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Bypass Paywalls Clean Shut Down For DMCA Anti-Circumvention Violations Bypass Paywalls Clean Shut Down For DMCA Anti-Circumvention Violations * TorrentFreak

Bypass Paywalls Clean, a popular browser extension that does exactly what its name suggests, has been shut down along with 3,879 forks.

FYI, the repo is not DMCAd yet, only the download URL which moved to gitflic.

Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • Make sure isn't blocked anywhere in your network. It may perhaps be blocked in a filter list you have activated in uBO, DNS, VPN, Firewall, anti-virus, Firefox enhanced tracking protection, etc.

  • Immutable distro on a PC. Thoughts and experience?
  • && flatpak update

    You can also include && flatpak uninstall --unused in your alias to clean up more space.

  • Deleted
    Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal
  • Appending (intext:“modlog” & “instances” & “docs” & “code” & “join lemmy”) to your search query will search most instances. Works with Google, Startpage, SearXNG afaik.

  • What are the applications that I can remove from Mint? + Mini Rant.
  • celluloid, pix, hexchat, hypnotix, rhythmbox, LibreOffice

    Those applications uninstalled just fine without any dependency issues last time I tried Mint.

    If you're unsure, make a snapshot of your current VM state (if your VM software supports it). Then just uninstall the junk you don't need until Mint breaks. Restore snapshot, test some more, and so on. Those on real hardware should use Timeshift to create snapshots.

    Tip: Run sudo apt autoremove package in the terminal so you can see which dependencies that are removed.

  • open-source nvidia driver with flatpak
  • You shouldn't have to install any flatpak dependency manually. Flatpak should handle it for you automatically when you install your programs. (In most cases.)

  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • I think I also had this issue using Cinnamon once, but then I just used VLC instead. Never bothered to look into why. Worked fine in GNOME for me though.

    I found a thread with a similar issue:

    There it seems the issue was audio. Try running the flatpak version with flatpak run io.mpv.Mpv --ao=pulse path-to-your-media-file

  • Manifest V2 phase-out begins
    • On June 3rd, Chrome(ium) users will start being informed that their MV2 extensions will soon stop to function. uBlock Origin (and others) will lose the "Featured" badge.
    • The remaining MV2 extensions will be gradually disabled in the "coming months", with the last deadline being the beginning of next year. (Expect that uBO will probably not last that long).

    What options do you have if you still want to use uBlock Origin?

    • Firefox (and up to date forks) have no plans to end support for the webrequest API that uBO requires.
    • Brave browser will allow MV2 extensions for now. I still have no info on if they are going to use their own store or require manual installation/updating of MV2 extensions.
    • If you use Chrome. By enabling enterprise policy ExtensionManifestV2Availability, you should be able to extend support till June 2025.
    • uBlock Origin Lite (uBOL) is a MV3 extension that is much more limited than uBO and is not intended to be a replacement for uBO. These limitations are described in detail in the FAQ for uBOL:
  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • For the flatpak version the mpv.conf file can be created in ~/.var/app/io.mpv.Mpv/config/mpv/. You probably don't need to link it to the yt-dlp python file as the flatpak mpv version should come with the latest yt-dlp.

  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • Mint is known to use old software in its repositories as it's based on Ubuntu LTS. The flatpak mpv should work though. flatpak install flathub io.mpv.Mpv and then run it with flatpak run io.mpv.Mpv

    If you don't want to type flatpak run io.mpv.Mpv all the time, you can create an alias in your ~/.bashrc file. For example: alias play='flatpak run io.mpv.Mpv'. (After editing your bashrc file, run: source ~/.bashrc to activate the change). Then you can run it with play

  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • Your mpv or vlc versions may be too old. Try updating them to the latest versions.

  • YouTube videos are skipping to the end for users with adblockers
  • Sounds like a bug in the filters used by Adblock and Adblock Plus. Afaik uBO or Adguard aren't affected.

  • What am I doing wrong (OpenSuse)?
  • OpenSUSE use patterns. Groups of packages that can be selected during installation. If one of the included pattern packages is removed it will be "fixed" when updating. You can uninstall some patterns, but be careful as some may be more important than others, leaving you without a graphical interface or something like that. If you decide to do a reinstall, you can deselect a lot of patterns (search for "pattern" in the software selection section of the installer).

