ISOmorph @ ISOmorph Posts 1Comments 127Joined 7 mo. ago
I use as a web drive. Can recommend
Selbst wenn das gehen würde, die app läuft auf deinem mit GPS ausgestattem Handy. Die weiss genau wo du tatsächlich wohnst.
Here's a good comparison where delta chatis included
Tutanota, as specified in my initial reply
If you're left leaning and want to send a message, do it with your wallet. Switch to tutanota for mails, search with duckduckgo, use f-droid as an app store... No one needs google, it's just somewhat inconvenient to get used to alternatives
Until trump is supposed to leave office
Sehr nützlich. Hat mir bestätigt, dass ich mit 85% Übereinstimmubg mit der richtigen Partei unterwegs bin
Similar to the DNS resolver cases, the legal paperwork cites Article 333-10 of the French Sports Code.
So the legal base for this bullshit is and can only be applied for illegal sports streaming within france. Sucks for the impacted parties but I don't see this having any broader repercussions
I just finished Outcast 2 a new beginning and it was an amazing 25 hours. The main story is a super janky patchwork mess that barely makes sense. But the open world stuff, the side quests and the weapon upgrade system make more then up for it. It's a gorgeous looking, well optimized gem.
I use Mullvad DNS when I'm mobile and unbound on my pi when I'm at home
And who do you think is controlling the media and funding the educational systems? Olligarchs and their puppet politicians. You won't get rid of them and the system they perverted beyond recognition without luigis and guillotines.
My dude, we have the same issues you do. Half the voting population actually wants to be governed by fascists. You can't get rid of them democratically.
Ich glaub die Bitte ist, mit den Verboten konsistent zu sein
He did. It's the same picture here. Even with all the protests we have people like Melloni and Schoof. AfD is polling at an all time high. I'm not saying stop protesting. But it's obviously not enough to keep fascim at bay. People have to get a lot more militant.
It's unappealing because it makes you extremely easy to track. So options without bluetooth are a safeguard for your privacy, which is a human right that has been heavily under attack for years. So in that regard headphone jacks are an objective must. Not enough people are complaining, true, but that's because they don't understand the technology and the risks are being obfuscated to them.
I had to stop playing specifically because of the combat. Felt like a cheap mobile game. Didn't even make it far enough to experience the character interactions.
“When we have a search warrant and we are in front of a house and the door is locked, and you know that the criminal is inside of the house, the population will not accept that you cannot enter.”
With the amount of people having been wrongfully murdered by police during raids, I can tell you that I will not only accept, but even encourage that the general populace can protect themselves with locked doors.
“Anonymity is not a fundamental right“
Get bent Cathy
This has nothing to do with Twitters image. He could have enforced that decision sooner if it was. This is about Trump. The negativity was helpful during Bidens presidency. Now that Trump is about to take over everything has to look like the world is happy again. It's political manipulation.