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MMOs 'don't give people the tools to build community anymore,' says EverQuest 2 creative director
  • Imposed multipkayer content can be toxic.

    I played Revelation Online for a while and one feature of it was that you needed to play some 5/10 man raids for desirable upgrades. These were timegated to once a week, so if you weren't there at 00:00 server time on Sunday, everyone else had already done the run and the place was dead.Hard to stsy committed when you couldn't progress effectively.

  • Introducing Hexbear AI
  • I won't believe that @comradeisraeligenocide isn't just exploited workers in the Global South until I see it single-handedly consume more energy than a mid-sized freight locomotive to generate a wrong answer.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • I'd like to see more fantasy backgrounds that aren't medieval Europe, China and Japan with the serial numbers filed off.

    Perhaps trying to build something into a respectful Arab, African, Native American or SE Asian mythos is just begging for tone-deafness. But there's plenty of opportunity to run the clock forward.

    I'll give points for steampunk and related genres, but some of it seems too prone to passing as self-parody (I know there's an entire community devoted to Weird West stuff)

    It feels like any sort of "how do we run an information-age society on magic" is surprisingly scarce outside the robust world of modern-era vampire/were bodice-rippers. Give me a world where the humane society is trying to unload a litter of gryphons. Make the Huawei corporation led by a cabal of mages. Have election deepfakes that are actually clones made of cornmeal and talismans that melt when they get wet.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Whatever else you can say, Hillary was not channeling a lot of enthusiasm outside of a very narrow group.

    It felt like there were weeks in peak campaign season where she wasn't touring or making speeches. What even was her signature issue? (Considering how she was associated with the abortive attempts towards universal health care during Bill's term, that would have been a sensible focus, but I don't recall it mentioned once)

    The whole campaign reeked of "play to not lose" rather than "play to win". She assumed she was the annointed favourite, guaranteed the win, and that's not really going to excite uncommitted voters. Bernie, at least, generated buzz.

  • "As a Eastern European, does this Soviet city builder let me build a historically accurate totalitarian dystopia"
  • There's a case that can definitely be made for simpler models for economies and pollution. You get too detailed and the fun factor drifts-- there's too much to manage.

    I tried Civ 6 recently when it was like $3 and found myself foundering even though I had plenty of playtime with the first one back in the 386 days-- too many new mechanics.

  • What's the best or worst customer support you experienced?
  • Back in the Windows 8 era, I bought a little 8" tablet PC from Dell. It was flaky from basically day 1, and after ~2 weeks it bricked entirely.

    I go to RMA and they ask "If we refund you $50, would you be willing to keep the unit? How about $75?"

    Admittedly, they did give me a refund, but that was so the wrong branch to follow on the chat script, honey. If I'm going to be out over three hundred dollars for a paperweight it better at least be made of something cool like meteorite.

  • Another desperate ad on YouTube
  • The first time I saw a No Frills (Yank visiting Toronto), I misread a cursive version of the slogan as "Won't be best." I thought there's a remarkable example of truth in marketing.

  • Prove youre an OG, State your distro couz
  • I guess I was startled when I went for my go-to desktop (fvwm) and it wasn't in the main repo, but the AUR.

    It feels like it means they're not actually maintaining a lot of their package pool, just tossing it off on third parties.

  • Prove youre an OG, State your distro couz
  • I started with some UMSDOS-based "full X11 desktop in 5 floppies" distro on a 486, then went through Slackware, RedHat 5 with glibc breakage, actually bought a SuSE boxed set in the 7.x era, mostly stuck with Slackware unril I realized I wanted stuff like Steam and perhaps some degree of dependency resolution is nice. Bounced off of Arch (the AUR is a terrible concept IMO) and ended up on Void, which gives me Slackware-like vibes, but a little more built for broadband instead of CD images. Been trying Debian Sid latrly, just because I put it on my new laptop and I figured I'd go consistent, but I'm not sure I'm sold. Everything works, but even for an "unstable", the packages are dated and I dislike systemd on principle.