  • How to Get Started Using Virtual Machine Manager in Linux (Posted in response to Virtual box and VMware)
  • Is there an equivalent or something similar to "Use host i/o cache" that VirtualBox have? Last time I tried virt-manager the install time of the vm was incredibly slow because of the terrible write speed to my hdd. Vbox fixes that issue with the host i/o cache setting.

  • Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad

    The latest Windows 11 preview build in the Beta Channel delivers a rather odd change to the Start menu. For some reason, the "Sign out" button is hidden behind a Microsoft 365 ad and other banners.

    Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad
    Lemmy helping Lemmy World browse the web
  • Just Firefox/Librewolf with uBlock Origin is enough. The more extensions you add, the larger the attack surface and chance of site breakage. A common mistake many do is to add multiple blockers on top of uBO which will decrease uBO's ability to defuse various anti-adblocks. This also includes addons like Privacy Badger, Ghostery, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, etc. uBO have good enough privacy protection enabled by default. If you want more, enable some other privacy filter lists. And if you know what you're doing, enable hard mode by blocking all 3rd party requests and JavaScript.

    If you want to feel more secure when adding more extensions to your browser, then only use Firefox addons that are recommended by Mozilla. Those extensions have gone through a review process to make sure they don't contain anything malicious.

    If you're like me and don't care about recommendations and being able to comment, then use Freetube with sponsorblock enabled.

  • YouTube is loading slower for users with ad blockers yet again
  • The performance issues are because of Adblock and Adblock Plus:

    It affects more sites than just YouTube.

  • Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?
  • Only if there would be one casting a shadow of spinning blades on my face every day. Otherwise I don't mind them.

  • Can Chromium resist Manifest V3 or is it doomed to disallow adblockers?
  • Adblockers will still be allowed, they will just be crippled a lot. It will probably be the same as the adblocking situation on Safari.

    If any 3rd party browser vendor wants to maintain a Chromium fork with Manifest V2, they can do so, but with the risk of code maintenance hell. They would also need an extension store for Manifest V2 extensions. Otherwise V2 extensions needs to be installed manually.

    Browser vendors can also create their own separate ad blockers that aren't affected by the changes. For example Brave Shields, Vivaldi adblock, Opera adblock, etc.

  • Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users
  • By doing that you're wasting bandwidth on all the CDNs that hosts ALL your filter lists. Updating the Quick fixes list should be enough. (Which updates every 5 hours automatically on uBO 1.54).

    How to manually update Quick Fixes (Manual updates push back automatic updates.)

    • Click 🛡️ uBO's icon
    • the ⚙ Dashboard button
    • the Filter lists pane
    • the 🕘 clock icon next to the uBlock filters – Quick fixes list
    • the 🔃 Update now button.
  • YSK: Social media platforms attach trackers to the end of share URLs (which you can and should delete)
  • If you want to remove parameters from urls you can use the removeparam filter in uBlock Origin. Documentation:

    For example: /?igshid=$removeparam=igshid,

    For the best performance it's recommended to make sure the parameter is included in the filter as seen above with /?igshid, and with the domain it originated from.

    Filters for the examples in OPs post:


    There's also a filter that removes a lot of known params:

  • [UserScript] Just another lemmy style inspired by some old subreddit styles
    • Link:
    • Install link:

    This is a style I primarily made for myself, but why not share it. It's inspired by some of the old subreddit styles and the old youtube design.

    • Should work with litely and darkly plus compact variants.
    • Uses rounded thumbnails to external links.
    • Uses square thumbnails to internal images.
    • Colored proprietary social media thumbs with their brand colors. (So you don't accidentally click on a youtube link for example).

    There still are some things I have to fix in the dark theme, like buttons and card headers for example.

    [help] Is there a way to detect if a user is using one of the litely or darkly themes?

    I'm currently using const prefersDarkTheme = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches; but it doesn't take into consideration users that use a light system with a dark website.

    EDIT: Solved with the following: javascript const element = document.getElementById("app"); const themeVariant = element.getAttribute("data-bs-theme"); if (themeVariant === "light") { var primaryBackground = "#f0f0f0"; } else { var primaryBackground = "#121317"; }

    Good PS1 games that weren't made in Japan?

    I do like myself a good Japanese game every once in a while, but right now I'm looking for other PS1 games made outside of Japan that are still very fun to play.

    Frellwit Frellwit

    Maintainer of the Swedish regional list in uBlock Origin.

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