monitor's speakers (through HDMI), my headphones (through line-out/built-in audio) and my microphone (line-in/built-in audio). They all work fine, but when I reboot my headphones / line-out don't seem to get recognized at all.

    The only solution I've found thus far is to re-install alsa-utils twice after rebooting. Upon the first reinstall, my line-out / headphones reappear but my line-in mic disappears, only to come back after the second reinstall. Technically my sound works perfectly fine after this, but it feels extremely dumb to reinstall a package twice after every reboot.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance :)

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! Evkob
    My audio device configuration disappears after boot-up

    Hi there! For context, I'm on EndeavourOS using Pipewire.

    So like the title says, my audio configuration works until I reboot my PC and then I need to fix it. I'm using both my CPU's internal audio (to power a microphone and headphones through 3.5mm audio jacks) as well as my GPU (to send audio to my monitor through HDMI). I never use the headphones and monitor speakers concurrently, I switch between them in the device manager as needed.

    When I reboot, only my HDMI audio and microphone appear in my device manager. The only fix I've found so far is to sudo pacman -S alsa-utils, which makes my internal audio reappear but makes my microphone disappear. I then re-reinstall alsa-utils which makes the microphone reappear, giving me access to all three of my devices.

    Anyone have any leads on how to permanently fix this? My system still works, but it feels really silly re-installing alsa-utils twice after every reboot.

    ptitbelliveau Evkob
    P'tit Belliveau Tour Dates just dropped

    L'nouvel album va sortir le 26 avril! J'suis déjà ben hyped pis j'ai mes tickets pour le premier soir à Moncton!

    Does anyone still burn their movies to DVD?

    Okay I'm fully aware of how ridiculous this sounds in 2023, but bare with me.

    I have a wonderful neighbour, Jackie. She's in her mid-sixties, and ever since she moved in we have become very good friends, she's like a second mom to me.

    Jackie loves movies and has an enormous DVD collection. One day, she was talking about how she couldn't find a particular movie, and I said "I can probably download that for you!" Her immediate reply was "Can you put it on a DVD?" I tried telling her the many reasons it would be better to use a myriad of other solutions, but she insists on DVDs.

    I did them for a while using DVDStyler on Windows, and it worked fine. But then I installed EndeavourOS on a new partition on my hard drive, tried using Brasero and Devede but it wouldn't read on her DVD player. Then I tried DVDStyler on my Linux partition, and it didn't work on her DVD player, despite saying the operation was successful on my end. I then tried booting up into Windows and using DVDStyler, and that also didn't work, not even letting me burn the disc. Does anyone have any ideas what could fix this? I've tried playing around with the settings in all these apps but I couldn't figure it out.

    Apologies if this isn't the best place to ask this, but I figured a community of pirates would understand my desire to get movies to Jackie without her having to pray to find them in a pawn shop!

    Any recommendations for an open-source RSS widget?

    I've been using Feeder on my phone, and while I quite like the app, I would love a widget for my RSS feeds on my launcher.

    Are there any apps that include a widget, or standalone widgets, but that are also FOSS?

    Quel est votre accent français préféré?

    Une des choses que j'adore du français, c'est d'entendre l'immense diversité dans la façon dont nous parlons. Quel accent vous a le plus marqué? Perso, j'avais un prof du Cameroun à l'université et je n'ai jamais écouté autant attentivement dans un cours, son accent était similaire à celui dans ce vidéo.

    Un autre préféré c'est l'accent cajun de la Louisiane, en voici un exemple qui parle aussi de la culture de la francophonie en Louisiane. Je suis francophone de l'Acadie (Nouveau-Brunswick) et c'est intéressant de voir les similarités entre nos accents malgré l'influence intense de l'anglais en Louisiane.

    Want a more accurate number of Canada's homeless population? Try counting health data

    A new method for counting homeless people is offering a clearer look at the magnitude of the social issue, with preliminary results indicating the country's homeless population could be three times higher than current estimates.

    Bikes and beer, name a better combo

    Bike on a beer can on a bike.

    Fun fact: Radler is the Bavarian dialect word for Radfahrer (“cyclist”)

    As the Bank of Canada prepares for a digital Canadian dollar, democratic concerns loom large As the Bank of Canada prepares for a digital Canadian dollar, democratic concerns loom large

    While a digital national currency does have the potential to mitigate key financial issues, we cannot ignore the democratic risks such a currency could introduce without safeguards.

    As the Bank of Canada prepares for a digital Canadian dollar, democratic concerns loom large
    Homeless advocate calls for $1B-investment in public housing Homeless advocate calls for $1B-investment in public housing

    Maritime housing groups are calling for a $1 billion public housing project and a national strategy to help people living rough.

    Homeless advocate calls for $1B-investment in public housing
    Traduction en français (DeepL)

    Les groupes de logement des Maritimes demandent un projet de logement public d'un milliard de dollars et une stratégie nationale pour aider les personnes vivant dans la rue.

    Cheryl Forchuck, chercheuse au Homeless Hub, a voyagé dans chaque province et territoire du Canada pour tenter de trouver des solutions à l'itinérance et a partagé ce qu'elle a appris lors d'un forum organisé jeudi au Cap-Breton.

    "Le Canada est le seul pays industrialisé au monde qui n'a pas de responsabilité en matière de logement et d'itinérance au niveau national", a déclaré Mme Forchuk.

    Selon elle, le nombre de sans-abri a augmenté dans tout le pays.

    "Nous assistons à la prolifération des campements, des personnes vivant à l'extérieur parce que le système n'a pas la capacité nécessaire.

    Bien que le problème des sans-abri soit généralement traité au niveau local, M. Forchuk estime qu'il s'agit d'une crise nationale et qu'elle doit être abordée en tant que telle.

    "J'aimerais qu'une stratégie nationale sur le sans-abrisme soit pleinement mise en œuvre", a déclaré M. Forchuk.

    Jeudi également, le Carrefour du logement du Nouveau-Brunswick a demandé à la province de financer la construction de 10 000 nouveaux logements sociaux.

    "Au Nouveau-Brunswick, nous demandons au gouvernement provincial d'aider à soutenir le secteur du logement communautaire en investissant 1 milliard de dollars au cours des cinq prochaines années", a déclaré Mylene Vincent, de Housing Hub of New Brunswick.

    Selon Mme Vincent, le marché locatif de la province a perdu environ 9 000 logements dont les loyers sont inférieurs à 750 $ depuis 2016

    "Nous ne trouverons pas de solutions tant que nous ne considérerons pas nos populations sans-abri comme faisant partie de notre communauté, comme nos voisins, comme des personnes." ___

    All of Sid's toys are so gender

    [Image description: A screenshot of a tweet, with a picture attached. The tweet by user @TomZohar reads: "ELEMENTAL features Pixar's first nonbinary character" oh so we're just ignoring this legend's impact??

    The attached image shows a screenshot from Pixar's Toy Story of one of Sid's toys. A toy fishing rod has had the legs of a doll with high heels attached where the fishing reel would typically be.]

    Evkob Evkob

    Languages: Français, English

    Pronouns: They/them


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