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The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Considering the potential fallout, I can't imagine such a decision ever coming from them when it's related to funds meant for the healthcare of an individual used for his funeral instead.

  • Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse
  • It's not about collecting data, the fediverse freely shares all its data by nature.

    Threads has a lot more users and Meta would use that to attack smaller instances, a bit like what Lemmy world was doing a few months ago.

    The biggest instances usually have the most communities and if they ban other instances, rival members are more likely to migrate over than to create copy cat communities.

    It's not terrible at the moment but bringing in threads is like throwing a shark in a shrimp tank.

  • Locked
    Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
  • The consequences of doing a bad thing are on the person doing it, not the whistle blower.

    If they wanted to keep their secrets, they should of made sure they weren't so fucking rough. Nobody would of leaked any files if those heli pilots were saving children instead of joking after killing them.

  • US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement
  • Multi-billion dollar corporations like Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, and Sony Music Group?

    All of music is basically owned by like 4 companies. This is them trying to make sure they own all AI generated music too.

  • China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say
  • By far the largest recipient of purchase subsidies was Chinese NEV manufacturer BYD, which in 2022 alone received purchase subsidies amounting to €1.6 billion (for about 1.4 million NEV) (Figure 4). The second largest recipient of purchase subsidies was US-headquartered Tesla, which received about €0.4 billion (for about 250,000 BEV produced in its Shanghai Gigafactory)

    Am I reading this right? They actually gave half a billion euros to Tesla and I'm suppose to believe they are the bad guys?

    This is so transparent as to be insulting. Pure oil propoganda.

  • IDF investigates soldiers who tied Palestinian man to vehicle’s bonnet
  • Maybe by investigating themselves, they will realize what they are doing is wrong and stop the genocide!

    ‘does not conform’ to its values

    From what I have seen in the past year, this is exactly the type of behaviour I'm expecting. What values?

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • The only physical proof you can have of a person that lived before photography is a body. So no, Jesus did not have a publically marked grave and we do not have his bones.

    That being said, there is a difference between proving something historically and proving it in the court of law. Historical evidence points to Jesus having been a person that lived around that time.

  • OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content
  • I'd say they are pushing for regulations behind the scene because they know it gives them an instant monopoly.

    They are already pass the door, they can afford to shut it behind them to own the room. Having to send checks to websites like Reddit and Getty in the future is a small price to pay.

  • OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content
  • TollBit, a startup aiming to broker paid licensing deals between publishers and AI companies.

    If we can't scrape data freely, it instantly kills the open source scene. These regulation only benefit companies like OpenAi and Google, who will happily pay an exorbitant price to have exclusive rights on data they don't already own and get a monopoly in return, as well as the companies who own this data like Reddit, Getty, Adobe, etc.

    Getting a dime was never in the cards for individuals except maybe the outliers like GRR who can throw their weight around.

    Almost all regulation being proposed only benefit big AI companies and are meant to kill any competition. They are flooding the media with bad sentiment articles to manipulate people so they can tell congress their constituents want this.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • And the guy he actually killed had a skateboard! The other guy literally just had a bag (lol dumbass).

    See this is what's so great. Circumstances don't actually matter, you can go looking for blood equipped with a weapons meant to kill as many people as fast as possible, and as long as someone flinches, you can just murder them! It's completely legal. I fucking love america.

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • Pivoting into religious rights about the summer solstice celebration. That's a stretch if I've ever seen one. I don't see why religious monuments should be exempt from harmless protests but I really doubt you would have called stone hedge one yesterday if it wasn't for it suiting your argument today.

    Is that your stance. You are pissed because you think the religious rights of the revelers got trampled on?

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • They said the same about woman and gay rights movements. You can't make noise, block traffic or even talk about it without pissing people off.

    Not to mention most of the anger is manufactured by oil execs and then enabled by people with little to no proper reasoning skills.

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • Doing nothing would be a start since apparently, you are using that time to disparage the efforts of others.

    You don't have to help, even though you have more than enough time from what you are saying. I know, it's not your fault, bla blah, you're a victim. You could just like not have a shitty attitude, that's all.

  • "Put this in your mouth son, it will help with the fever"

    I didn't have the heart to tell him what the gag was really for as I watched the bite mark ooze puss.

    best app for lemmy?

    The one I'm using is becoming so buggy to the point of being unusable. It was never really great tbh, what are most people using?

    As an added question, are bookmarks associated with the lemmy account or the app?

    Edit: I'm on android, currently using Jerboa.

    Sentient spiders

    I've just finished A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge. It was amazing and coincidentally my two last books where children of time(1 and 2) and (as to not spoil the reveal) a certain book involving spiders/crabs that live in high pressure environment.

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the theme I have going on even if it was purely accidental, what would be some good recommendations involving sentient spider to pursue next?

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