  • Xi Jinping claimed the US wants China to attack Taiwan, FT reports
  • I think 2049 is the 100th anniversary of the current PRC, so a reasonable target for ceremonial goals.

    No different than saying an American leader said he wanted a Mars landing for the tricentennial in 2076. It's good symbolism, not necessarily a technical merric.

  • The Raspberry Pi 5 is no match for a tini-mini-micro PC
  • I'm surprised nobody makes an affordable PCI or maybe even USB GPIO box.

    To me, the RasPi served two purposes:

    • if you wanted GPIOs and the associated ecosystem of hats/shields/capes/straightjackets but a less barebones experience than a bare metal MCU
    • RiscOS, because an Archimedes is far rarer than even an Amiga or ST in the Rogue Colonies
  • Not Likeable
  • I figure we get two things out of it:

    • Regaining the moral high ground; we are no longer complicit. This is, to a big degree, playing for a domestic audience, and I think it's what a lot of protesters are after. Yes, Congress may ultimately cut the cheques, but I'm pretty sure the administration can find ways to tie up delivery of support in red tape.
    • Israeli impunity has always been backstopped by the assumption the US would never turn on them. If other countries turn up their nose, it doesn't have the same meaning. Losing American support would be a huge shock to their political system.

    Alternatively, we could go to the point and publically declare what everyone knows-- Netanyahu is fanning the war because once it's over, his administration is defunct, and his legal problems resume. We could singularly demonize HIM as a warmonger-- personal sanctions, supporting his prosecution for war crimes, or classic Cold War style encouragement of regime change.

    Yes, whatever we do, we piss off Israel, but if we don't take off the kid gloves now, then when? If they finally admit to nuclear weapons by dropping one?

  • Not Likeable
  • It’s just unusual that they’re always held to different/unrealistic expectations.

    Perhaps they're victims of their branding/positioning.

    If a Trump, or even a Romney, says "we can wash our hands of a little genocide in the middle east for political gameplay/economic convenience/religious theories", that's pretty much within what people expect of them. The GOP has had a vaguely evil air since at least Nixon, if not McCarthy.

    The Democrats, however, try to present themselves as trying to be on the right side of history. While this is no doubt a combination of cynical "this locks in some demographics" and "social justice is still cheaper than actual economic reform", it means people expect a little higher standards. The bar is unbelievably low here, and he's still tripping over it.

  • Some Wine games go blank when I leave the window

    Currently using an X11 system, on an AMD GPU; the window manager is FVWM because I'm a nostalgic old git.

    I use two screens, and most games tend to full-screen on one.

    Had decent enough results with Proton via Steam on many titles. A few of them needed to be explicitly tagged "don't draw a frame around the full screen window" in the FVWM config, and I had a few where movies did that "show a test card instead of video" but no biggie.

    I've recently had two harder nuts to crack. I'm using two games with Lutris: The SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (it was $20 cheaper on GOG than Steam at the time!), and Genshin Impact.

    Both of them play fine, so long as you keep the mouse within the full-screen capture area. But if I leave the window (say, using a keyboard combination or pulling the mouse outside the capture area), the games go blank.

    SNK shifts the black box somewhat off of its original position, and I think Genshin just goes blank.

    I experimented a bit with SNK's "wine configuration" options in Lutris.

    "Automatically Capture the Mouse in Full-Screen Window": This reduced accidental leave-the-screen problems, but still had failures if you used a keyboard command to switch windows.

    De-selecting "allow the window manager to control the window" causes the window to turn into a weird Win95-esque "mini taskbar icon" instead of going black Pressing the "restore" and "maximize" buttons resizes it to near full screen but retains an ugly Win95 style title bar. Once you restore it in that mode, it's actually well-behaved-- you can move the mouse in and out of the window without it breaking (it seems to freeze when you move the mouse away, but that may be intentional) But still, the weird titlebar and it not working that way until you first "freeze and unwedge it" sucks.

