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What is your favorite open source software?
  • I am not tech savvy enough to give any more advice than this, but "wss://" is a local address with the protocol WebSocket. I couldn't find a solution, but here is someone who seems to have the same problem:

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • PayPal works for me. Maybe you can find a solution here: The easiest solution would probably be to use Firefox + uBlockOrigin for banking and LibreWolf for everything else. Otherwise you can find user-made "about:config" files to harden Firefox' security and privacy.

  • I hear we're doing vintage memes. Here's an edgy vintage rage comic I put on Reddit 13 years ago.
  • Mate, I literally said I am an atheist myself. If you don't know what I am talking about just google "r/atheism cringe posts".

  • I hear we're doing vintage memes. Here's an edgy vintage rage comic I put on Reddit 13 years ago.
  • As I said, I am non-religious / an atheist myself. Was raised christian, but my parents were cool with me being an atheist, later becoming non-religious themselves. What I was mainly referring to are the people actively trying to make fun of - or belittling - religious people. Edit: I am all for criticizing and making fun of organized religion.

  • mamma miarule
  • Tried Gorgonzola Picante for the first time today and holy shit it melted my face off. Most pungent cheese I have ever eaten. Still tastes pretty good, though.

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • Arch Linux, LibreWolf & KeepassXC are the first that come to mind.

  • I hear we're doing vintage memes. Here's an edgy vintage rage comic I put on Reddit 13 years ago.
  • Reminds me of my edgy teenage atheist phase :) Now I don't even want to be associated with atheists, even though I am still non-religious.

  • mamma miarule
  • Blue mold cheese. I thought it would be disgusting, but I loved it.

    Btw, are you on the subreddit r/2westerneurope4u ?

  • I'm looking for people to test an app for community coordination. Where should I start?
  • Here are three options that come to mind:

    If you don't want to sell your app:

    • Open-source your project. This will also allow people to review the code, add suggestions and help with programming. (IMO this is the most realistic option)

    If you do want to sell your app:

    • Ask your family and / or friends to test your app. Assuming they have no experience in programming, this will only test the graphical interface, user experience and find surface level bugs.

    • Give beta testers incentive to test your app. Either by giving them a small cut of the revenue your app makes or just pay them a fixed amount.

  • My personal 10/10 video games

    In no particular order. Feel free to post yours. :)

    HelixNebula HelixNebula


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