Blocking adblockers apparently doesn't work well enough so google resorts to various forms of gaslighting (delayed video playback, api randomly returning wrong video, and now skipping video straight to the end).
My videos are also randomly going from 4k to 360p, and having long hitches/pauses. Thats assuming the page loads at all, which may take a few refreshes...and its not an internet/connection related issue.
happening with Firefox with ublock origin.
Honestly, the youtube pages (and only the youtube pages) act slow and laggy like the CPU is running at 100% doing hard number crunching. yet system monitor shows its not even breaking 10% load on the CPU, and that firefox's process isnt even using half that, so it feels like theres something artificially slowing the page down, in retrospect.
This is what I do anyways because I am too impatient to watch through 15 minutes of blah blah to reach the end and hear, "in my next video I'll actually show you how to dobthe thing that you came here to see."
Give me a decent web page with searchable text and a few pictures (if needed) and I'll be happy.
Just use front ends if you don't care about interacting with the content. It has been a few years since I am used to using them and I dread being forced to go back to youtube again.
I have been using Brave as my browser for years, I have never once seen an ad on YouTube. Nor have I ever had any of the issues that have been reported with people using ad blockers.
For quite some time now I've had the issue that the video simply refuses to stop playing requiring me to refresh the page. Might be an issue with one of the add-ons too though.
Good riddance, I can't wait until I'm free from the instant gratification of videos by fancy ad vessels being narcissistic on the internet. The move to video and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I already use sponsorblock, ublock and dearrow alongside Vanced patches, piped and newpipe on mobile. Quitting YT is the next step.
This is happening to me, on a minority of videos I click on, sometimes the video will start at random places midway through and even close to the end. Most times it doesn't happen tho (I am aware the videos start playing on the home/search page now, this isn't it).
I am using youtube premium tho, no adblock just their official app with premium on my phone. This problem started like one or two weeks ago max.
For a while, I've had problems with a patched yt app. Been going on for probably months at this point, but even with the latest ReVanced patches I still end up with, if lucky, video plays for 10 seconds before infinite loading. Makes me have to use the PipePipe (NewPipe fork) app more than I want, but at least I get ad free videos.
I'd use a privacy respecting frontend, but sometimes I like to comment and I have yet to find one that allows me to login and comment on videos.
I'm not quite understanding what the benefit is to forcing skips to the end of the video. Having to click to the beginning of the video takes a fraction of a second which is still a better user experience than sitting through a 15 to 30 second ad.
I use on my android. Seems to work well over the past year and a bit. Seldomly things don't work and I need to switch it off but then back on once I'm done.