    Genshin, at least sometimes, could have its black box minimized and restored and come back to life. I've yet to try the Wine tweaks there.

    I suspect the common theme might be that the games are trying to deactivate themselves when they lose focus, but not doing so gracefully. ISTR Genshin on Windows would minimize itself if you switched to another task, and I haven't tried SNK on actual Windows. I'm wondering if there's some unified fix that tells the game it's running in a single screen and when the mouse leaves, it just stayed there. There seems to have been some sort of "cage Wine apps in a virtual desktop" feature, but it seems to no longer be supported.

    (sigh) Another Blasted Mortal

    Original parameters: (full body male vampire hunk), (shirtless), (thin necklace), (standing in graveyard), hunk, (long hair), (red eyes), (holding scepter), (wide angle), masterpiece, detailed, (moonlight background), realistic, (wind blown) Negative prompt: (head cut off), (extra fingers), (moustache), (beard), (anime), jeans, female Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 6, Seed: 3375192227, Size: 704x384, Model hash: 6ce0161689, Model: v1-5-pruned-emaonly, Denoising strength: 0.01, Hires upscale: 3.75, Hires upscaler: DAT x2, Version: v1.8.0

    For years, I've had a wallpaper in rotation of the cover of the manhwa 'Rebirth' volume 1, (reference featuring the vampire protagonist in the moonlight with a decidedly surly pose.

    I've been smashing my 6900XT into the wall trying to get it to spit out something with a similar vibe, but a few more pixels than I can get out of denoising a 800dpi scan of a small book cover. This doesn't quite do it, but the upturned nose and downward pointed weapon (SD seems to go completely off the rails with almost any weapon you ask for, except torches for some reason), convey an interesting contempt for the viewer.

    With some cleanup, I get something like this:

    I've taken to generating batches of 10 thumbnails images at a time, deciding if anything's worth upscaling to wallpaper size, and cleaning up more in GIMP. Upscaling seems to put way more stress on the GPU than generating the original image-- once my machine politely shut itself down which I assume was the way of responding to a thermal threshold trip (~115C peaks)

    After scaling, seems like most of the effort is things like trying to add actual eyes instead of dark spots, cleaning up superfluous features, and a lot of reworking mouths.

    Unixporn HakFoo
    [MWM] It's still 1994 here!

    The wallpaper is one of the standard XBM images included with the X11 distribution (in OpenBSD, it's at /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/mensetmanus).

    The fonts are the Modern DOS collection (8x8 for the battery status, 8x16 for the terminal). The window titles use the classic bitmap Helvetica which has no antialiasing and gives it a unique "Vintage system" vibe.

    I was going to give it a full CDE install, but the build guides don't seem to work right; I might switch to SparkyLinux for this machine because suspending fails just often enough to be annoying.

    [Meta question] where does THE_PACK imagery come from?

    It seems like there's an infinite supply of standoffish warriors and grim reapers for this community to caption, usually with motorcycles. But what was its original use case?

    I jokingly proposed "It's the equivalent of the art on Lisa Frank binders, but for boys." But not really: it's too aggressive to sell to kids whose parents (and likely schools and similar community norm-setters) would veto it, and it's too fantastical for adults; I'd expect if you had it on display at home, it's in the same category of Grown Up Mature Decor Don't that anime wallscrolls or action movie posters are.

    That pretty much leaves T-shirt designs for self-described badasses and maybe posters for college dorms-- is there enough of that to fuel this ecosystem? Or is there a community which generates thus stuff out of internal demand (like the furry subculture and high-intensity fandoms)

    Turnkey mini-PC for home-routing duties.

    After a home rewire, I'm ready to bump up to 2.5GbE, and demote my old 1Gbps router/wifi box to "AP Only mode".

