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Somebody sign that raccoon!
  • There's something about that panicked raccoon shuffle offset by the quick cut to the disappointment in the players faces that made me lose it. Holy shit my sides.

  • Melting? Fossil Fuels Have Made Extreme Heat 35 Times More Likely in North America
  • I have to wake up extra early to make sure I get my goose and chicken coops cleaned before it gets too hot. It's miserable.

  • Americans take the least vacations globally. We also get the least amount of time off.
  • Right!? When am not at work I am doing side hustles so I can afford extra things like clothes, food and air conditioning.

  • Let's Fix Villages At Their Source
  • Whelp now I have to play Minecraft again!

  • Any day now Joe, c'mon man!
  • Oh yeah I know it's cheaper to help the disabled, but y'know 'murica. As for who said that too me, it was a coworker.

  • identifying triggers for overload
  • I don't have a lot of advice on how to identify triggers, it's a crap shoot, but here is what I do about them when I feel overwhelm coming on.

    One: Belly breathing. This is beyond a doubt the greatest skill I learned in therapy. Plenty of tutorials online for it and few different versions.

    Two: Imagine a dial on your stomach with the numbers 1-10. 10 being meltdown and 1 being completely calm. Picture yourself slowly turning down the dial while taking deep breaths.

    Three: I started carrying a small fidget toy in my pocket that I can play with when I feel like I want to rip off my skin and run screaming out of the biulding.

    Hope this helps!

  • Removed
    What's the point of living for someone like me?
  • I'm sorry you feel stuck right now. I know you don't want to hear this, but if you want to achieve your dream of a family you are going to need another job and therapy. Even if the women of your dreams showed up ready to get pregnant right now, you're not ready. Do you really want to raise kids who know daddy hates himself? Do you really want your family to deal with your emotional spillover? Teaching kids emotional regulation is HARD and damn near impossible if you are struggling yourself.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting a family. That is a fine goal and a perfect thing to look forward to. Many poeple are starting families later just bc of the cost of living, so I don't think you will be too old even if it takes you another five years to get there.

    There is someone out there for everyone. Maybe she can make all the money and you can be a stay at home dad! But you gotta get up, flip off the fucking world, and get a job and start putting together a social life of poeple who care about you. Stay safe and remember you are valuable and worthy of self love.

  • Let's Fix Villages At Their Source
  • RIGHT!? And maybe it's me but whenever I see one of these villages I have to help them. I fell so bad watching them stranded in pits and stuck on cliff sides. Derails whatever I was doing bc I feel so bad for them. Sometimes I've had to destroy and block off entire houses bc they spawned in a cave under the village and the villagers were getting eaten alive trying to get to it.

  • CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn't know what he's talking about’
  • Trump needs a glass of warm milk and a nap in a jail cell, not to be running for president.

  • Two people were struck by lightning. News reported that both survived and are in stable condition.
  • I had a feeling it was fake bc the guy in the background didn't react at all. But who knows, I could be wrong too. Just gave me the same feeling.

  • Any day now Joe, c'mon man!
  • For some reason there's a lot of hate for disabled poeple. It's like poeple view them as a ugly drain on society. I had a guy tell me to my face disabled poeple should be dead. Source: husband is disabled.

  • If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
  • Have we tried turning it off and turning it back on again?

  • It's Friday, what are your plans for the weekend?
  • Same. Gonna sleep and then lay in bed with my Switch and play with some digital Legos!

  • Sen. John Fetterman got two speeding tickets before Sunday’s crash, Pa. records show
  • He is the Senator from PA. He was super liberal up until he had a stroke and then became super conservative. Complete 180. Seems to have knocked out his sense of humor too. Now it seems he's taking risks he would not have taken pre stroke by driving recklessly.

  • DeSantis Declares Emergency Over Floods After Cutting Stormwater Funds
  • It's fine, the peasants will just suffer and die, there's always more peasants.- ol' Meatball Ron.

  • Might catch some with this
  • If women enjoy sex it's a horrible sin according to these guys. You just have to lay back and think of England.

  • A law to protect Washington health care workers keeps patients in crisis
  • I wish I could upvote you more than once for this. I appreciate the view from the front lines, as it were. Everywhere I look poeple are being asked to do more with less and for less. I don't know how much longer these systems are going to hold out at the rate we're going.

  • How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside
  • I think he pretty much nailed how it feels to be autistic, at least for me. Really great skills in some areas and then absolutely terrible skills in others. How exhausting masking is. I think I only ever unmask when I am alone. It scares me to ask where do I end and mask begins? I'm not sure I know anymore.

  • Does anyone else have a limtied amount of feelings per set time period?

    I have what I call the Feeling Things Meter. Meaning that in a certain period of time, about one to three days, I have a set amount of feelings I am allowed to feel. If I exceed the number of feelings and fill up the meter I blank out and get to feel nothing at all. I can feel the Meter filling up, and I know when I am about to exceed it.

    This also applies to feelings from movies, shows, games books and music. So I have to carefully plan out my entertainment around life events as best I can.

    As you can imagine it becomes incredibly hard to navigate adult life with no feelings. And not just the big feelings but the little ones too. No drive to go out and do the shopping. No satisfaction of completeing a task. No disappointment if I screw something up. Nothing.

    No one else in my life has this, or anything close to it. Most people look at me like I'm a crazy person when I try to explain it. I'm always making excuses for not wanting to watch movies or shows with friends, or bailing when a sad song comes on.

    Please, I just want to know someone else has this problem. Anyone. How do you cope? Do you even listen to music? Do you have to leave movies halfway through becuase you couldn't take it?

    I just want to know I'm not alone.

    Is there any way to have Youtube links open in browser instead of the Youtube app?

    Basically the title. I hate the ad ridden offical Youtube app and would prefer to have it open in Firefox or some other browser. Is this possible? Is there a setting I missed? If it's not possible right now can it be possible in the future?

    Also I love Jerboa, perfect replacement for RIF, been very happy with it so far, much love!

    I am a help

    I'm doing it! I'm making a content!

    FollyDolly FollyDolly

    Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.

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