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It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play? Also, could we have a monthly thread for July?
  • Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch is a free fan project created by CutmanMike and Team MM8BDM which translates the Classic Mega Man games into a unique, yet very familiar first person shooter experience

    ... what? Fucking hell these free fan projects are out of control. This looks awesome.

  • SaumonNet/proxmox-nixos: The Proxmox Hypervisor, on NixOS
  • I don't get NixOS

    It's not for everyone. The idea is to have your entire system reproducible with a few configuration files, which you'd then ideally store in a VCS like git.

    I haven't messed with it, but there is something appealing about the ability to reboot to an older snapshot of the system if an update breaks something, or being able to use a config file to restore your system to the exact OS version and exact versions of whatever apps you use.

  • Disney told L.A. residents to move to Florida for a planned campus. They did, it was canceled and now they're suing
  • This has become a common strategy for large businesses to cull their employees - "return to office", relocating HQ; it's done in hopes most of those employees opt to quit so the business doesn't have to fire them / give them a severance or whatever.

    Sounds like in this case the bluff was called.

  • Adults and teens pick dumbphones to curb social media addiction
  • a lot people haven't stored music locally for a decade or longer

    Yeah, digital sales have greatly outpaced physical, but more people are discovering how little control they have over "their" music library.

    The alternative to "building a library" is to stick with services that will constantly increase in price & decrease in quality. You have no control over whether your favorite band(s) are available, and no recourse if their catalog disappears for whatever reason. You will be forced to scroll through "suggested content" (ads) regardless of your subscription, and the musicians see depressingly little of the money they make for the service.

    "Building a library" can be as simple as buying an album based on a song you enjoyed on the radio. There's no "lock-in", there's no always-increasing monthly bill, and there's no chance of the store saying "uh you can't listen to that anymore". It's dead simple, but certainly not as flexible as streaming.

    Side note - I'm absolutely the type of person who would take the time and "re-build" my library, but I acknowledge I'm in a small minority of people, there. I also love shuffling through playlists which is impossible to do with physical media. Until I find a magic answer I'm right here with the rest of you with a streaming service.

  • Adults and teens pick dumbphones to curb social media addiction
  • but I want music streaming

    Hey, that's fine & I get it - so much easier to shuffle a playlist than figure out which album you won't mind hearing front-to-back again. I'm eyeballing old iPod Classics for that - I've seen folks mod them with sizable drives and better batteries. Dunno that I want to put in the effort, myself, but I love the idea of "upcycling" old tech.

    Getting back to my original reply: my main point was you don't need these conveniences, much less having them built into your phone. Yep, music streaming is wonderfully handy & I use it every day, but practically speaking there are other methods.

  • Adults and teens pick dumbphones to curb social media addiction
  • Without knowing anything about you or your habits, I'm going to offer a counterpoint -

    I'd suggest you don't need music streaming, email, or a fitness tracker built into your phone. "Back in the day" we'd have a small collection of tapes / CDs in the car for trips, most (all?) email providers offer decent web apps, and while I agree it's useful to track steps and food intake and such - anymore I'm not sure I trust the makers of these fitness apps to not sell my health data.

    Personally, I'm trying to move towards a "dumb phone", but like you I use my phone for a lot more than just social media & I'm finding it very tough. I think a phone with just a decent web browser could do the trick.

  • Upscaling poor quality content?

    Ahoy, mateys

    I've seen some concert footage on YouTube that's been upscaled via "AI", and some of the examples look incredible.

    Is it possible to upscale the video content I've acquired? I have a few series that look to have been recorded on VHS tapes crammed with dirt.

    Opinions & ideation are welcome. Mostly curious whether it's feasible.

    What's your auto-complete setup?

    Recent versions of Vim include a built-in auto-complete feature, and of course there are a half-billion other auto-complete plugins available through GitHub.

    What's your setup? Plugins, or vanilla? Suggested tweaks?

    At least he'll always have her bracelet...

    S02E01 - A Flight to Remember 👆

    S03E05 - Amazon Women in the Mood 👇


    I love this show.

    Manifesto (2015), dir. Julian Rosefeldt

    "Manifesto" has no plot, and the only thing tying the ~dozen scenes together is Cate Blanchett. Her monologues range from common hippie platitudes to batshit insanery, and she moves deftly between the dozen starkly different characters. There's some beautiful cinematography, but the show is stolen by Blanchett's incredible performances.

    Highly recommended for folks that like "artsy" movies with no plot, or anyone who needs 90 minutes of solid Cate Blanchett.

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), dir. Tone Hooper

    ~45 minutes in. This brief little moment with Leatherface might be my favorite scene in the movie. The way he lumbers to the window, glances anxiously outside, and puts his head in his hands... without a word we see a glimpse of his humanity. Is Leatherface a psychotic murderer, taking joy in killing these teens? Or is he the homemaker, protecting his family's property from these strangers who barged in? What's actually going on in his head?

    Love this flick.

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