    I want at least five six total ports, four of which need to be 2.5+ (three to different rooms, one for uplink, one 1G+ for the AP, and one "any speed is enough" for the networked printer :) )

    It seems like the "mini-PC with a bunch of 2.5GbE ports running OPNSense" option fits neatly between "Build a router out of my old i5-2500K and some eBay NICs and ignore the USD450 electric bill", and "enterprise rackmount gear with Delta fans left over from people overclocking their Socket A Athlons."

    I see a lot of machines of the form "fanless case with a little castle of fins on top, Intel N100 CPU, six 2.5G ports from I226 chipset". A representative example is

    I suspect they may all be re-brands of the same basic product, but I wanted to know real-world experiences:

    • Basic question: can anyone vouch for any specific one of these devices/sellers and confirm it worked for them?

    • I understand the i225-v LAN chipset was much buggier than the i226-v and to be avoided; still the case? I see a few products that are like USD50 cheaper, with different CPUs and i225-based LAN.

    • For routing/firewall duties (probably 4 PCs, 3 phones, a couple printers, and some smart devices) , are the bottom-of-the-line configs (8GB RAM/128G disc) suitable? Is the CPU sufficient? The N100 makes me laugh-- Intel doesn't even want to give it a brand name.

    • Regarding WiFi, should I just block out that little Mini-PCIe slot on the board from my mind? I know that FreeBSD WiFi has been sort of a fourth-class citizen for years, but I was wondering if there had been a breakthrough, or at least a "here is one specific card you can buy for a largely drama-free experience"

    • Weird question: Any problems with RF noise? I have had some devices where the power brick made a mess of a neighbour's AM radio reception, and I don't want to start a war with him. I figure when you're buying a device with a 60w wall-wart from a random brand, it might not be the cleanest.

    2.5GbE router for home use

    I've been prepping my home network for the promise of "fibre coming soon" in my city.

    That meant wrapping the house in Cat6A like a giant arachnid nest, and having a couple desktops with 2.5GbE on board, but I'm not sure what to do about the routing setup. I have three Ethernet runs to "30cm from the ISP equipment" now.

    For gigabit in this scenario, the turnkey solution is any random Wi-Fi/router/firewall box which has 1Gb WAN and four 1Gb LAN ports. But where do you go when you start wanting 2.5GbE?

    It seems like the "Wifi/Router/firewall" boxes with 2.5GbE ports are quite spendy, especially if you want more than one LAN port. I know a lot of this cost is because they tend to be the latest-and-greatest in terms of Wi-Fi, with 82 antennae, but that's only a secondary consideration for me with the heavy users on wires. Hell, my smartphone only supports the 2.4GHz band!

    It seems like other options include:

    • 2-box solution: A slightly cheaper Wifi-Router with 2.5GbE WAN and one LAN port and using a cheap unmanaged 2.5 switch to provide the desired port count.
    • 3-box solution: Said cheap unmanaged switch, plus a wired-centric router, and use the old Wifi/Router as an access point only

    I'm sort of not thrilled about the two or three-box solutions as they have poor "wife acceptance factor" as they say. A bunch of random boxes that inevitably won't stack neatly and have three big ugly wall warts. Is there some magic product that would fit my needs perfectly I'm missing?

    Cleaning my overstuffed inventory

    I'm trying to get back into GW2, in large part because it's one of the few MMOs I've liked that actually works well under Linux.

    For a frame of reference, my main was a Nord Necromancer with ~33 mastery points, and the three easier-to-acquire mounts. I completed the main story and HoT, and sort of drifted out in the middle of PoF for like two years. Just bought the EoD expansion while it's on sale.

    I've got one 20-slot bag and four 15-slots, and maybe 1-2 slots free at any given time. I suspect my problem is less "bag space" per se, and more a hoarding tendency-- crafting items, "turn it into some NPC for a quest" items, seasonal tonics and exchange items. Hell, I still have the Level 80 token that came with the original purchase, because I figured if I skipped to 80, I'd miss the Personal Story.

