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  • Nicht nur unpopulär sondern auch falsch.

    Dass es falsch ist, kannst du gar nicht mit Sicherheit beurteilen. Denn seine Aussage lautet "Wenn Deutschland daran zu Grunde geht..." und sofern Deutschland nicht zu Grunde gegangen ist, kannst du die Richtigkeit der Aussage nicht mit Sicherheit widerlegen.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Start arguing for Marxists to have their own shows on Fox News and AM radio and I will recant

    I dont care for US shows though if FoxNews and AM Radio are private companies, they can IMO do what they want

    yet only THEY are complaining about censorship. This is how I have determined that you are a Nazi

    Im not complaining about censorship, there is nothing that is currently bothering me, Im just arguing for the principle of a general non-exclusive freedom of expression. For absolutely everyone.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • What is it that you want to say that you think is being censored?

    Im not arguing for a specific thing not to be censored, Im arguing that everyone should have the freedom of expression, no matter their political views. That is a matter of principle.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • You linked a definition that agreed with me, then deleted it

    Ummm... my previos comments are not edited and also, I didnt post a link to anything... I dont know what definition you are talking about (?) Maybe the one on the comment before (it didint change though)

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Killing and enslaving should not be allowed and should be avoided at all cost.

    The point is, however, if (lets say) a communist killed and enslaved people, should that mean that communist views should be censored in the future? (No! IMO)

    Killing and enslaving people are terrible and unacceptable ways of pushing one's own ideals. It does not make the actual opinion itself invalid though.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Not tolerating someone ("the intolerant") makes you, to a certain extent, intolerant yourself. According to your own logic, they then should not tolerate you (the shouldn't "tolerate the intolerant").

    Essentially, who is "intolerant" depends on your subjective opinion and cannot be objectively determimed, except if that person accepts all voices to be heard, in that case we could say they are very much tolerant. In any other case, it depends on your opinion.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Well I dont think we can really draw a line objectively between "should be allowed" and "should be cencored". It will always be based around one opinion (or one range of opinions but never truely objective).

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Killing and enslaving are both means to do something, not the actual reason itself. If any person with a different political view wanted to do the same, it would be just as bad. Everyones opinion should be allowed.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Everyone's OPINION has to be tolerated. If you dont tolerate the people you deem "the intolerant" then those people will see you as intolerant (against them) aswell. According to you, they would then be right not not tolerate you (as "the intolerant" that doesnt tolerate them).

    As long as they dont take away from anybody else's freedom (and by just stating one's opinion one doesnt do that) it has to be tolerated, otherwise it is censorship.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Measuring quantun superpositions can have different outcomes under the same circumstances, right? So therefore, it cannot be deterministic (= what you described) because randomness is involved.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • If you say you are right to censor your worst enemys then the Nazis were logically also right to censor the opinions of the people THEY hated the most...

    Supporting only certain peoples freedom of speech is the definition of censorship...

  • Whats your such opinion
  • "Freedom of expression of opinion" would be a more fitting term, as it is called in most languages. Death threads and shouting fire in a crowded theater are not opinions...

    Censorship of any opinion is bad.

  • alternative to trees
  • Cato_the_podasist did. The OP of this thread said that this post has nothing to do with capitalism and that we should therefore stop talking about it here. Cato_the_podasist argued against that saying that pointing out the source of the problem is always relevant, THEREBY IMPLYING that pointing out capitalism is always relevant (because capitalism doesnt have anything to do with this post specifically) so if its relevant here, then were is it not relevant?

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