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Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Aah okay, that makes sense. Paulogia does however put forward at least one more person having an experience, possibly due to a grief hallucination. If I remember correctly he suggested Peter being the one to have it.
    I also don’t remember him ever suggesting that the empty tomb is an actual fact in need of explanation. I think he sees it as likely that Jesus would have been unceremoniously put in a mass- or ditch grave as was common for crucifixion victims. The tomb would then be a detail added on later by other christians, likely through narrative evolution.
    I may misremember some of it though, so maybe I should go back and rewatch as well.

    Oh nice! :D

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • I think it is more likely that they refer to the minimum witnesses argument put firth by a youtuber Paulogia. He has done a lot to popularize it as a response to the criticism that sceptics have no singular explanation for the proposed evidence of Jesus provided by the spread of christianity and the accounts of early cristians.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • As a Dane I’d guess they didn’t realize Americans use it as a greating and so assumed you to be initiating a conversation unrelated to ordering, possibly with bad intentions.

    It would be a little like starting the conversation with a “how is your mother”, it would signal way more familiarity than was had, come way out of left field and be generally unwanted when you are working if you don’t have time to stop for the conversation that would ensue.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you did anything wrong necessarily, it’s just a cultural difference that likely causes misunderstandings if none of the parties are aware of it. I’d liken it to a Eurpean going to a restaurant in the US, not tipping anything and how both parties may feel the other party to be rude after the fact if the server let their dissatisfaction show.

    I could of course be wrong and they may just have been an ass, plenty of those in tourist heavy areas for sure. Just something to consider if it could have been the case.

  • _____ Rule
  • This sounds a lot like my reaction to questions in the test i got for autism (except it was writtwn so i just scribbled these thoughts out).
    I don’t know if you are on the spectrum, but it sounds like the test giver would have been horrible at administering it to children on the spectrum either way.

  • Judge Cannon rejects request for gag order against Donald Trump in classified docs case | CNN Politics
  • The fact that me pointing out why your accusing someone else of moving the goalpost isn’t true and a mistake on your part is met by you immediately trying to make me disprove a claim you haven’t even made explicitly yet, makes me think this will go nowhere regardless of anything I might say.
    Will you acknowledge your mistake and move forward? If so I’m open to discussing it further, but if you continue to avoid the points made as if to never acknowledge when you are wrong then I’m not going to bother.

  • Judge Cannon rejects request for gag order against Donald Trump in classified docs case | CNN Politics
  • Fascist regimes

    ^ Right here is where they specified that they weren’t talking about all authoritarian societies but a subset.
    If you want to argue that your list is all fascist countries then do that, but they did not move any goalposts by correcting you after giving what you labeled authoritarian countries instead of fascist ones specifically.

  • Pressure builds on Biden after Israeli strike kills dozens of civilians in Rafah
  • This is cult behaviour... always attack never even try to defend the horrible things your side does because it's indefensible.

    It is quite ironic of you to say this in a comment chain in which you came in, immediately attacking and attributing malicious intent to the other commenter, all the while insinuating that Israel does nothing wrong and only Hamas is to blame for the horrors happening. Of the two of it seemed to me like you were the one engaging more in this behavior.

  • Microsoft word update messes up exams in Denmark
  • I’ve used it a lot for reports when I went to university, but for short notes I would prefer markdown and for a few pages or documents where formatting is trivial I still find it easier to use LibreOffice or word. I find it likely that most high schoolers would find it easier to use word for any document than LaTeX which they probably have never heard of and would be unable to get support for unlike word which is commonly provided by the school. So while understand where you are coming from, I don’t think the students are in a situation where that would be a plausible solution. Especially due to the many pitfalls and the learning curve you have to get through for using LaTeX as efficiently and for as complex formatting as they already know how to do in word. LaTeX has a way higher ceiling of quality, but the floor is also much lower for those new to it and without the drive to learn it.

  • Microsoft word update messes up exams in Denmark
  • Word specifically is not required, but electronic hand in is. If it works the same as when I studied at that level (I am a Dane) you simply hand in a pdf file, but how it is made doesn’t matter. A web interface to write in was never a thing throughout my education though.

  • Microsoft word update messes up exams in Denmark
  • While I agree with you that LaTeX is an impressive tool, I would not choose it for an exam whith a short duration. It is great, but for short documents that should be written quickly, I don’t think it’s the best tool.

  • Microsoft word update messes up exams in Denmark
  • A single person experiencing an error is bad luck and may go through an apeals process. Half a class experiencing the same error jeopardizes the legitimacy of the exam for enough students that they decided to handle it collectively. It may be a third party tool but it is one they are expected to use which changes things. Had it been a few students using libre office they would probably be out of luck as they would have used non standard software.

    Another important note is that many exams now require digitally handing in the assignment, so the only alternative to writing the assignment in a text editor would likely have been to scan a handwritten one and convert it to pdf, if that was even allowed. So while particular hardware and software isn’t required, the limitations of the exam makes it impossible to completly avoid errors such as these.

  • Microsoft word update messes up exams in Denmark
  • Just a note to avoid some confusion some people may have: gymnasium in denmark is roughly the same as high schools in the US. While I’m sure the problem also affects university students, the focus of this article is on the high school students specifically.

  • U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage
  • I do not ageee with the poster you respond to, but false confessions are a serious problem. Often (in the US) they arise from hours long interrogations without a lawyer, in which police are allowed to lie about the evidence they have. This leads to situations where a suspect feels like they are done for even if they didn’t commit a crime. When a plea deal is then put in front of them which they are told would be much preferable to getting sentenced without it, they sign and admit to a crime they never committed. It shouldn’t happen but is a thing that unfortunately does occur.

    That said, I doubt it being the case here.

  • The Church of Trump: How He’s Infusing Christianity Into His Movement
  • The theology may have evolved, but to say they were never Christians would be unjustified, even if I agreed they had stopped being Christians due to this.
    I do however not think that is the case either. I agree that their veneration for Trump often becomes pretty much worship. That however doesn’t mean they aren’t Christian. He seems to take a status in their theology ranging from a saint-like figure to prophet and even the second coming of Jesus. Christians started out as a jewish sect and only over time became a distinct religion. I think this Trump worship is similarly a Christian sect that could potentially become a destinct religion. I just haven’t been convinced it has happened yet.

  • Stop Killing Games is a new campaign to stop developers making games unplayable
  • Funny that, I don’t make games but my job title is developer or software developer and my degree is in software development. It seems to me that the employee and corporation title being the same word is a quirk of language more than anyone insisting on taking the others name. The same thing happens to some degree with consultants, architects and dentists. I don’t think either of them conspire to flip the meaning, and I know that no developer I’ve ever talked to definitely doesn’t either.

  • NATO Proposes $100 Billion, Five-Year Fund to Aid Ukraine
  • Should every country just surrender to aggressors, only those that require aid to defend themselves or some other criteria? This seems like a call for any small state to just give up when a conqueror is at their door ready to oppress them, is that what you believe?

  • What is your favourite Open-Source game?
  • Mine would be Thrive, not so much due to its current gameplay, though it is okay, but moreso due to an unwavering commitment to a vision. It has gone on for years and is essentially a scientifically close to accurate version of spore. They have almost finished the single cell stage and are working some on the transition to multicellular now as I understand it. I find it to be an impressive project as it started from the disappointment with spore and has evolved into something that I would genuinely suggest as a learning tool in middle school biology class.

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