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Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • no, like, their comment was chock-full of good stuff & that's what you decide to focus on? apologies for the "no u," but like, come on.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Ability to hear music but inability to process the words.

    yes officer take me downtown

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • as someone who seems to simultaneously be sensitive to sound & hard of hearing + sharp-eyed & near-sighted, i'd like to thank you for this response.

    e : visual snow is a binch, also.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • they prolly won't be the only one lmao

  • for a better rule
  • unfortunately my trans balls already occupy an eternal pit of existential despair u___u

  • for a better rule
  • it gets better the longer u look at it

  • Neil rule
  • Neil "Scary Trousers" Gaiman

  • David Tennant Called ‘Rich, Lefty, White Male Celebrity’ by U.K. Minister for Equality After War of Words Over LGBT+ Rights
  • Kemi, you've gone on record essentially saying that the UK is colourblind. you've also said that, in your experience, racial bias always comes from the left. in light of this, what would you say are the optics of your now turning around to say this?

  • He remains at large
  • "it's always midnight somewhere."

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene begs voters to elect "horrible, sh**ty" Republicans
  • just wanted to say that today's been crappy & seeing this reference made me feel a lil better.

  • ACAB.
  • yeah, thoughts & prayers to the cops for turning another peaceful protest violent.

    maybe approach the subject again once you're done slobbering on pig pp.

  • ACAB.
  • the only thing you're combating is being perceived as a reasonable person.