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Trump calls for prosecution of Google over search results he says favor Harris
  • It's kinda embarrassing really. At this point he's just throwing stuff at his followers, hoping that something sticks

  • 3D printed 'suicide pod' used by a human for the first time
  • You can't tell me that's not part of the business model...

  • 3D printed 'suicide pod' used by a human for the first time
  • as well as a fee of €95 ($105) for 24 months of access

    Ah, there it is. The death subscription.

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • That can be changed in the settings

  • linux or windows?
  • Oof, that sounds really bad... I haven't had any issues with it so far in the ~3 years I've been using it (I had it on my old T430s for the longest time); don't even know how I first found out about it, I think it got a lot of coverage when it first came out.

    I'm not trying to discredit your comment, far from it, neither am I really recommending Manjaro; I know that there are better alternatives but I'm a lazy bum, so I just installed the first distro that came to mind (kinda embarrassing considering how meticulously I planed every other aspect of my switch-over to Linux). Thanks for your comment, though.

    Do you have any tips for me as far as staying on Manjaro is concerned?

  • linux or windows?
  • I switched to using Manjaro full time recently

  • When you don't trust Facebook because of THEM, your car is your Facebook.
  • One of the n-words, it's most likely the one you're thinking of.

  • Redox OS 0.9.0 - Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS
  • I'd love to try this but the link to the guide on how to set it up in Virtualbox is borked :/

    It says that the Virtualbox image is currently not working anyway.

  • Apple Shares Full iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro Repair Manuals
  • Looks more helpful than no manual at all to me. Making the actual replacement parts available for anyone is another thing, though...

  • Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
  • I know what Oracle is and what they do, never thought about what kind of asshole their founder was, though. I guess most big tech companies were either founded by assholes or bought by assholes (or both)...

  • DnD Mario Game screenshot (DALL-E 3 + Microsoft Designer)
  • That looks more interesting than most Mario games Nintendo has released in the last 20 years...

  • Someone got woken up on Sunday morning 🤣
  • Sounds like someone is jealous... (/s obviously)

    Edit: I have no idea how anyone could take this seriously, I was just slightly mocking the original post... I'm sure I'm missing something here but I genuinely have no idea; I'm sorry, I guess.

  • Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • Or let a super mutant do it for you if you've bought the add-on

  • After charger, Apple removes USB-C cable from the box
  • I don't know why but that sounds like something Jony Ive would come up with

  • Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Oh I see, so it only affects modded apks.... They probably want to crack down on all those slightly-shady "spotify premium free"-apks.

  • Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • They’re still pissed that people won’t put up with their shitty YouTube app and use Revanced instead, eh?

  • Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • Forgive me if I’m missing something obvious, but what about M-Disc?

  • Can someone ID this comic strip?

    Some time ago, I pulled this sticker off our old fridge before we got rid of it and put it onto my PC's side panel (don't ask me why, I guess I thought it looked cool). I don't exactly know where it came from or who put it there, although I suspect it was put there by a Australian relative that was visiting us a long time ago (the Murrumbidgee is a river in NSW, Australia).

    Does anyone know the artist or name of this if it even has one? There's no obvious signature that I can see.

    Feel free to remove if this isn't allowed.

    What are some good casual Discord servers for talking to people from all over the world?

    I just wanna get to know people and maybe make a few friends. I've tried a bunch of servers over the years, both general and specific ones but it never really worked out I guess? (I'm a pretty awkward person to talk to, maybe that's why^^)

    My IBM Model M from 1993

    (Additional processing power provided by the Intel i486 DX)

    Pixel 6 Pro main camera lens jolts around violently when going into video mode

    When switching into video mode from photo mode or vice versa the main lens' OIS kinda jolts it around which makes a rather loud click.

    I'm on Android 14 and the latest Google Camera update.

    Hall Of The Mountain Grill - Hawkwind (1974)

    Probably my favourite album cover, really sets the mood for the music as well

    What do you like to collect?

    Saw a post like this on Reddit once and I thought some of the responses were quite interesting.

    I collect all sorts of stuff from vinyl records and vintage game consoles to Harley-Davidson dealer t-shirts.

    I'm curious about what some of you guys collect, the weirder the better :D

    ThinkPad FireWire400
    Blu-Ray Drive in a T540P?

    I know they never were an option since the T400/T500 days and I've seen people flat out say that even if they fit, they won't work with the T440P/T540P.

    There are a bunch of different stores online selling the Hitachi LG BU20N as "for Lenovo T440P/T540P" and some also claim that the Matsushita UJ262 would work.

    Has anyone got a Blu-ray drive in their T440P/T540P or knows if it would work?

    Edit: Saw someone claim they got a Hitachi LG BU40N working in a T440P and since that's basically the same as the BU20N, with added UHD Blu-Ray support, that means the BU20N should work fine?

    Next time I see them being sold at a reasonable price I'll grab one and just try it out for myself.

    Edit 2: For anyone coming across this post in the future; I now have a HLDS BU20N (HP OEM) installed in my T540p and it plays back blu-ray discs without issue.

    Updated Edge and it now seems to put a frame with rounded corners around every website

    Edit: Looks like you can opt-out of that "new look and feel" pretty easily under the appearance settings but still, whats with putting rounded corners everywhere?

    Edit 2: "Explore the web with a softer, more friendly aesthetic featuring rounded corners [..] Designed to complement your operating system, whether on Windows 11, MacOS, or Linux." The fuck does that mean? Windows 11 fair enough but most Linux distros don't look like that at all.

    Polygondwanaland - King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard (2017)

    One of the seven albums they've released that year and in my opinion also their best one so far.

    ThinkPad FireWire400
    T41 sticky lid

    A friend of mine gave a an old ThinkPad T41 and it's in great condition for one of these without any cracks in the chassis. There are a few marks on the display but it doesn't look like it's cracked (I don't have the right power supply to test it out).

    The biggest problem with it so far is that the rubberised finish on the lid has turned sticky. I tried to wipe it down with diluted isopropyl alcohol and while it looks pretty clean now it's still very sticky.

    Is there a way to fix the stickiness without full-on scraping the coating off?

    Windows Destruction Movie Poster I made a while ago

    Actually took screenshots of the UI myself in a Windows XP VM to make this, was a lot of fun putting it all together.

    The Wingdings text reads "Joel is gay"

    ThinkPad FireWire400
    Got a T540p for free and upgraded it, just for the hell of it

    Got this T540p for free from work, it came with a dual-core i5-4200M, 8GB of RAM, the awful 1080p TN panel and the GT730M dGPU.

    Upgrades: New TrackPad (T450 Synaptics), i7-4700QM, 16 GB DDR3L RAM, AUO B156HAN01.2, and a good clean (yep, that's an upgrade in my books).

    The i7 runs quite well in there, I had some doubts about the thermal situation since it's a 47-watt chip in a dGPU model but so far it holds up pretty well with a -70mw undervolt and Arctic MX-4 thermal paste. Idle it gets up to around 45°C, under load I've never seen it get hotter than 75°C. In addition to Throttlestop, I'm using TPFC on the "smart" setting to keep the noisy Toshiba fan from ramping up and down every .2 seconds.

    The GT730M isn't good for much these days but it runs older games quite well. All in all, I ended up really liking this ThinkPad. It's very annoying to take apart, though.

    FireWire400 FireWire400

    IT guy from Germany

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