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How many showers do you take a day?
  • I take as long and as hot of showers as I can because I know in 10-20 years, that will be a luxury. I also know that it's pointless for me to try to conserve. If me, all my neighbors, all my neighbors' neighbors, and everyone all of us knows made a pledge to use as little water as we could, it would be insignificant in the face of inefficient agriculture and corporate greed. Every one here could use over 50 gallons of water a day and it would still be absolutely miniscule compared to industrial use.

    Anyone saying that water conservation should happen on an individual level is smoking some corporate BS. On an individual basis, there is enough water for everyone to live like a watery nymph if they choose to. It's corporations that are overwhelmingly sucking up the supply.

    So take your time in the shower. Don't stress about frivolous uses right now. They won't be around forever and taking advantage of them presently won't do diddly to stop the future.

  • Nutella
  • It is near impossible for a consumer in the US to waste food.

    This is because the massive amount of waste that's produced by grocery stores makes any conversation of consumer waste a moot point.

    In this instance, for example, if he didn't use that Nutella, odds are it would wind up in the dumpster a few weeks later, still completely sealed and untouched by anyone.

  • Cheers my dudes
  • A workday was also like 4 hours or less in biblical times though.

    The idea that people in the past worked long, grueling hours due to lack of technology is a myth. People had way more free time in those days.

  • It's just a waste of my time!
  • I only learned about it from the "Well There's Your Problem" podcast. Can't believe my school never talked about it. We did hear all about Challenger though as well as a few other disasters where the lesson was "If you cut corners, or take chances, people can DIE"

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Anti-space/science rhetoric on the left.

    A lot of it comes from people who are anti-Elon and are against everything he touches. So they become anti SpaceX. Then they become anti-aerospace.

    They don't understand, or even want to understand, the science and importance behind it's advances. The thought process just goes Musk Bad>SpaceX Bad>Aerospace Bad.

    Remember how in Interstellar, there's that teacher who was casually teaching that the moon landings were fake? Like, society had reached a point where they cared so little for space, that they actively turned a blind eye towards its accomplishments or just straight up dismissed them? I feel like that's the path we're on. Because of people's blind hatred towards a rich douche, an entire EXTREMELY IMPORTANT industry is becoming reviled through sheer ignorance.

  • I've been blocking ads for so long that actually seeing them feels perverse
  • Did you know that most people won't notice a ~2% increase in the play speed of shows, and that by doing so you can squeeze in an extra 30 seconds of ad time into a 30 minute block?

    Because TV companies know this. Many of them do exactly that.

  • All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space
  • I work in a manufacturing company that was owned by the founder for 50 years until about 4 years ago when he retired. He disagreed with a lot of the ideas behind lean manufacturing so we had like 5 years worth of inventory sitting in our warehouse.

    When the new management came in, there was a lot of squawking about inefficiency, how wasteful it was to keep so much raw material on the shelf, and how we absolutely needed to sell it off or get rid of it.

    Then a funny little thing happened in 2020.

    Suddenly, we were the only company in our industry still churning out product. Other companies were calling us, desperate to buy our products or even just our raw material. We saw MASSIVE growth the next two years and came out of the pandemic better than ever. And it was mostly thanks to the old owners view that "Just In Time" manufacturing was BS.

  • Cancer cases in people below 50 up nearly 80 percent in last three decades
  • There needs to be a lot more studies on obesity and why it's gone up so much. I don't buy the "more sedentary lifestyle" argument. Our mobility hasn't changed THAT much in the last 50 years, at least not enough to explain the absolutely skyrocketing cases of obesity.

    There's a big link between poverty and obesity. People in poverty tend to be more active due to more physically demanding jobs, so it feels like the cause has to be from cheap food. While a lot of people might immediately look to high fructose corn syrup, I'm not sure it's that simple. Obesity rates are rising even in places that don't use HFCS in everything. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some additive or preservative that started to get heavily used in the last few decades that's had horrible, unintended consequences.

  • [POLL] Do you use/require a headphone jack on your phone?
  • There's half an argument to be made about waterproofing, but it kinda falls flat when the waterproofing we get isn't that good.

    "This phone is IP68 rated!"

    Oh cool, so I can go swimming with it and take it into the shower?

    "Haha, no."

    Great, so glad we gave up a ton of features for this.

  • What are some (realistic) things you wanted to get for a while, just for fun?
  • Thermal Camera.

    They're just so cool. Super useful for checking the effectiveness of stuff like insulation or heat sinks, and can be used to find hot spots you didn't know existed.

    I just have trouble justifying dropping $300 on something I would only get maybe an hour max of usefulness from before it sits in a box for years.

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