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HORI announced a special gamepad for Steam / Steam Deck [classic "Xbox layout"]
  • I see that design as choosing a tool for the job then. Top down is pretty niche but a valid point, first and third prison shooters though most pc players are going to use a mouse and keyboard.

    I remember there was some 3rd party controller where you could hot swap the position of the analog and dpad, I always thought that would be a bigger deal in terms of accessibility.

  • Here's what's happening to ad blockers in Google Chrome (and other browsers)
  • Never said they were. But it's foolish to ignore the significant populations of school children and older non technical people who have been reccomended the cheapest thing that won't get viruses and let's them get on Facebook and YouTube.

  • Here's what's happening to ad blockers in Google Chrome (and other browsers)
  • Unfortunately chromebooks have been one of the cheapest options for a whole now and have been being introduced all over school systems in the US so kids are used to them and uninformed parents will continue to buy what they know meete school requirements.

    Everyone that can definitely should switch to Firefox.

  • Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
  • I don't know, I'm all for keeping people away from addictive behaviors and would rather micro transactions not be a thing at all full stop - but allowing users to get money out of games they have already invested in is also a benefit, so it feels weird to single out the one option that provides consumer value. Don't play CS anymore? Sell the AK Fire serpent you unboxed for 2.50 back in 2014 and buy yourself a steam deck and keep a gift card for a few games. Or a new set of skins in whatever game your playing now is.

    As far as the API goes, Im pretty unfamiliar so Im not sure what responsibilities a company has when using their site as a login to another site. There's porn sites that allow me to sign in with Facebook / Gmail, if someone uploads CSAM to that site do those sites have a duty in some way?

  • Valve faces a £656 million lawsuit in the UK for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers'
  • Loot boxes suck but I'd argue valve is still one of the better approaches. Makers of skins get cuts of sales, Dotas sales help the international prize pool to an extent, and it doesn't lock you into a treadmill just to unlock gameplay elements.

    Every other company seems to be doing the same but somehow even worse.

  • The PC games market grew a lot more than the console games market last year, says research firm
  • You're buying into brand war bullshit. I'm not in Playstation threads telling them to get a pc. You're here defending nameless companies that dont care about you.

    Play and buy the things that make you happy, a lot of people aren't happy with console offerings as of late. That's all it is, there is no righteous crusade, it's video games man.

  • The PC games market grew a lot more than the console games market last year, says research firm
  • get mad all you want but I'm thinking of this as a capitalist issue, and game corporations only care about your money, not your convenience

    Them not caring about the consumer is what is causing them issue.

    You lookin like this right now

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