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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Aurora Borealis will be visible in the high north of the planet during night for the next day or so

  • Anyone got any fiction book recommendations?
  • Philip K Dick if you are into sci fi

  • Dear so called "moderators" of so called ""
  • live-tucker-reaction

    If I change it will you reopen c/dating?

  • NSFW
    How many hexbears think there will actually be a blowjob robot in the West in our time?
  • The hole was cut through the mouth of a megatron mask stapled to the wall

  • Nuclear beanis
  • Hot dog nozzle

  • Dear so called "moderators" of so called ""


    I made a post recently on I pressed the "post" button and eagerly retreated to my study awaiting precious engagement. My study is an interesting place. It is entirely unfurnished except for a bed directly in the middle up against no walls. I sat in the dark meditating, reflecting how less sexy Miranda Keyes from the Halo games would be if they released today under woke Microsoft, or "wokeosoft". Her skin is soft and pale, why cant I look like her? Why can't I have long flowing hair? I can grow my hair like that but the radical left Democrat Party won't allow it, they call it "cultural appropriation".

    I checked my phone and saw that my post, simply asking a user to become my wife had been removed. It was called "inappropriate" and "unusual" that I had written out a 12 paragraph description of our life together on the farm if this user would marry me. I would still like her even if she wasn't trans. Each day I would awake at the crack of dawn, 1:30 PM, and fart myself out of bed while cracking every individual joint in my body, my beloved wife would be there to greet me with an orange soda and a donut. At 2:30 PM I would arise from bed and begin the work day on the farm, I would begin by greeting Juan, our farm hand strong enough to carry a bale of hay by hand. "Hot enough for you, john?" He always cracked up at my jokes. "Mr. Carlson, can I please put a shirt on? I am getting sunburned again". I drink another orange soda.

    After a hard day of work I would be finished with my tasks and return home for dinner. I would greet her/you with a kiss and a silent, 25 minute long stare directly into your eyes. When do I blink? Only when you do. I drink another orange soda and kiss you deeply, burping directly into your mouth. I drink another orange soda. You would make me a dinner meal made of meat. Only meat. No vegetables. I'm not gay like that. I return to our bedroom, playing my Xbox while you take care of the house and mend our clothes. I drink another orange soda and gently fall asleep with you in my arms early at 8 AM, gently drifting off to thoughts of our love and the next day on the farm.

    So please, moderators of Hexbear, restore my post and unban c/dating to let love bloom like 100 flowers

    In love (whether you like it or not) Tucker "The Tiger" Carlson

    How many hexbears think there will actually be a blowjob robot in the West in our time?
  • Mr. Elon, with all due respect a guy in a Halloween robot costume does not count.

    Granted, when I was in college I went to a transformers themed glory hole but that's not the same

  • Oh my god these images are the reasoning .world defederated from hexbear
  • China, or Tawain


    This is literally what Chiang Kai-Shek believed and the on paper stance of the Obama regime

  • Elon Musk Is Still Trying to Get Other Carmakers to License "Full Self-Driving," But Not a Single One Has Taken Him Up On It
  • Tucker Carlson is Still Trying to Get Other Newsmakers to License "Suck Me To Completion," But Not a Single One Has Taken Him Up On It

  • Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF
  • My dick is growing faster than all advanced economies

  • Denmark to conscript women into armed forces for first time
  • Being the setting of Hamlet and having Lego count for something.

    Not really

    Being the setting of Hamlet

    Lmao this is the same mindset of people from small towns where a movie was once filmed

  • I finally found it. The one good podcast.
  • Hexbear is no longer a citations-needed website

  • Is RFK even slightly better than the other guys
  • At his best he's a lib, at his worse he's an outright reactionary. Between Trump, Brandon, and Kennedy if you are planning on voting Brandon is the best of the three

  • It's only $35 for an unforgettable experience
  • From the website about page

    Karl, a visibly saintly man, who spent his precious two years on the throne making multiple offers for peace that were rejected. This caused the war to be extended two more years and millions of more deaths. In 1918 WWI came to an end, the empire was dismantled with the help of masons and other anti-Catholics here and abroad, and Karl and his wife, Empress Zita, were arrested and literally shipped 2000 miles away to a Portuguese island called Madeira off the coast of west Africa, with their seven children following later. He died there soon after, in penury, at the age of 34, leaving his pregnant wife of ten years, the Servant-of-God Empress Zita, and seven young children.

    Historians believe that had this young, holy emperor been able to remain on the throne, the next century of world-shaping horrors in eastern Europe [civil wars, Nazi-ism, then communism, and now in many parts practical atheism] would not have occurred. And by extension, the world would be today a much better place in which to live.

  • An understanding of the levels of gooning

    Graph understanding of what each level of gooning does to brain density, howlong one must goon to reach that level, and it's equivalent impact on reality around you


    Reform and Opening Up (改革开放) FakeNews is now Unlocked and open to the People

    Let 100 flowers bloom.

    Patriots are in control. Give the comm a chance


    Q Is this fake news?

    A. No. It's been open for a few days now. See for yourself

    Q !rage-cry But I hate Melina

    A. Then block them lol

    Q Fake News is reactionary

    A. No it's not lol

    Q What if I'm dumb and think satire is bad or needs purpose or something like that

    A. Stfu nerd

    Where are you, my NoFap warriors?

    Physically I am a primordial, but I spiritually jerk off everyday

    Rest in Peace/Piss Melina Memorial Service/Dance Party

    A note from the Fake News Time writing staff:





    Shine on you crazy diamond

    I remember when the Nazis kidnapped Stalins child

    They sent Joseph a piece of his sons finger in the mail. He asked for more proof

    If Red Dead Redemption 2 is your favorite game you are probably deeply unhappy

    Never played the game (fuck westerners lol) but I notice there is a correlation between being deeply immersed in rdr2 and being miserable

    Mao, great guy I tell ya, says he's turned the whole country vegetarian

    He must be right. Last time I visited (1959) people were grazing on their front lawns!
