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Databases and their real world use examples
  • If I understood your question correctly,

    A database is a base for your data, its where your data lives.

    A data is the most important thing for most modern applications. You have an account in Lemmy. You have made posts and comments. All that post texts, images, etc has to be recorded somewhere in the server. Thats what a database does.

  • FIrefox can and should but refuses to implement browser level encryption to protect every browsing data generated by the browser.

    Chrome does not do it either but are we supposed to be the ones that start a new trend or the ones that follow the trend?

    I made a post into their feature request section about how important it is for privacy and security. It is perfectly possible to do but they are not interested in doing.

    What I asked was that they provide a feature that allows users to opt in to encrypt all browsing data including history, passwords, cookies, etc. With this feature I can only access my browser information after I open up Firefox and provide my encryption password.

    How would this help? Well, there could be viruses that can read Firefox browsing history and cookies and send that to the server. With this feature enabled, one can be even more safer.

    There is an option to encrypt Passwords. Thats not enough, every other piece of browsing data should also be encrypted.

    Be careful, your understanding of incognito mode in Firefox may be wrong and that could be costing you

    All the incognito browser windows share the same "session" in Firefox. So say you open an Incognito window to browse Facebook or something, then you open another Incognito window, this new incognito window is linked to the previous incognito window, meaning you are logged into Facebook at that new Incognito window as well. This is because, as I explained before, all the incognito windows share the same "session"

    The only way to clear incognito window is to close ALL of them and then create a new incognito window. You dont have to close the main non incognito Firefox window though, just close all the incognito windows. Then open a new one, now your previous session is destroyed and you are new again.

    You may know it but its not that common knowledge as it should have been

    Firefox supports loading about:config settings using user.js file that does not support even the basic thing Javascript is supposed to support

    Why use .js extension if it does not even support what Javascript is supposed to support. Here is my user.js file that does not work in Firefox:

    However the following works:

    I wonder why not implement a full Javascript engine to read in those configuration files, it kind of sucks to keep on typing user_pref( in every line when one could put all the configs in a list and loop over it and use user_pref() to apply them.

    A secret Linux cat easter egg

    There is a secret easter egg where you can activate a virtual cat on a linux or a UNIX system. Though it is reported that it can hang your system in certain distros so it is best advised you save and close all your work and so on before attempting because if things go wrong, you may be forced to pull out the power plug.

    To summon the cat, try the following command:

    meow() { meow | meow & }; meow If you see something like [1] 583341 [1]+ Done meow|meow Quickly up arrow and rerun the command untill you see no output. And after a few seconds the cat will appear on the screen that follows your mouse pointer. Very cute.

    Update: This also works in Windows with GitBash

    "Free Download Manager" malicious package was discovered

    It is important to note that Free Download Manager is not malware, but there was a malicious linux package that impersonated Free Download Manager.

    Always use 'user' as your username

    Dont use Reddit username or Facebook username or anything like that even if it could be cool. That way you dont have to worry even if some log file or error stack trace recorded your username.

    How is downvote counter negative in some comments?

    Video demonstration:

    The upvote and downvote counter both should have been positive no? How is it negative in this case?

    I am not making a huge fuss about this very tiny of a tiny glitch. But I feel like this can become something much more serious if unknown.

    What is the most official Android app for Lemmy?

    Like there is the Official Mastodon app for Mastodon, and Element app for Matrix, which app is considered the most official lemmy app for Android [possibly also for ios]

    Or atleast, the app which supports most(if not all) the features available in Lemmy

    [Bug] Spaced words get clumped together when pressing backspace to erase words

    Video demonstration:

    When I am typing and press the backspace, the words get clumped together that shouldnt have been.

    Version: 0.0.44

    [Sorry that I had to use Reddit to upload video about Jerbora]

    sed 11q is an early sign of dimentia, dont do it Symptoms of Early Dementia-11 Questionnaire (SED-11Q): A Brief Informant-Operated Screening for Dementia - PubMed

    The aim of this study was to develop a brief informant-based questionnaire, namely the Symptoms of Early Dementia-11 Questionnaire (SED-11Q), for the screening of early dementia. 459 elderly individuals participated, including 39 with mild cognitive impairment in the Clinical Dementia Rating scale (...

    Symptoms of Early Dementia-11 Questionnaire (SED-11Q): A Brief Informant-Operated Screening for Dementia - PubMed
    Should lemmy community mods accept your subscription request in some community?

    When I click to subscribe some groups it goes to Pending stage for a long time before it gets to subscribed.

    Is that because the mods accepted my subscription request or is it taking long time?

    I have a bunch of questions about Firefox profiles

    I run Windows 10 and I have never done anything with Profiles at all. I am completely new.

    When I go to about:profiles I see three Enteries,

    • Profile: default-release
    • Profile: default
    • Profile: dev-edition-default

    Of which default-release seems to be default. Indicated by Default Profile: yes

    First off, why are there 3 profiles if I never created one?

    In Each profile, there is Root Directory and Local Directory which point to the same directory in all 3 cases. What are the differences?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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