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Bought this for u guys
  • no v*ushposting

  • ❌⠀⠀
  • I can see what the problem is, Conrad. That personal computer is running windows as opposed to Linux/unix.

  • it's so joever
  • steel cage wrasslin match between Brandon, Drumpf and Barnie Sandals. Whoever gets the three count and woos the crowd wins the belt and the presidency. Belt will be worn at all press conferences to signal the champ’s dominance in the ring.

  • Sweet man made horrors beyond description.
  • Yeah but who’s family photos? The stock photos you get in picture frames? Sears Portait photos of random families from the 1970s?

    I’ll bet they play the Sarah Mclachlan song too.

  • Dear Democrats, I'm just saying...
  • MAGBA.

    make American Great Britain again

  • Dim Brandon is selling $5 cans of water with 0 malarkey
  • Hopefully it’s toilet water for all the suckers.

  • Bro (Joe) thinks he's in on the joke...
  • come for the democracy stay for the memes.

  • Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • bible’s only use is emergency rolling papers

  • Thoughts on selling trump/biden merch to cash in on the democracy grift?
  • MAGA does love their slop. Blue MAGA too but not as much as the other guys, anecdotally.

    Toilet paper with Joe Brandon in red outline.
    Toilet paper with Drumpf in blue outline.
    Drumpf urinal mints.
    Brandon urinal mints.

  • How does a whale cry?
  • This is the actual answer

  • How does a whale cry?
  • Damn. I feel retroactively let down.

  • How does a whale cry?
  • Well yeah

  • Trumpy is a Swifty?
  • Lanky blonde like his daughter. Of course.

  • Thoughts and prayers
  • I’m an ignorant ding dong. Is this in reference to something? Is there a crab party I’m missing out on?

  • My cat is disgusting and it’s all Communism’s fault

    I caught her sniffing my foot like some kind of hexbear freak.

    Pills I Took - Hank 3

    Ive been awake for 8 days straight, Well it must have them pills I took.

    Originally written by Those Poor Bastards and covered by the third Hank.

    Mountain Song - Jane’s Addiction

    Mid-late 80s rock

    Rolly Coasters and Detatched Retinas

    Decided to take my kids to the big city, go to an amusement park this past weekend. Got on a rollercoaster, one of the turns my head bumped the head restraint sorta hard.

    Detatched retina in my right eye for my efforts. 75% vision loss in my right eye. Headed back to the big city for emergency retina surgery because they dont do that sorta stuff in hayseed towns.


    My cat bit my hand because i called her pudgy and jiggled her belly

    I was making the bed, and playing w my cat Maggie. I jiggled her belly, and sang a song to her about her fat belly.

    She did that thing cats do where they grab with their front paws, bite down and kick with their back legs? It’s almost like she didnt even listen to my song.

    I blame the Communists.

    RIP in piss

    My grandpa passed away recently. Im not looking for any sympathy, we had very large differences of opinion, and he was a miserable old bastard.

    I just saw this photo of his, going thru some of his personal stuff. I had to post this. Hateful old fuck or not, he was pretty photogenic.

    Anyway, rest in piss old man.

    I quit today.

    I quit my job this morning. I’d like to think it was for good reasons, not that anyone needs a good reason to fuck off to greener pastures.

    A little background: usually at work, my service calls are already lined up for the day, when I arrive in the mornings. I get my clipboard with a printout of the day’s agenda. This morning’s agenda had everything spelled out except for a 11am service call. Instructions simply said “meet maintenance at office at X complex, they will escort you to the unit you will be working in.” Fair enough, sometimes maintenance likes to act like the gatekeeper and I have to deal with pissy maintenance guys who feel professionally snubbed because Im on site to do the work instead of them.

    Except when I arrived it was a property manager, two maintenance workers and three cops. I knew right away what the jig was. Forced service disconnects for non payment. Not the first time Ive been in this situation.

    Since the complex in question is on an old common meter setup there is no way for the city to just flip a switch and shut off individual service remotely. In cases like this, Im supposed to be the switch flipper.

    Because there is no individual shutoffs, I am supposed to enter a stranger’s apartment, go to each individual fixture (each lavatory, each water closet, kitchen sink, water heater etc) shut the stops off, then physically remove the handles and cut the stems off and render the shutoff inoperable. Then, after the tenant makes arrears, they are required to call a plumber, set an appointment, and have said plumber come and install all new stops/shutoffs. On their own dime.

