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Pocket 386 is a mini laptop for retro computing with support for DOS and Windows 95 - Liliputing
  • This is pretty late, they've been out for months. The most recent addition is the Pocket 8086, waiting on mine to get delivered.

    It probably doesnt matter to most of you but it has an 8 bit ISA add-on board, meaning its an easy way to test era appropriate components such as Audio and video cards. Great for people more interested in vintage hardware than software.

  • American Airlines passenger sued by FAA after being duct taped to seat
  • I've worked an ER servicing a major airport for years, I've seen tons of people like this lady come through. The vast majority of berzerk passenger syoroes involve first or business class passengers. That statement comes feom experience. 'Maybe's are like assholes, everyone has them.

  • American Airlines passenger sued by FAA after being duct taped to seat
  • One of the 'tells' of mental illness in airplane passenger stories is business class. People experiencing manic episodes tend to take luxury options regardless of means.

    It really sucks, and I'm sure red flags were present in the terminal if anyone paid attention.

    On the plus side, she was probably hospitalized after the emergency landing, she may not be liable.

  • A law to protect Washington health care workers keeps patients in crisis
  • Its a complex topic. On the one hand, retard police routinely put people who are violent but not for psych reasons on psych holds because it's less paperwork, and makes them the health systems problem instead of theirs.

    On the other hand, psych nursing and medsurg nursing are two different skillsets and most medsurg nurses dont know their ass from emvironmental safety.

    On the third hand, Doctors tend to be activist dipshits that routinely put staff's safety at risk by undermedicating.

    Is any of this the fault of people going through a legitimate crisis event? No.

  • 210 Palestinians reportedly killed during Israeli hostage recovery operation
  • Considering that hummus was sitting on civilians for literal decades knowing it'll tie Israel's hands, it about time the message got sent that those tactics won't fly. I'm glad at least some of the hostages made it home safely.

  • Ah the memories
  • You losers had 4 years under a democratic president to stop being miserable cunts... It's entirely possible that your situation has nothing to do with who'se in the white house.

  • Liberals are not 'the Left'...
  • The more appropriate summary is that I don't need people who can't take care of themselves lecture me about taking care of others. You'll do more good in the long run tackling your own problems.

  • Borrowers, especially the young, struggle with credit card debt in potentially bad sign for economy
  • Well, there's sucking at handling credit cards at 11% interest, and there's sucking at handling credit cards at 28% interest.

    Not that I feel bad about it because I reached adulthood and learned my lesson with the 2007 recession, but young people are experiencing the double whammy of being the 'number go up' generation, with their parents and education completely failing to prepare them for number go down.

    Now the only numbers that go up are cost of living and interest rates.

  • Liberals are not 'the Left'...
  • Working in public health for a few years, I've found that people like to focus on things they have no control over because its a guilt free way to avoid tackling much more challenging tasks that can improve the individual's life in the here and now.

    The fascists lost 80 years ago, there are just people you disagree with.

    I don't know if you're a minority, of you're not, your dumb ass has no reason to be miserable over their treatment. If you are a minority, there are ways to dig yourself out of your QQ hole if you pull your head out of your anus. I find alot pf people who play the victim card get isolated because nobody wants to walk on egg shells around them. There are some ethnic groups with legitimate problems, but you're on fucking Lemmy, there's no way you're one of them.

    Lack of universal health care? Sounds like you may benefit from getting it through a private employer. If you already have it, why are you being a miserable cunt about other people not having access? You can be concerned, but miserable cuntdom is a disproportionate reaction.

  • Liberals are not 'the Left'...
  • You guys are both equally terrible, you just lack the insight.

    Most leftists I know live in states with democratic supermajorities, have been misrable cunts since Obama, and still manage to blame all their problems on trump being president for 4 years, 3 years ago.

    Ultra MAGAS arent any different, every bit as miserable, every bit as hateful, but blame their problems on the guy in the white house instead of the people in charge of their state.

    Both sides are calcified along lines where issues I care about are lumped in with shit I could care less or flat out oppose to the point where there is literally no advantage to either side winning for me.

  • Hacked data reveals which US gun sellers are behind Mexican cartel violence
  • This is exactly what I expected to read. Latin gangs keep unaligned affiliates (mostly girlfriends) as straw buyers to pass background checks. I don't see how its the sellers folault, seems like we just cant keep our migrant and gamg problem under control.

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • A large part of the disaster we're in is because Obama didn't actually fix the causes of the 2007 recession, he brought interest rates to 0% which kept the economy staggering forward but was destined to cause another meltdown eventually.

    Trump kept the ball rolling but was only president for 4 years, then biden kept the ball rolling until it started to deflate.

    The reason nonvoters dont vote is because retard leftists refuse to take their share of the blame. You were a 16 year part of the problem while Trump was a 4 year one.

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • Its amazing how staff in a free country can raise safety concerns, while the culture of silence in Gaza kept even the hypocrites working for NGOs silent when literal hostages kidnapped by terrorists got brought in.

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