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Who's winning the war in Ukraine?
  • Also Russia is totally cooking the books/cozying up to China as the lesser power in the relationship

  • Who's winning the war in Ukraine?
  • It's like the trenches of WWI combined with the forever wars the US fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Congratulations Russia, you've saddled yourself with a decades long conflict potentially and lost the geopolitical purpose of invading Ukraine within months since Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership.

  • Who's winning the war in Ukraine?
  • Truly the only trustworthy source

  • Israel furious that elderly captive spoke of humane treatment by Hamas
  • Supposedly Qatar has been mediating and is promising a breakthrough "soon".

  • They made her look gorgeous and they still have complaints lmao
  • Lady must be HOT and DUMB or me no get HARD (I am afraid of women knowing more than me) ./s

  • Why is Egypt's border with Gaza closed? Why doesn't Egypt receive any criticism over it?
  • Hamas has historical ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which Sisi and the Egyptian military consider terrorists, as well as a peace treaty and diplomatic relations with Israel. As others have said, Egypt is a military dictatorship with ties to the US and support from it, these make it complicated for them to just open the border (although I do think that Israel saying they wanted Gazans to flee to Egypt means they would not airstrike it should they open it in that direction but also logic isn't reliable in war all the time).

  • Bernie Sanders says Israel is violating international law with blockade on 'open-air prison' in Gaza
  • He denounced specific parts of the attack. The section of international law that explicitly allows violent resistance to a military occupation or blockade doesn't exempt the resistors from the rest of international law. The IDF/Israel and Hamas have the same obligations under international law(s).

  • "It was a peace rave!" Then why did it have to be next to the open-air prison suffering from starvation and disease?
  • Revenge-driven actions have not historically worked out for the people taking their revenue in the long run for eitherthem nor the cause. I'm with the Palestinian diplomats and journalists putting the violence in context without saying its good.

  • "It was a peace rave!" Then why did it have to be next to the open-air prison suffering from starvation and disease?
  • Not any worse than implying that every Gazan huddled in dark places praying for their lives under constant Israeli bombardment all support the murder of other people as payback

  • "It was a peace rave!" Then why did it have to be next to the open-air prison suffering from starvation and disease?
  • They're commenting on a leftist forum, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that that indicates at least a desire to be involved in such things in the real world.

    I have had some comments replying to me before, implying that what happened at the rave is what needs to and should happen to all colonists, because clearly I don't understand what decolonisation means (even though I am someone whose been involved in décolonisation activism in the past and at no point was my forced removal from North America or murder part of the discussion).

  • "It was a peace rave!" Then why did it have to be next to the open-air prison suffering from starvation and disease?
  • Idk if that's been explicit in everyone from the get go. I watch video and look at photos of war (probably to my own detriment) and I have seen many comments here and on those videos directly from people who are outright happy and gleefull at seeing people "getting what they deserve" for going to a rave where they did.

    I understand that a theocratic and violent response is to be expected but it doesn't mean it is something I need to specifically support and be mean to potential grieving relatives about. My empathy doesn't get used up entirely on the Palestinians, it is proportional to me.

    The real world is messy and I get in principle and when speaking broadly that armed resistance is justified but I personally am not going to accept people on my side of politics using rhetoric that excuses or celebrates the sort of carnage I'm seeing.

    (That said, I agree with what you said as far as your own beliefs and takes)

  • "It was a peace rave!" Then why did it have to be next to the open-air prison suffering from starvation and disease?
  • I hadn't seen anything on Hexbear or Lemmy but I did see it a few times on Twitter trying to find combat updates

  • "It was a peace rave!" Then why did it have to be next to the open-air prison suffering from starvation and disease?
  • The terrified inhabitants are still in the Gaza Strip, and I fear for their lives in the face of an impending land invasion of the strip. Hamas fighters are an organized militia and I will judge them and their actions differently than I will unarmed civilians. Stop equating all Palestinians with Hamas - that is exactly what Israel wants.

  • If only Palestinians would raise their kids to be better, then maybe I wouldnt be cheering for the IDF to genocide them.
  • sees reprehensible human activity

    I demand more reprehensible human activity as recompense!

    Because surely genociding the entire population of Gaza will end the cycle of (uneven) violence.

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • Even if you believe they deserved death, they deserved it through some sort of legal mechanism accountable to the people they harmed and not just one faction that also harms far more than the evil ones.

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • I'm saying that failing to realise the target was chosen for what was in the buildings and not just because they're tall buildings is pure liberalism,

    You know that that's what every tall building is right? There's literally a whole thing about how skyscrapers basically exist for capitalism. They chose the WTC because that tall building in particular would be particularly terrifying to watch blow up and collapse for the rest ofnthe city (which you know, is mostly working class people, like everywhere else).

    any questioning of what finance capital actually does would lead people to realising the vast majority of these people weren't innocents

    Even if every single person of the 3k who died in the WTC was a CEO or high-level management in finance capital, they still wouldn't deserve to die how they did. Even if I personally support lining them up against a wall, I don't cease caring about 9/11 because I want them dead anyways.

    Now, in the real world, for every finance capitalist, there is a team of employees, paid hourly, who are not capitalists but are selling their ability to work for a wage like most of us. They were the majority of the people who died in 9/11.

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • More like a handful of businessmen and then hundreds of hourly wage employees sitting in front of computers or cleaning bathrooms and having no involvement in the operations of capital.

    Did you forget that 1 wealthy person relies on the work of dozens to hundreds of proles? Or did you think they somehow didn't work in the WTC

  • America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • However 9/11 isn't about remembering the people that died, it's about the wound to America's pride created by the massive spectacle of the twin towers going down on national television.

    I still don't see why this is cause to act, even if ironically, happy about 3000 dead people. "America deserved 9/11," taken on its own and without additional context, sounds to me like it's saying that every one of those dead people deserved to die solely because they were within US borders at the time (because I think this is getting lost on many people, hundreds of the deaths weren't American).

    Like, I find the way 9/11 is reified in our culture to be wrong, insulting even, to the memory of those who actually died in the attack. I think that a lot of the reaction to it from leftists though demonstrates the similar levels of ignorance. The Right wing wants framing of 9/11 to be "America vs. The Terrorists", but that ignores that the most immediate response from every country was to condemn the attacks and express support. It also reinforces their implicit definition of who an "American" is, when people talk about how the ensuing Islamophobia showed what America really was, by equating being born in the United States with being anti-Muslim, which I feel erases all the native-born Muslims in the US that have been here for years and generations.

    Likewise, people here are acting like all 3k who died were all white investment bankers or venture capitalists and that the legacy "proves" how a nation of 300+ million people all uniformly out for the blood of Arabs.

    That also ignores that there actually were lots of Americans who spoke against the fervor sweeping the country. Musicians used their platforms to criticize how the Bush Admin was using the tragedy. Comedians and talk show hosts lost their sponsors and backers. I was literally brought to an anti-war picket line as a kindergartener in '03 so that my mom would have enough evidence for me to be a conscientious objector in 20 years

    Like, considering how many people in this thread are also probably American themselves, it's silly at best and counterproductive at worst to make "America deserved 9/11" anyone's actual public opinion.