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I haven't left the country in years, but am somehow headed to Malaysia next week for a family wedding. Assuming the plane doesn't disintegrate midflight and I am not sick the whole time with some plague picked up in transit, it should be pretty cool.

Anyway, I know virtually nothing about Malaysia and would be interested in any insights, facts, suggestions, history, films, foods, etc. that people would care to share or discuss. Bonus of course if it's commie stuff.

Going to be pretty busy with wedding events most of the time, so probably won't be venturing too far from Kuala Lumpur. Hopefully there will be at least a little downtime for exploration though.

Is the idea that revenge is bad a lib one?
  • One of the many reasons I loved RRR is precisely because it did not do this.

  • Deleted
    Russia adds ‘LGBT movement’ to list of extremist and terrorist organizations
  • I think most of us are indeed hoping for US imperial power to diminish, as it is historically, by far, the greatest impediment to any sort of left movement anywhere. And it’s not just leftism. It’s an impediment even to basic economic sovereignty. Russia is a good example. Not open enough to domination by US capital, therefore a US enemy, despite being otherwise fairly similar to the US politically. This can’t continue if any progress to be made.

    It’s unfortunate that some of the countries successfully (at least partly) asserting their sovereignty against the US are doing so on strictly nationalist rather than leftist grounds, but that’s what we’ve got at the moment, and it offers at least a modicum of hope that US imperialism might also be resisted by more left wing states in the future.

    Not going to get into anything about China because I suspect we have vastly different ideas about what is and is not true about China, and that’s another discussion entirely.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia
  • Jesus. What a perfect encapsulation of the entropy inherent in a system so allergic to central planning. It’d almost be funny if it wasn’t such nasty business.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia
  • I’ve seen a lot of takes lately about ISIS being essentially a US asset at this point. Tracks with what I know of US methods historically, but wondering if anybody has anything substantive or specific on this.

  • "White class" gives the game away
  • You know, most of what I’ve heard about settlers has been negative, but the “white surprise” bit is just so good that it makes me want to read it anyway.

  • Lmao
  • I actually work with a millennial Disney adult Taylor swift fan. So I guess you’re onto something. I’m sure it will surprise you to learn that she’s also pretty into Harry Potter.

  • King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer
  • King Charlie will be fine. Joe Biden about to cure cancer any day now.

  • Tomorrow in Michigan is Biden actually going to say to Arab-Americans "Fuck you and your concerns."
  • If he somehow outlives “genocide joe” as a nickname, “earth rider” is a strong contender for its replacement. We can say shit like “ride on, earth rider” when he finally croaks. I guess he deserves worse, but it’s pretty fucking funny.

  • She got dunked on heavily for this, but itd bad framing of a good argument at worst.
  • This is kind of how I always thought about it too. Like it’s a jokey epithet for people with an immature, unsophisticated, lifestylist sort of vaguely “anarchist” politics. Was very confused to come in here and see serious political discussion about bedtimes.

  • Why did you pick your profile pic?
  • Undoubtedly. Succulent, as I said. No prison can contain my spirit. The true indignity was having my penis disgraced by the hands of “law enforcement.” Democracy manifest, etc.

  • Why did you pick your profile pic?
  • I am the guy from the “succulent chinese meal” video. It’s me in the picture. Still in Australian jail. AMA.

  • Fuck New Years Eve
  • Oh man. I watched one of those last year for the first time in probably a decade, and it was some of the most dogshit television I have ever seen. Like even the hosts seemed bored. Wouldn’t be nearly as bad if they got people with even just the tiniest bit of wit or charisma to host. Whole thing felt like an AI fever dream that was also somehow a commercial. Went to bed feeling sick from it. Maybe I’ll watch again tonight to see if it’s even worse this year.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 18th to December 24th, 2023 - Chad el-Mandeb - COTW: Yemen
  • Thank you for confirming exactly what I assumed from reading the headline and url.

  • What are some of your favorite era-defining pics?
  • This is it for me. Really captures the idiotic self-sabotaging hubris of the declining American empire. Though the video does the moment slightly more justice because you get to see him sort of turn away and wince as the sun scorches his retinas. It’s perfect.