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What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • If there is one game out there that I think deserves a second chance, it is definitely Alpha Protocol. This game came out in 2010 and was created by Obsidian Entertainment, the makers behind Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. This was the first-of-its-kind 'espionage RPG' with a truly, wholly unique dialogue system that has truly never been replicated since. Unlike mainstream RPGs of the time, you pick from several different 'tones' to speak in, in which gives the game hundreds of outcomes and dozens of endings. For example, according to Raycevick in a recent video, love interest can snipe you after a boss fight, poorly-treated damzels can attack you in the dead of night, contracts you're hired to kill can be baited into their demise through dialogue, and a whole host of other things.

    The problem is that Alpha Protocol was lambasted by critics due to its incredibly buggy launch state and unpolished graphics. It never met the sales requirements that SEGA was expecting from it, and so, a few years ago, the game was pulled from all storefronts, never to be played again - until now. That's right. Thanks to the legends over at GOG for their incredible work, Alpha Protocol is back on sale, complete with achievements, localization, modern compatibility, and cloud saves. All without any form of DRM. But, the bugs in the game are still present to this day even in the GOG version, and so you might end up finding some humorous bugs and glitches.

    Source: Making a Game Last Forever

  • This company is the laughing stock of gaming right now
  • Dude there's literally an entire article about them saying that gamers should 'get comfortable with not owning their games', a lot of Ubisoft Connect accounts that had 'The Crew' have had their licenses revoked, and the game has been shut down since April 1st.

  • KreekCraft will never recover from this
  • Like, for the love of God, imagine if it was the other way around and I was the one saying YOU were underage for posting something like this. Wouldn't really give me a good look, right? I'm guessing it would hurt your feelings since it is harassment. You definitely would not be happy with someone calling you underage online even though you are clearly an adult?

    Then why the fuck are YOU doing that shit? You wouldn't like it if you were the one in this position, so why are you doing this? It's not a good look for you. You can't just assume someone's age! If you do it makes you look like an asshole.

    I'm not saying it to be mean, I am saying it because that is how it is. Treat others with the same level of respect as you want and people would share the same amount of respect back. Just appreciate the meme and move on, or don't, continue to act the way you are acting right now, and lose the respect of everyone around you.

    You have to give respect to earn it. You didn't, so that's on you.

  • KreekCraft will never recover from this
  • KreekCraft accidentally played a Baldi's Basics song that was highly inappropriate on stream.

    "For those of us who have ages in the double digits" You have to be out of your mind to assume someone is underage just because of a stupid silly meme. For your information I am over 20 and harassing people online won't get you anywhere. Besides Kreek is an adult man for God's sake, why do you have to shit on people's interests? It's like saying adults aren't allowed to play ROBLOX because it appeals to children more. KreekCraft literally plays Roblox and he is, like, 27 years old as of April this year.

    How about you stop assuming people's age(s) when they make silly memes like this? It will give you a better look...

  • I Had Recieved A False Permanent Suspension From Reddit. It's Time To Stop Using Silicon Valley Tech. A place to express your frustration - Lemmy

    Venting is a place where Lemmy users can rant/vent about anything that is on their mind. If you are annoyed or very pissed off about something, you can talk about it here and our community will listen.

    A place to express your frustration - Lemmy

    I had been falsely permanently suspended from Reddit, and not just on my account, but also on all of my sister’s accounts. All of them. They suspended each and every single one of them. I had since deleted my account and decided to make homes on Lemmy and SaidIt. I will explain everything that led up to this point, because quite frankly, this might be the stupidest suspension ever. I am very unhappy with how Reddit handled the situation. Like, very unhappy.

    Reddit handled this situation very poorly. Quite frankly, their handling of it was the worst I have ever seen from Reddit. Basically, this nonsense all started because of a certain stalker on Reddit. Destrucity was their name. They were the most butthurt snowflake on all of Reddit. They had been constantly harassing and even stalking me on every single post I created. They kept telling me that dyscalculia, a very much real learning disability, wasn’t real and was fake. The thing is, no matter how many times they got suspended from Reddit, they would make more alt accounts and do the same thing again. They were the worst of the worst. They kept trying to convince me it was fake and I constantly attempted to shut them up, but to no avail as they continued to make more accounts and go right back to harassing me.