    Is there a good rundown for discard/sell/keep somewhere? One thing I've seen in other games that I appreciate is when they say "these seasonal items are now obsolete and will be deleted/can be auto-sold for trifling sums".

    Alternatively, should I just treat this character as a walking treasure chest, park him, and try to shared-slot things of actual value to a new character? Part of me says to fire up a revenant-- I always mean to try it, but I suspect now I'll be disappointed after spending my holiday playing too much Code Vein, where it was the term for "formally speaking not vampires, but, yeah... vampires."

    PSA: Buy some LED Christmas lights today

    I got a Sylvania-branded strand of 50 "warm-white" LEDs (plus two loose spares) for USD 2.50 at the local grocery store, which I'm pretty sure is cheaper than buying a bag of the bare LEDs would run. They also come in other colours (blue, cool-white, bright red, multicolour)

    The individual LEDs come in plastic shells which can be cracked open to retrieve the goodies inside, and have plenty long leads that are folded over to fit the "bulb" mounting.

    This 9v battery contained six cells stacked like a layer cake

    Picture of a disassembled Duracell 9v battery. Below the terminal assembly is a clear plastic case where you can see six sets of stacked rectangular terminals and fillings.

    Mini-Review: Gamemax Titan Silent chassis

    Writing this up because I haven't seen a proper review.

    Note I've only been using the case for about a day so I don't have a strong baseline on thermals; this is mostly about the build experience.

    Why I was interested My preference towards cases is very old-school. I like external drive bays, and have no interest in tempered glass or RGB. My long-term daily driver was a Cooler Master HAF XB, which is a delight to build in and offers exceptional expandability for its size.

    The one place it's sort of limited is depth for GPU-- I have an ASRock OC Formula 6900XT, and it's 330mm, and you have to remove front fans and carefully wiggle to get it out of a slot. This has resulted in me breaking the stupid clip on my mainboard.

    So I had a $125 rebate voucher burning a hole in my pocket and a growing sense that most of the remaining cases with drive bays will be gone in another year or two, so I'd better get one now or it will be gone.

    The obvious question Yes, the front panel can be opened over the intake fans. It's a seperate piece held in with like 8 snaps. The pictures on product pages look like CGI, so it's not clear if this is a decorative cut or an actual removable panel. It's sort of unfinished-- a big "B" moulded into it. You could probably cut some mesh or 3-D print something and attach it with magnets for easier removal.

    Positives The case's aesthetics, as much as there are any (it's much plainer than old style plastic and metal cases tended to be) are defined by the "five-head" -- the big plastic shell that goes about 3cm above the top of the metal chassis itself. This actually does offer some nice features over the typical "stamped metal with a fan grille drilled in it" top panel: the top mesh element pops out on spring-loaded clips, and that gives you an extra degree of access to the internals from above. Obviously, the intent is to either mount fans there or leave the plastic sound deadeners in place, but this does help with the build.

    The drive bays are deep enough for modern optical drives with a bit of clearance, so they aren't intruding into the mainboard area. Both four-bay 3.5" cages can be removed.

    The captive screws and pressure springs to retain optical drives work well, but why only two sets of captive screws when there are three bays?

    Negatives There are numerous cable management holes, but they tend to be on the small size. My PSU (old Corsair RM1000x) has thick and inflexible cables because there are capacitors built into the cables, and the main ATX cable barely fit through the hole. I was able to get a fairly clean build with some effort though. (By detaching the ATX cable from the PSU and feeding it in that way, you avoid trying to cram the thickest part through the small hole.

    Only six standoffs are pre-installed. Three extra are included in the box (I'd prefer four, since many mainboards have 10 mounting holes and you can be pathological). When I went to install the other three, they were not smoothly pre-tapped; a small "nut driver" adapter is provided to mount them properly, but this was frustrating, and since I didn't notice the "nut driver" at first, I ended up fighting with a real nut driver that was too small to provide sufficient torque.

