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I've never played games. Suggest a couple of addictive games I can play on Linux
  • That, as others have mentioned, is a moderately difficult question for us without knowing what you like or what the specs on your laptop are.

    If you install Steam, they have a pretty generous return policy. You just need to act within 2 weeks of the purchase OR before you hit a total of two hours played in that game - whichever comes first. I like Steam because the Proton compatibility layer built in makes gaming on Linux so incredibly easy.

    I'm hesitant to do so because you undoubtedly like different things, but here is a short list of some of the games I've played that I really enjoyed based on total time played.

    Sid Meier's Civilization (the whole series is good, but 5 is my favorite)
    Football Manager (think of this title as the complex strategy game to FIFA's action game)

  • gotta get a new printer
  • Another vote being cast here for a both Brother and laser. The nice thing about laser is that you can go without printing for weeks, or even, months, and just pick up right where you left off. My old ink jets, if you left them that long, would have completely dried out and need to be replaced.

  • Final year blues
  • If it helps any, you're not the first to have feelings like this toward the end of your undergraduate life. You're not alone.

    My advice for the moment would be to focus on making a strong finish in school. Yes, you need/want to start thinking about your future, but you don't want to get this far only to stumble at the finish line. Don't tack on a full-time or demanding job unless it's absolutely necessary. June is going to show up a lot faster than you think it will and you have a lot of research, writing, and revision to go.

  • What are the most mindblowing things in mathematics?
  • The one I bumped into recently: the Coastline Paradox

    "The coastline paradox is the counterintuitive observation that the coastline of a landmass does not have a well-defined length. This results from the fractal curve–like properties of coastlines; i.e., the fact that a coastline typically has a fractal dimension."

  • What is an item below 100 bucks that everyone should own?
  • A good pair of comfortable shoes for your day-to-day circumstances.

    Admittedly, this can easily break the $100 limit depending on where you live, your circumstances, etc. but buy the best pair you can afford.

  • Outlook suddenly started opening links in Edge, disregarding my default browser settings
  • "continuing to push the boundaries of consent."

    If by "push the boundaries" you meant "completely ignore them", then yes. This kind of behavior from MS, or any vendor, should always be considered strictly unacceptable.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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