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Random observations from a Parisian in Tokyo: queuing for the European elections at the French embassy in Tokyo. Looks busier than a Parisian vote.
  • Du coup pour bien vivre à deux adultes dans le quartier Kagurasaka, il faut quel niveau de revenu? Je parle appart bien situé, pas trop petit, commerces à pied, 2 a-r en France par an, 2 ou 3 sorties par semaine, quelques virées annuelles pour visiter. Aussi, est-ce qu'un conjoint peut facilement obtenir une autorisation de travail?

  • C'est bibi
  • Cf. mon commentaire plus bas. Pour la confiance, il semble qu'elle ne puisse exister que si le niveau de confiance global des citoyens entre eux et des citoyens envers leurs institutions est déjà haut avant l'introduction de l'identité numérique généralisée

  • C'est bibi
  • Ah ben oui mais il semble que les Estoniens ont réussi à résoudre l'ensemble de ces problèmes. Ils ont un système d'identité numérique qui permet à chaque citoyen s'effectuer l'ensemble de ses démarches en ligne, y compris voter. Bien sûr ce n'est pas la même échelle que la France mais au niveau risquede'ingerance étrangère ils se posent là.

    Leur solution, c'est de laisser les gens voter pendant une longue période de temps, comme pour les Français de l'étranger, mais aussi de permettre à tout votant de changer son vote autant de fois qu'il le veux, y compris en venant à l'isoloir le jour du scrutin. Du coup, le risque de pression des tiers est beaucoup moins réel. Même chose pour les attaques extérieures qui ne peuvent pas être mqintenues pendant des se laines.

    Sur l'identité numérique, ils ont un système qui permet à chaque citoyen d'accorder et d'enlever l'accès à tout acteur public ou privé qui en fait la demande, avec un paramétrage fin des données accessibles pour chaque demande et un tableau de bord de suivi. A priori pas de problème de faille, peut-être grâce à un système décentralisé, je n'ai pas creusé.

  • Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas
  • Nothing to see here. Everytime a guerilla is vastly dominated militarily, they would attack civilians from the oppressor in the most horrible way to bring a brutal crackdown from said oppressor and strengthen the support at home and abroad. Classic counter-colonial tactic

  • Everyone has their limits
  • Counterpoint. You can be very shy and have a conversation with a total stranger. It's easier when there is nothink at stake: you are not asking for the time, direction, a phone number, a date or anything. You just make a comment about the weather, something you find , or funny or interesting nice (no comment on anybody's appearance though). You are not waiting for a reply or trying to start a conversation. If it gets started, that's a bonus. When I score one of these interactions, I always feel very good afterward.

  • Europe HenriVolney
    Utilisez votre voix. Ou d’autres décideront pour vous. Élections européennes, le 9 juin 2024.
    Hundreds of thousands of EU citizens ‘wrongly fined for driving in London Ulez’ Hundreds of thousands of EU citizens ‘wrongly fined for driving in London Ulez’

    Exclusive: EU states accuse TfL of huge data breach over clean air zone penalties, with many given to compliant vehicles

    Hundreds of thousands of EU citizens ‘wrongly fined for driving in London Ulez’

    The UK ladies and gentlemen, scuttling their ship, one aweful policy after the other

    Need help wiring a ceiling light

    Hello there.

    Just joined to ask for help with my newly purchased used ceiling light.

    There are 5 bulbs on the ligh and 3 wires: one red, one blue, one black. 1 build lights up when I hook the red and the blue wires to the house circuit (old house, no ground). 2 bulbs light up when I hook the black wire to the same spot as the red one. The 3 other bulds light up when I hook the black wire to the same spot as the blue one (picture). How do I get all 5 bulbs to light up together?

    Thanks for your insight!

    European leaders seethe over Putin-Orbán meeting European leaders seethe over Putin-Orbán meeting

    Czech president calls on western capitals not to fall for Russian leader’s tactic to break European unity

    European leaders seethe over Putin-Orbán meeting
    Big Tech braces for EU Digital Services Act regulations Big Tech braces for EU Digital Services Act regulations

    More than a dozen of the world's biggest tech companies face unprecedented legal scrutiny, as the European Union's sweeping Digital Services Act (DSA) imposes new rules on content moderation, user privacy and transparency.

    Big Tech braces for EU Digital Services Act regulations
    Europe HenriVolney
    Proekt: Some 81 Russian oligarchs involved in business with Russian defence industry and army — Novaya Gazeta Europe Proekt: Some 81 Russian oligarchs involved in business with Russian defence industry and army — Novaya Gazeta Europe

    At least 81 people from the pre-war Forbes ranking of the 200 richest Russians have been openly involved in supplying the Russian army and its military-industrial complex, research done by investigative outlet Proekt shows .

    Proekt: Some 81 Russian oligarchs involved in business with Russian defence industry and army — Novaya Gazeta Europe
    Critique du film Sabotage de Daniel Goldhaber SABOTAGE | Critique du film How to blow up a pipeline de Daniel Goldhaber

    Face à l’urgence écologique, un groupe de jeunes activistes se fixe une mission périlleuse :..

    Projet week-end Pas certain que les oeuvres de fiction soient tout-à-fait dans le champ de la commu mais je me dis pourquoi pas? J'ai pensé au tag [MEDIA] mais c'est un peu large. En même temps, ça permettrait de lettre les contributions pointant les tentatives d'enfumage, la désinformation, les fictions comme ici. A discuter

    Kevin Spacey cleared of sexually assaulting four men Kevin Spacey cleared of sexually assaulting four men

    Jury at Southwark crown court finds Oscar-winning actor, 64, not guilty after four-week trial

    Kevin Spacey cleared of sexually assaulting four men

    Not a fan of showbiz gossip but I hated having to hate Spacey for being a predator. I love his acting and I am happy I can go back to loving the actor

    Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025, plunging Earth into climate chaos Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025, plunging Earth into climate chaos: 'We were actually bewildered'

    A new statistical model has predicted that the collapse of Atlantic Ocean currents is likely to occur this century. The results would cause catastrophic temperature drops in the Northern Hemisphere, but other scientists are not so sure.

    Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025, plunging Earth into climate chaos: 'We were actually bewildered'
    Issue with going back to main page while sorting by new


    I don't know if this is an issue with or with Lemmy more broadly.

    When I click on comments for a specific post and then on the back arrow to go back to the main page, I am sent back to the first page (i.e. the one that appeared when I first opened the website). Hence, I have the impression to turn in circles, always going back to the same posts, plus the fee that were posted while I was on the comment thread.

    Same thing happens when I click on a post that brings me to a third party site (YouTube, imgur,...). This is kind of annoying.

    Is there a way to close the comment section/third party website and go back to the place I was at when I clicked on the link, as opposed to the beginning of new ?

    Also, is it just me or are other users experiencing the same issue?

    I am using a Firefox shortcut with an android phone.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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