    It includes a GPU support, which is cleverly designed-- you can slot it into a rail, screw it down tight, and set an arm to prop the card up. Unfortunately, it was not suitable for the OC Formula 6900XT, a tall, 2.5 slot monstrosity-- you could only barely bolt it in at the edge of the rail, and the arm ends up in a poor position to engage the card-- it's simply too short and would end up having to poke directly into a fan. I ended up using the supplementary bracket ASRock provided with the card.

    Neutral The top and front plastic panels are held on with pressure-fit clips, you can pull them off manually. This makes it slightly precarious if you grab the top of the case the wrong way.

    It comes with three stock fans which are reasonably quiet, but I hear a mold hum with the case at ear-height. It's probably less noticable when the case is placed on the floor-- with no tempered glass, it's probably safer to kick.

    The fans are wired to a rudimentary fanbus (off-low-high), which has extra headers, but are only 3-pin models. I may end up replacing them with my old Arctic P12s and bypass the fanbus so I can get monitoring through the mainboard.

    Overall, I found you might not be able to use the most obvious cable routing for some cables, i. e. the front panel USB and audio, due to length and routing needs. This is obviously dependent on the choice of mainboard. I also ended up cracking out my extra-long SATA cables; your routing may be easier, but I had problems with the onboard SATA and optical drives, so I use a M.2 to SATA card to get some ports that work reliably.

    The aesthetic is a little weird due to the "five-head" design. While it's very subdued and plain in many ways, the idea that drive bays start a random-looking 5cm from the top of the case resonates strangely with me; it seems like if asked an AI to draw a full tower case. I suspect that it might be possible to coopt some of that space for something more useful, like a card reader, but I'm trying to avoid breaking out the Dremel just yet. The printed-on "Silent Titan" logo is odd; I already bought the case, you don't need to remind me what it is.

    Overall The case is serviceable and delivers on most of the important things I was looking for (screaming "IT HAS DRIVE BAYS" in that classic girl "IT HAS POCKETS" style). I suspect many of my issues with the build were due to corner-case compatibility issues.

    Specific shopping suggestions

    I'm going to be coming up from the US for a week in a few days. (When I booked the trip back in May, Canada seemed a lot less... flammable :( ) For me, a big part of leisure travel is indulging nerdy fixations in shops that there are no local equivalents for, away from the rest of the family asking "you bought WHAT?" until it's far too late to feel shame.

    Any good suggestions for the following? (Extra points given for public-transit easy access; I enjoy a walking- and train-focused vacation)

    • Anime goods shop

    • Model-railway-centric hobby shop.

    • Electronics-surplus shops/long-lived computer shops that have backstock dating to the era of George VI. The sort of place where you might find a LS-120 drive, weird Commodore stuff, or a cache of ISA cards.

    • Neighbourhood-style coin shop (the sort of place that has albums for different series, and wouldn't take offense if I'm looking in the $50 range rather than the $50,000 range).

    On a related note, I'd like to try to get some of the 1968-1986-or-so nickel "Voyageur" dollars-- do banks typically have caches of them if you ask, or are they definitely something you'll have to go to a coin shop for?

    The Chinese Expansionist Threat the Western Media won't tell you about!

    From the description of some random eBay listing. The text reads:

    "Shipping: Free Economy Shipping from Greater China to worldwide. See details. International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. (information icon) Located in: Sofia, Bulgaria"

    We spent so long staring at Taipei that nobody noticed when the entire PLA burrowed its way through the Earth and popped up in Eastern Europe!

    Hopefully they brought some Belt and Road infrastructure cash. I don't think they've been doing so hot since the Warsaw Pact fell.

    FVWM is all you really need

    (screenshot of a rxvt window decorated with a fvwm theme. The title bar is rotated to the left and highlighted in red with white text, and reads 'marada@kalutika:~'.

