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A TikTok Ban Would Be A Tragedy For Gaming Communities
  • Yeah, I think the article title is blown way out of proportion.

  • Jon Stewart skewers Biden, Trump in ‘Daily Show’ return: ‘What the f‑‑‑ are we doing here?’
  • I appreciate that you haven't lost the context in which this election is taking place in which one of the candidates tried to overthrow the government. But I think slighting Stewart for not being more alarmist is misunderstanding him. He was never another MSNBC talking head that screams about how the world is coming to and end because of something that the right did. He was always a grounded voice of reason that would give insight into specific issues.

    If he starts screaming about how Trump is the devil and going to destroy everything, whether that is right or wrong, it would be completely not his stylenand also be ineffective. He takes people down by criticizing people by using their own words taken in good faith to show them not acting in good faith.

  • New solid state battery charges in minutes, lasts for thousands of cycles New solid state battery charges in minutes, lasts for thousands of cycles

    Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a new lithium metal battery that can be charged and discharged at least 6,000 times — more than any other pouch battery cell — and can be recharged in a matter of minutes.

    New solid state battery charges in minutes, lasts for thousands of cycles

    >Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a new lithium metal battery that can be charged and discharged at least 6,000 times — more than any other pouch battery cell — and can be recharged in a matter of minutes.

    I would love to see more dramatic research into battery tech, but steps like this are also welcome, as these are necessary stepping stones before even better steps.

    OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material
  • That sounds like a great idea for making an intelligent agent inside a video game, where you control all aspects of it's environment. But what about an AI that you want to be able to interact with our current shared reality. If I want to know something that involves synthesis of multiple modalities of knowledge how should that information be conveyed? Do humans grow up inside test tubes that only consume content that they themselves have created? Can you imagine the strange society we would have if people were unleashed upon the world without having any shared experiences until they were fully adults?

    I think the OpenAI people have a point here, but I think where they go off the rails is that they expect all of this copyrighted information to be granted to them at zero cost and with zero responsibility to the creators of said content.

  • Steam Deck now has thousands more games than the Nintendo Switch
  • Have you seen the RetroArch? I'm playing NES and SNES games on my SteamDeck and that's easily another couple thousand. Hehehe

  • NucDeck - The DIY PC gaming handheld - Episode Seven
  • This is wonderful, I think buying all the stuff and doing all this might require a fair amount more effort, time and money than buying a SteamDeck though. But this is an amazing feat, maybe we can buy piecemeal SteamDeck knockoffs in the future.

  • Any recommendations for free software backup programs that work on Windows?
  • You'll need to think of "backup" as a different thing if you are looking at the free space. For instance, I can backup my data onto discs, but it costs buying discs. I can also make lots of copies of my images and videos automatically using SyncThing (which is open source), but it requires multiple computers to really be considered a "backup".

  • Bulk Crap Uninstaller v5.7 Bulk Crap Uninstaller - Remove large amounts of unwanted applications

    Bulk Crap Uninstaller (BCUninstaller, BCU) is a free, open source program manager. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal user input.

    Bulk Crap Uninstaller (or BCUninstaller) is a free (as in speech) program uninstaller. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal user input. It can clean up leftovers, detect orphaned applications, run uninstallers according to premade lists, and much more! Even though BCU was made with IT pros in mind, by default it is so straight-forward that anyone can use it.

    Russia bans anti-war candidate from challenging Putin
  • Did people really think a dictator would let a silly thing like an election get in the way of his ambition for power? It's hilarious that people thought Putin would give up his power without violence. The only way Putin will ever leave power is through violence. Look at those gigantic tables he sits at. Putin knows how "popular" he is, even in his own country.

  • A YouTuber was accused of plagiarism. His apology highlighted a larger issue among creators.
  • I think the better ways of resolving it were impossible without more involvement from the platform itself. Because it seems that this is just the last of the plagiarism accusations, and just so happened to stick more than the other accusations. It's very likely that had a prominent YouTuber not made a take down video, nobody would have known that this guy and others were plagiarizing anything. And I mean, imagine how the people whom work was stolen for profit are feeling?