    Once I figured out whats going on, I told my apprentice I was refusing the call and we were moving down the list. Didnt even tell the complex manager I was leaving. When I got to my next service call about ten minutes later, the GPS on my service truck ratted on me. It tells the office when I arrive at the physical location of my service calls. Office manager at the shop wants to know how I finished the disconnects inside ten minutes? Told her I refused the calls, and that they would have to reschedule with someone else. Manager says there is no one else, and I have to go back, right now. I told her I’d drop my apprentice off with another journeyman and I’d be in to the shop to hand in my truck keys and clear my personal shit from the office. I was pretty explicit that my apprentice didnt have any choice in my decisions and that it was mine alone. He is an 18 year old kid with a newborn at home. He shouldnt be made to suffer for my choices.

    I start at another shop Monday.

    In all likelihood, I only bought the tenants until Tuesday or Wednesday to get squared up with the complex office. The complex office isnt likely to call the shop I used to work at again, so it’ll take a few days to schedule another shop to deal with it. The police escort will have to be rescheduled. I have doubts as to whether I did anything to benefit the folks living in these units but I have to hold out some hope that its enough time for them to figure something out. Its all I could come up with on the spot.

    Anyway, thanks for coming to my TEDx talk.

    You Know Im No Good - Amy Winehouse

    I told you, I was trouble. You know Im no good.

    Im So Tired - Fugazi

    I'm so tired sheep are counting me No more struggle, no more energy

    Watched the new Planet of The Apes flick a bit ago

    Good fucking lord what a horrible movie. This is not a review i just want to bitch about wasting money on that shit show.

    My large 12 year old son wanted to see it. I mean, i knew its not going to be anything worth putting on my Jellyfin server but good grief its bad. My son even said ‘thank god’ when the lights came up.

    Every character with a speaking part excepting two is CGI. They didnt even have squibs. Consider me fully disappointed.

    Muddy tunnel work is my least favorite thing about what i do

    Im one of those dumbasses who enjoys being a plumber. I like being the fix it guy. I take pride in being one of the ones who comes to fix it when you cant, or wont. Lot of times it puts me in places like this. The left side of the photo is my ingress/egress. Im about 10-12’ inside at this point. Tunnel continues straight behind me about 6’, then hangs a Louie, and dead ends about 12’ past the direction change. This is how you move water/drain and gas lines when some rich asshole wants to move the sink and cooktop from a wall to the middle of the kitchen because island sinks/cooktops are in fashion here.

    Tunnel work makes me leery, and ive been doing this for a couple decades now. Its one of the few things where safety guidelines and best practices are wadded up and thrown out the door. You arent getting a trench box under a slab, stepping/sloping a tunnel would take such wide steps that you would compromise the slab due to undermining so much dirt. This is a relatively short one, not that length of tunnel really matters as i still probably wouldnt make it out if something went tits up. Ive done maybe 1200 tunnel jobs, and after every single job im grateful i come out again. And i dont even have the hard job. The real hard job is the poor bastards who come dig the tunnels i need dug so rich assholes can have island sinks. The company i call for my tunneling has had two guys die in tunnel collapse two years ago.

    I should learn to code instead. Code cant collapse and kill you in an instant.

    Cut From The Cloth - The Evens

    Ian MacKaye and Amy Farina

    Gracefully Facedown - The Devil Makes Three

    Youll find me downtown, Gracefully facedown, Wishin’ I could feel alright.

    Clean Kill - coriky

    Three piece alternative band consisting of former Minor Threat/Fugazi frontman Ian MacKaye, his wife Amy Farina (with whom he is also in a band called The Evens) and former Fugazi bassist Joe Lally.

    Just because i wanna, heres Ian and Amy of The Evens and their song Vowel Movements

    Hungry Like The Wolf- Duran Duran

    I’m hungry like the wolf !volcel-judge

    Kiss - Prince

    Aint no particular sign Im more compatible with, I just want your extra time, and your kiss.


    Close To Me - The Cure

    In an 80s mood.

    If im abusing the posting button tell me and ill post harder.

    If This Is It - Huey Lewis & The News

    If this is it, please let me know. I wanna know if this aint love baby, just say so.

    Feinsteins_Ghost Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]

    Boo im a ghost

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