    The window is green-on-black and contains a vim session with the text 'You may not like it, but this is what peak desktop performance looks like.

    Each window has a clear, square border around the edge. You know where one window ends and the next begins, and exactly where you can drag to resize them, even if you stack one Dark Mode window slightly ajar of another.

    There's a titlebar that has a huge segment which can be clicked and dragged to move the window, rather than tiny icons and a search bar eating up all but a handful of pixels. The active window has a distinct colour you can immediately pick out.

    That title bar is mounted on the side, so it's not consuming precious screen real estate when the trend is towards 52:9 aspect-ratio ultrawide monitors whichbarely have enough vertical space for one full-sized window.

    It's generated by a Window Manager. Not a Desktop Environment. Not a Compositor. It draws windows and menus, and launches other programs. It does not include a mixer, stopwatch timer, Mastodon feed reader, or half the video drivers. It has a memory footprint of fourteen megabytes, and a configuration file format that hasn't meaningfully changed since Bill Clinton was in the WhiteHouse.

    GNOME was a mistake.'


    It said I should install putty to log in. So I got a big mess of plumbing putty from the hardware store and smeared it on my laptop. Now my keyboard feels mushy and it keeps beeping and saying "thermal warning". It's July, I'm not wearing anything thermal.

    The putty is also getting hard, do I have to re-apply it every day?

    What did the original IBM PC do "better?"

    At the time the original 5150 was released, there were already other 8088 and 8086 systems on the market. And it didn't really strain the envelope-- no IBM-exclusive chips, and the whole 8-bit bus and support chips angle.

    It undoubtedly succeeded in large part because it was a "known quantity" for commercial customers-- an approved vendor, known support and warranty policies, too big to fail. I know even as late as the mid-80s, Commodore was still advertising "You're paying $$$ more (for a PCjr instead of a 64) because the box says IBM on it"

    But I was curious if there was anything that it also offered that was uniquely compelling in the at the moment of launch.

    There are a few things I can think of, but I'm a little skeptical of most of them:

    • The monochrome display (5151) was very well-regarded; 80x25 of very legible text and a nice long-persistence phosphor. I had one for a while in the 90s and it was quite good even though the geometry was shot. But was it much better than other "professional" machines, particularly ones using dedicated terminals or custom monitors which might also offer better tubes/drive circuitry than a repurposed home TV?

    • Offering it as a turnkey package-- there were 8086 S-100 or similar setups far more robust than any 5150, but you were typically assembling it yourself, or relying on a much smaller vendor (i. e. Cromemco) to build a package deal.

    • The overall ergonomic package-- I feel like there weren't too many pre-1981 machines that match the overall layout of "modest size, all-inclusive desktop box you can use as a monitor riser, and quality detachable keyboard" A backplane box and seperate drive enclosures would start to get bulky, and keyboard-is-the-case seemed to become a signature of low-end home computers.

    If you walked into a brand-neutral shop in late 1981, what was the unique selling proposition for the IBM PC? The Apple II was biggest software/installed base, the Atari 800 had the best graphics, CP/M machines had established business software already.

    Unixporn HakFoo
    [FVWM] Remember when vertical titlebars were the ultimate cool?

    The KiCAD project is effectively complete (it's a memory card for an 8088-class PC), but it sure makes the workspace look exciting.

    The background is one of the New Horizons photos.

    GLaBIOS - a modern BIOS for XT clones GLaBIOS

    A modern, scratch-built, open-source (GPLv3) alternative ROM BIOS for PC, XT, 8088 Clone or Turbo PCs.

    I've been using it recently on a machine that formerly used a tweaked version of the "Anonymous Super Turbo XT BIOS" and it offers subtle, modest improvements.

    In my narrow experience, it fixed some freeze issues with Civilization when using a NEC processor, and the boot display is clean and more informative.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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