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If a lemmy server is completely wiped, then installed from scratch again without the existing database, how does that work with existing remotely posted comments and federation?
  • Yeah, I have a feeling that this is the case with my server. It does seem to be communities that I was already subscribed to having issues subscribing again.

  • Dead instance checker may be overzealous.
  • Is there a process to undead an instance? I'm just saying that as I wiped my server a few weeks ago and created a new lemmy server from scratch with the same domain/details etc... I'm posting from it now so it kind of works I guess but will I be missing anything?

  • Lemmy Support FunkyClown
    If a lemmy server is completely wiped, then installed from scratch again without the existing database, how does that work with existing remotely posted comments and federation?

    Just asking as I did exactly that and it kind of seems like it works? I would have thought there would have been some kind of checksum/key etc...

    The only issue I'm really running into is that it says subscribe pending on some communities when I try to subscribe but I'm assuming that's due to being overloaded etc...

    Is there anything major that I'm overlooking?

    Note: The server is personal so hijacking existing usernames isn't an issue but I'm assuming it would be if it was populated?

    The year of Linux on the desktop is closer. Linux reaches 3% of desktops
  • I have on servers as I run my own lemmy server. I do like Linux desktop but macOS just works for my work and home laptop.

  • What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
  • Critters or Ghoulies? Never watched the latter but the vhs tape cover had one coming out of the toilet:

  • What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
  • My dad got me a poster of mogwai after watching the movie and attached it on the ceiling directly above my bed. Sure, he was the friendly one but fuck that shit! 10/10 dad humour.

  • What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
  • In its defence, many scared stoners were also casualties of that movie.

  • What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
  • Me watching Event Horizon… wow, a cool new sci-fi movie…. Then wtf?…… Great movie though.

  • I don't want to call out sick today. I want to call out healthy.
  • I call that a mental health day. Aka, my brain doesn’t want to work and have fun instead.

  • What password manager do you recommend?
  • I’m using it since doing the opposite and it works great on iOS. Not sure if it was different a while ago but you can set it as your auto fill password manager.

  • That Download ain't right.
  • What, no Atari Lynx?

  • That Download ain't right.
  • Same! I pay nearly double what I was paying for 100mbps but it’s worth it. As soon as the service was enabled in my building I signed up straight away. In the same place 3 years ago I was only getting 14mbps as my only option!

  • The year of Linux on the desktop is closer. Linux reaches 3% of desktops
  • Yes and no. MacOS is basically the year of the Unix desktop for a while now and it’s still powerful and user friendly. Just fire up a terminal and it’s Unix. The benefit they have is hardware control so stuff just works and no driver hardware issues etc…

  • YSK: If you want faster and less buggy User experience, move to a smaller instance that is hosted close to you.
  • Agreed that close helps in general but 200-300ms isn't really that noticeable unless it's something where latency is important. I'm also surprised that some of the larger instances aren't using Cloudflare for caching. If things like images etc... are cached all over the world then I doubt anyone would notice any speed issues.

  • YSK: If you want faster and less buggy User experience, move to a smaller instance that is hosted close to you.
  • Close to you? I’m running my own instance in France and I live in Australia. It works great. The problem is overloaded instances.

  • FunkyClown FunkyClown
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    Comments 14