  • Physicists May Have Found a Hard Limit on The Performance of Large Quantum Computers
  • Summary: Measuring time is important when measuring a large number of quantum bits, and so there's a constant race toward precision timekeeping. The article ends saying that component quality is more of a factor than the measurement of time (for now), but in the future potential advancements in quantum computing might be able to "buy time" in this arena and reduce errors in some future advancement.

  • Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way
  • This is one reason I have a "hibernate" shortcut on my desktop so I don't have to deal with the hassle of having to hunt for that button.

    If you are curious, creating your own hibernate shortcut on windows is easy:

    • Right click desktop
    • Select new > shortcut
    • Copy this into the shortcut: "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /h" obviously replace C:\Windows\ with the installation drive/folder on your machine.
    • (Optional: Change the icon for the shortcut to a useful picture)
    • Done
  • 1 in 50 Million Chance: US Woman With Rare Double Uterus Is Pregnant in Both
  • I can't be the only one who read that article and didn't cringe a bit at the end. The woman thinks she is going to get through best care possible and she lives in Alabama, where they are currently shutting down maternity units:

  • Free on GoG: Blacksad: Under the Skin
  • Great, now all I need to do is get the button on the homepage to load!

  • Cyberpunk dlc sucks. 10 side missions and like 5 story missions for 30 bucks.
  • Ummm, since we are being critical, I'm going to say that low effort bug reports get sent to the recycle bin on my dev team. Also, what's up with the tone of your post? You sound like you hated Cyberpunk 2077 in general and so you felt the need to scream it from the rooftops.

    I've played Phantom Liberty now for a couple days and I've never seen anything you're reporting, so you'll need to give more detail, like are you playing this on PC or Console, and which console? What are your settings? Also lose the bad attitude man, we are all here to have fun.

  • How Valve Made $600,000,000 in a Year | Steam Deck Success Story
  • To plug the Steamdeck into a TV you need, at minimum, something that converts USB-C into DVI or whatever port your TV has. The multiplayer can be through corded USB controllers plugged into a dock, or you can use Steam controllers through USB thingy, or Xbox and Nintendo Bluetooth controllers natively through the deck itself.

  • Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient - Opinion
  • I think the reason you saw the response you saw is that a lot of the players who bought Cyberpunk on the PC early on were too busy PLAYING the game to talk about it online. If you were a console user though you had little choice though, the console versions of Cyberpunk were awful at launch and deserved much of the scorn they received, I am not certain on stats, but I'm positive that most of the game-breaking bugs were on the console. Yes, I noticed some bugs on my first playthrough on the PC, but it wasn't as dramatic as what I saw people posting regarding console Cyberpunk.

  • Microsoft causes learned helplessness
  • A lot of people in Linux subs seem to be ready and willing to unload their "everything is dumbed down" opinion, with all the ferver of a solider heading out to war. I'm a long time computer user, programmer and hacker, so I understand these points of view, but they come across as very gate-keepy around the idea of using a computer at all. Like... I think it's obscene that so many people would think you need to learn how to use the command-line in order to use a computer.

    You guys have it wrong, I love smart GUIs that mean I don't have to spend my life writing complex command line statements, why are there so many people trying to hold back the wonder and marvel of computers from people who haven't spent their entire lives dedicated to learning about the computer? I mean seriously, I don't expect any of my friends or family to be as experienced at these things as I am, and that's okay. I want the computer to be an easy thing to use. Hell, I want the computer to be easy to use so that I can apply my skills to building things on the computer and have people pay money for them, I think that's a fairly reasonable trade.

  • Microsoft causes learned helplessness
  • Apple errors be all like

    "Operation couldn't be completed ( error 1035)"

    What am I supposed to do with this?

    Linux error be all like

    "System program problem detected. Do you want to report it?"

    Who am I reporting this to, Linus himself? He's just going to yell at me.

  • How Valve Made $600,000,000 in a Year | Steam Deck Success Story
  • I have a steam controller and a steam link, and this is not the same as that, at all. The steam link has a lot of issues honestly as well, and I tried to use the Steam Link as a way to play games on my TV in other parts of my house and it simply stinks unless you play only specific steam-link compatible games.

    StemaDeck doesn't have those limitations, you can play anything, even games not really made for it and have a smooth-as-butter experience. Even multiplayer on a TV, or on the go.

