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My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • I disagree.

    • XP felt like it was mine.
    • 7 felt like it was mine
    • 8 felt like they were trying to force something on me.
    • 10 felt like they were pushing bloatware like a cell phone. At least l could remove some of that?
    • 11 feels like they decided it's their computer, I'm just renting time in it by watching ads. You could remove half the programs by default and I would not miss any of them. Do I need a version of minesweeper with micro transactions? No!
  • Unlike the image, I definitely encourage people to do this
  • If it's your sign you may do as you please with the sign. Displaying it in your yard may be less straightforward, as it may no longer count as a political sign and fall under a local sign or art ordinance. Probably.

  • I did shave them.
  • I've seen people try to say that shorts are "unprofessional" but my counter is being a sweaty mess is worse. If it isn't cold enough to warrant pants, in wearing shorts!

  • It would be nice.
  • I have a fitness tracker that goes off during "stressful periods."

    This is particularly funny when I'm just at work, working on something at my desk, and it's like "hey man, calm the fuck down!"

  • Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful
  • I agree with the first part. It was supposed to be a check and balance to government power and oppression. It gives people the power to fight back against injustice.

    However, in the time of intercontinental missiles, planes, tanks, and remote operated drones, are a bunch of peasants with guns actually going to do anything if the government turned on its people? Does the "right to bear arms" not extend to other, non-gun weapons?

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • Where you download an episode and then listen to it? Likely due to bandwidth restrictions, early file formats, and hardware limitations.

    The first issue, bandwidth limitations, results in the download taking a very long time. Video takes up more storage and therefore takes more time to transfer the data. People may become bored, run out of time, or need to pause the download and restart it later. Faster connections help, but...

    Many early video formats did not handle partial files well. You needed to wait to download the entire thing to watch it. Some formats can break the file into smaller pieces and reduce how many you need to download at once, but then you need hardware to piece the final thing back together seamlessly.

    And the limit on hardware that can piece together the video files in real time limits the accessibility of playback. You also need more pre-processing to get the videos into the right format.

    Better hardware just pushes the issue to bandwidth. Bandwidth improvements push the issue to the storage hardware. Better formats improve things for hardware and storage, but usually at the cost of quality.

  • Beethoven's 9th Symphony
  • You know, I was thinking T = (0P) + 40, but that implies that 0 people would still be able to play the song in 40 minutes and that doesn't feel right.

    Yours also implies that any number of negative people could play the song in the same amount of time, and that also feels correct.

  • Things the guys who stole my phone have texted me to try to get me to unlock it - Gothamist
  • Funny thing, even if you do that you can be prevented from initializing the device. You get a "this phone was reset in an unusual way, sign in to the original account used for setup" message the may or not hint at an email address. I've got a stack of them on my desk from former employees that I'm trying to get back into. Pain in the ass for business, good for consumers.

  • Self-driving cars will never be popular as you can't speed in them.

    Given how many people treat speed limits as suggestions, at best, having your vehicle obey the limit would turn some people off of them.

    TP-Link Integrates Kasa Smart Home Devices into Tapo App with Version 3.0

    With the release of Tapo version 3.0, TP-Link integrates their two lines of smart home devices into a single application, reducing the number of apps needed to control their devices.

    Additionally, the update claims improvements to the user interface, optimized camera features, a sleeker status page, and faster responses and startups.

    The blow post also suggest that improvements to lighting effects, smart actions, geofencing, and a dark mode will be coming in the future.

    I think the best takeaway is that I can have one less app on my phone!

    TP-Link Blog - Brand-New Tapo Version 3.0

    A Loon in the Lake

    A picture of a Loon sitting on its nest in a lake. Taken July 2023 on a Pixel 6 Pro at full zoom and through a waterproof phone bag.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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