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Hate crusades in gamer "activism" ? What's actually happening?
  • That's true and I agree, but just before the Sony incident there was also a culture war thing going on about "wokeness" in helldivers

    That Grummz freak is 56 years old btw

  • Hate crusades in gamer "activism" ? What's actually happening?
  • Steve Bannon is still out there and I believe him, Peter Thiel's pool of dark money explicity earmarked for funding far right culture war stuff, and others are still/always trying to kick off Gamergate part 2.

    Here is a link to the QAA Roblox episode , there is some wild stuff in there

  • [Insert John Steinbeck's quote]
  • Not quite as blackpilling as the Kuwait tire graveyard, but still yeah that is so depressing

  • Cybertruck dipshit breaks his finger you know how. [Edit - This is a different dipshit from the other day.]
  • After seeing the laceration on the one guy's knee (skin accidentally touched metal when parking on an incline), I was certain their shit was getting cut off

  • Removed
    UCLA cancels classes after counterprotesters violently attack pro-Palestinian camp
  • Notice that the black shirt behind hat guy is wearing the skull jawbone bandana that is frequently worn by fascist militants