  • Twitter accused of helping Saudi Arabia commit human rights abuses Twitter accused of helping Saudi Arabia commit human rights abuses

    Lawsuit says network discloses user data at request of Saudi authorities at much higher rate than for US, UK and Canada

    Twitter accused of helping Saudi Arabia commit human rights abuses

    "The lawsuit was brought last May against X, as Twitter is now known, by Areej al-Sadhan, the sister of a Saudi aid worker who was forcibly disappeared and then later sentenced to 20 years in jail."

    This article goes into much more detail, but it shows Twitter (now X) has shown somewhat of a disregard for the Saudi links to the killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi and seems to only respond once the FBI gets involved.

    FCC Invites Comment on Request to Deny Fox TV License Renewal

    "Regulators invited public comment on whether the US broadcast license for Fox Corp.’s TV station in Philadelphia should be renewed after a grassroots organization asked that it be denied, saying Fox knowingly broadcast false news about the 2020 election."

    McConnell and Feinstein episodes raise age concerns about US leaders McConnell and Feinstein episodes raise age concerns about US leaders

    As the country's political leaders continue to get older, events and episodes of decline among politicians continue to happen publicly.

    McConnell and Feinstein episodes raise age concerns about US leaders

    People mentioned in this article are very old.

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 81 Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), 90 President Joe Biden, 80 Former President Donald Trump, 77

    Watch TV from the 90s My 90's TV!

    Go back to the 1990's via this nostalgic TV simulator and relive the original ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more!

    My 90's TV!

    This is strangely hypnotic for those 90's kids.

    [Discussion] Playing GOG and Epic games on the Steam Deck, your experience wanted.

    I've got a substantial library of games on GOG and Epic that I wanted to play on the Steam Deck, and I've used the Heroic Launcher with some success to access a lot of my libraries on those two platforms, but managing the compatibility per game is a bit frustrating and sometimes after an update things break.

    Can anyone else share any success or failure stories here? The only other place I've seen this discussion was on Steam itself and I wanted a non-steam take on the practice of running non-steam platform games and what works.

    Conservatives go to red states and liberals go to blue as the country grows more polarized Conservatives go to red states and liberals go to blue as the country grows more polarized

    Americans are segregating themselves by their politics at a rapid clip, helping fuel the greatest divide between the states in modern history.

    Conservatives go to red states and liberals go to blue as the country grows more polarized

    >“One thing we have really found is a place to feel comfortable being ourselves,” Dean said. >Americans are segregating by their politics at a rapid clip, helping fuel the greatest divide between the states in modern history.

    >One party controls the entire legislature in all but two states. In 28 states, the party in control has a supermajority in at least one legislative chamber — which means the majority party has so many lawmakers that they can override a governor’s veto. Not that that would be necessary in most cases, as only 10 states have governors of different parties than the one that controls the legislature

    This can only end badly as conservatives seem to have no problem ruling over land in empty states.

    Harvard 'legacy' policy challenged on heels of affirmative action ruling

    "Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, the group's executive director, said the Supreme Court last week made clear that any policies that disadvantage racial groups are unlawful by noting that "eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it."

    "Your family's last name and the size of your bank account are not a measure of merit, and should have no bearing on the college admissions process,” he said in a statement."

    Node-Red is no-code workflow automation with lots of extensions. Automate Your Life With Node-RED (Plus A Dash Of MQTT)

    For years we’ve seen a trickle of really interesting home automation projects that use the Node-RED package. Each time, the hackers behind these projects have raved about Node-RED and now I&#…

    Automate Your Life With Node-RED (Plus A Dash Of MQTT)

    I know a lot of people dismiss this thing as only being useful for RaspberryPi IOT automation, but I've been using this for a year or two now on my own personal server and I'm surprised how flexible and performant it is.

    It's more than just a prototyping tool, and it has a lot of integrations designed by the community. For instance, within a couple weeks of ChatGPT being announced, there were already flows created to automate integration.

    I've been thinking about introducing this tool to my work as a replacement for some of the older and less-used APIs we maintain. Have you had any experience with Node-Red? Would you like to check it out? I can help you set it up if you want too, it's fun learning about this tool and what's possible with it.

    HumbleHobo HumbleHobo
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