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Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • He is telling me that being against the extermination of a people completely is being in favor of a terrorist group. If you think that does not fall within what it means to be a Nazi, you should review your history books

  • Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • Or yes, of course, my argument is stupid but saying that yours is a Nazi is the limit, that is, being against the mass murder of children is being an apolygist for Hamas. You seem eager to use logic.

    Have a good day and don't be too Nazi

  • Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • I am not worried about the war in the Middle East, I am worried about the genocide in the Middle East, and I have been for decades, but if ethnic cleansing accelerates and yet my rulers applaud the genocidaires, they increase my protests, call me a hypocrite if you want, but it seems logical to me, if not it seems like a silly argument, a bit Nazi to me. Killing children indiscriminately has those things

  • Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • Well, I don't have exactly the same opinion, another day we can discuss things like Pfizergate or why a Ukrainian is worth more to this commission than a Palestinian. But it is clear that it is much better that whatever the Kremlin considers acceptable, there is no debate on that

  • Featured
    Discusión Random Semanal - Semana del 29/06/24
  • Bueno, yo hago lo mismo para participar en comunidades en inglés, con un poco de atención a lo que pone ya practicas mucho.

    ¿Francés, canadiense o africano?

  • Featured
    Discusión Random Semanal - Semana del 29/06/24
  • Pues no se como va lo de los niveles o si el a2 es muy alto, pero por lo menos por escrito lo haces muy bien, espero que tengas suerte.

    ¿Cuál es tu idioma nativo?

  • ¿Qué películas y series has visto últimamente?
  • últimamente he visto Sugar de apple+, tiene un giro de guion a mitad de temporada que te deja el culo torcido, pero aun así me ha gustado bastante, la recomiendo.

  • It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • Sorry for the mistake, I'm not an English speaker and I didn't know that, thanks for helping me

    Edit: I don't understand why they downvoted you, you have been kind and I really appreciate improving my English.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I would like to introduce you to

  • A Den of Spies: Vienna Emerges as Hub for Russian Espionage
  • It sounds interesting but unfortunately I can't read it because of the paywall.

  • Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • The enemies of Europe do not like the new leaders of Europe, I suppose we have not chosen so badly in the elections the other day

  • It's Saturday, what is the latest funny thing that your child did or said?
  • My daughter and my nephew (boy), both 5, have just taken a shower together during our vacation, their conversation about different genitals has been great, although I don't think it is completely appropriate to reproduce it here

  • La queja de los turistas británicos sobre Benidorm: 'demasiados españoles'
  • Si he visto algún caso de esos, me hacen pensar con envidia en los tiempos de la democracia censitaria.

  • El Congreso apoya una iniciativa de Sumar para rebajar la edad del voto a los 16 años
  • Yo si, y puede que sea que me esté haciendo viejo, pero los veo tontísimos, no creo que puedan decidir ni sobre su propia ropa sin hacer el ridículo, como para decidir sobre el gobierno.

  • The first time I went to Spain I learned that they used a different set of playing cards
  • Not only do we have our own deck, we also have our own games, ask about the mus or the subastado

  • El enigma de la secuoya de la Alhambra: el árbol que se plantó en Granada años antes de que los botánicos las descubrieran
  • El sorprende hecho de que las cosas existan antes de que los expertos las conozcan

  • La queja de los turistas británicos sobre Benidorm: 'demasiados españoles'
  • Si es que además es parte de la gracia, probar la comida local, la cultura y costumbre y claro, también aprender alguna cosa del idioma, que menos.

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • I hope that if that happens it will be the kick in the ass we need to start setting up our own racket.

    P.S. I don't like military gear, but yours are better than the alternative

  • Oh Joe...
  • Yes, after all the answers I think I am beginning to see the problem, it is not the electoral system but your vision of it. That is why time and time again the answers are about the position of president and not about the system as a whole. You don't care, you don't understand that the present is the most powerful individual person, but the presidency is not the most powerful institution, the Congress and the Senate have much more power, being powerful there is much more important than putting a person in office. Not to mention the number of laws, measures and issues that do not even reach the federal level.

  • Oh Joe...
  • In 2010 they had a coalition government made up of Torys and Liberals, in Great Britain the executive power is not just the Prime Minister, it is the entire Council of Ministers and it was not made up only of Torys. Obviously a coalition government is not possible in the American system, but a third party being influential in the cameras is and I still don't see because it is impossible

  • El Congreso apoya una iniciativa de Sumar para rebajar la edad del voto a los 16 años El Congreso apoya una iniciativa de Sumar para rebajar la edad del voto a los 16 años

    El líder del Partido Popular, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, alertaba este miércoles por la noche de que Pedro Sánchez iba a llevar a España a una situación similar a las de Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela o Bolivia, que calificó de “autoritarismos”. La crítica al presidente del Gobierno llegó tan solo 24 horas d...

    El Congreso apoya una iniciativa de Sumar para rebajar la edad del voto a los 16 años
    Change jacket for prowlarr

    I am trying to migrate from Jacket to Prowlarr and I see that some of the most important indexers in Spanish (open) are not available. Could I add them manually from Generic Torznab? I don't have the api key, can I get it somehow from the jacket or from the web? Or is it not possible to do it at all and do I have to request it on Github?

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    Comunidad española de lemmy

    Lemmy es una red federada (como Mastodon) donde compartir enlaces de noticias, artículos curiosos, memes o contribuir con textos propios (como este). Se presenta como una alternativa a reddit, pero también se complementa con otras como menéame o incluso google news, dadle una oportunidad y creo que la disfrutaréis.

    La comunidad española estaba hasta hace poco reunida entorno a un nodo especifico ( pero ha desaparecido, desde entonces queda es único sub, dejando la presencia de hispanohablantes en mínimos.

    A poco que os manejeis en inglés creo que es una red muy disfrutable y con una pequeña participación podríamos ayudar a hacer la comunidad española relevante, porque alemanes e ingleses nos están comiendo el terreno.

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