    The thing is, after the user got butthurt by me for the first time, they reported me to Reddit. Sooner or later, I got hit with a 3-day suspension. They clearly were just butthurt and so, they reported me and I got suspended. Keep in mind this is only the one of two suspensions I had recieved because of them in particular. Destrucity could not be stopped. The user also would have been able to make another account anyway. The thing is, Reddit doesn’t judge fairly. If you are reported, you will probably get a suspension from the site, and for no reason, might I add.

    Immediately after I was unsuspended I started to get pissed off with my stalker and plastered them all over Reddit, because they were the most pathetic user I have ever seen on the entire site. I posted everywhere I could to get some form of help, but either barely anyone were willing to help me, or I would just get silenced as enforced by the ‘politically correct’ agenda on Reddit. Finally, some users were able to give me some form of advice, and I got backed up by people who were on my side. For the first time on Reddit, I actually felt like people actually cared about me as a person, which is a very rare sight to see on Reddit.

    To no surprise, Destrucity continued their endless harassment and bullying, and eventually, I snapped. I chatted with them and called them ‘pathetic’, because continually making new accounts to harass and stalk a specific user is pathetic. Yet they’re unwilling to accept it because they have absolutely no life outside of Reddit. Once again, the user got butthurt because I called them ‘pathetic’, and once again reported me to Reddit. This time, I did not get a 3-day suspension, I got a 7-day suspension instead. A 7-day suspension for having an appropriate emotional response to someone else’s BS. I even explained it to Reddit, and they wouldn’t even care, because come the next day, Reddit did the unthinkable.

    After I woke up, that being today, I had noticed that Reddit had changed their minds and updated my suspension. No, it was not 3-days, 7-days, a month, or even a year. It was a permanent suspension from Reddit for ‘ban evasion’. You know, that right there is BS. And also, they suspended all other accounts that had some tie to it. I got multiple emails from Reddit stating I was suspended. This was an absolute overkill decision from Reddit to permanently suspend me from the entire site over something I did not do. I have never, ever evaded a ban on Reddit, so their blatantly false accusation about me evading my ban was a big bundle of crap. And it all started because a neckbeard keyboard warrior on Reddit was being a dick. And I didn’t even get to be on Reddit for even a year before I got suspended.

    I tried to send off an appeal, but I knew it would not be accepted and I would get the usual denied message. So, that was it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I decided that enough was enough and I was no longer going to use Reddit because of this overkill and very unjust decision they pulled out of their asses. I frankly deleted my account because of Reddit’s false accusation which resulted in me getting suspended. I even told them in the message that they would never see me again. It felt so good to finally break out of Reddit’s grasp. It honestly felt like breaking up and getting out of a bad relationship. As such, I decided to make a Lemmy account. Reddit is history to me and I won’t be making another account to feed their hive mind echo chamber. They lost a valuable user today and they won’t be getting it back.

    This is a sign we need to stop using Silicon Valley tech. The big tech giants are controlling of everything and if you say or do something that does not meet their ‘politically correct’ agenda, expect to be banned from the site. The only thing Silicon Valley giants care about are control and money. We need to start migrating to decentralized sites like this one, whose goal is clear: to allow anyone to speak freely without oppression. Reddit is not how it used to be. Over the past 3 years, Reddit has gotten worse and worse. The thing I am saying is: let those sites become the hive mind echo chamber they were designed to be. Let them die. Just move your stuff over to decentralized sites. Like, leave YouTube and switch to Odysee. Leave Twitter and switch to Mastodon. And especially, leave the hive mind echo chamber we call Reddit and switch to Lemmy or SaidIt. If it wasn’t clear enough, Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, and others don’t care about you. Leave the sites and switch to more decentralized alternatives. We can only defeat Big Tech giants if we let them rot as their little echo chambers. That is the only true way we can win.

    RULES A place to express your frustration - Lemmy

    Venting is a place where Lemmy users can rant/vent about anything that is on their mind. If you are annoyed or very pissed off about something, you can talk about it here and our community will listen.

    A place to express your frustration - Lemmy


    1. Swearing is allowed, but NO racial slurs. Racial slurs like the N-word are strictly forbidden in this community.

    2. Please don’t type things as a big wall of text. If you have a long post, please separate your post using paragraph breaks. If it is a relatively short post, then this rule will not apply to it. The rule only applies to extra long posts.

    3. Do not attempt witch hunts on any user. Even if it is Reddit, do not do it. Witch hunts are when you track down a specfic person or mod. This is very looked down upon and any post that attempts to start a witch hunt will be removed. The rule also applies to comments on an OP’s post. If your comment contains anything that is attempting to start a witch hunt on any user, then it will be removed. The only time this rule will not apply is if you are posting a rant about getting your Reddit account suspended. We will also actively check to make sure our mods aren’t attempting to start any sort of witch hunts.

    4. Please don’t harass any of our members. This especially applies to us mods. If you are seen harassing the mods, you will be banned.

    5. Do not make obvious bait or troll posts. Troll or bait posts are like clickbait on YouTube. It is seen as looked down upon, and as such, troll and bait posts that we find on this community will also be considered clickbait, and will be removed.

    6. Do not infringe on someone’s free speech. This isn’t Reddit, a place that is controlled by an echo chamber. People have the right to vent about something that they don’t like. If you infringe on another user’s free speech in this community, you will be banned.

    7. Please refrain from spamming this community with your posts. At least post 2 things every 2 hours or so to keep the community clean and fresh with new posts.

    8. People under the age of 13 are not allowed to participate for their safety.

    9. Don’t argue with the moderators. The mods have the absolute final say. If you do not agree with a decision a mod has made, please contact me directly instead. I will look over these rulings and see if they are valid or not. Arguing with the mods constantly may result in you getting temporarily banned from the community. We are only doing this to give mods an easier time, especially if they are currently going through a very difficult time in their lives.

    10. Do not brigade this community, or any other on Lemmy. Brigades can put our community in serious jeopardy. If you are caught starting a brigade, you’re gone.

    11. Absolutely no NSFW or gore. This rule especially applies to CP. If you post CP, it doesn’t matter what kind of excuse you give, you will be immediately and swiftly banned.

    12. Do not post links to a 'rant' that turns out to be malware or a virus. If you're even thinking about attempting to do this, don't post at all. If you do share an offsite rant that turns out to be a virus, you will be banned from the community. If you were unaware of this, please contact me directly so I can reverse the ban. If you say you didn't know and post another one that leads to a virus, you will not only be banned from the community, but you also will absolutely, 100% have absolutely no chance of your appeal being accepted again.

    13. Do not talk about this numb- jkjk, just wanted to make sure you were still reading.

    14. Threatening violence or harm on someone will not be tolerated in this community. “KYS” and a lot of other threats are highly prohibited in our community. We are a welcoming community and we will not have our reputation put at risk because of this. If you are caught doing this, you’re getting banned.

    15. Do not spread any misinformation about any illness, learning disability, etc.

    16. Do not ask to become a mod. If I open mod applications, then you will know. Do not beg for me to give you mod, either.

    17. We are accepting of anyone who is LGBTQ - so be respectful to them!

    18. Revealing personal info of any is absolutely not permitted in this community, and you will get a 1-way ticket to Bansland.

    19. Impersonation of any user on this community, or on Lemmy as a whole, is strictly forbidden. If you impersonate anyone here, or on the whole of Lemmy, you will be swiftly banned from the community.

    20. Your usernames must be appropriate and not contain any offensive language.

    21. Do not abuse moderation powers. These mod powers are meant to be used very seriously in case a Lemmy user is breaking our community’s rules. Abusing your moderation powers to silence someone or exclude a Lemmy user entirely for no good reason is absolutely not allowed. Our community is supposed to be a welcoming one, and abusing your mod powers makes them feel like our community is not the welcoming community they were promised. As such, if you are caught abusing your powers as a moderator, you will be revoked of your moderation powers. If you agree to not abuse them again, I will grant you back your mod privileges. If you abuse them a second time, you will not only be demoted, but also permabanned to keep our community safe, civil, and welcoming. If you are a user and you catch one of our mods abusing their power, or if you got unjustly banned by a moderator abusing their power, please contact me directly and I will look into it and come to a final decision and determine if the mod was abusing their power.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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