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Adobe's Employees Are Just As Upset at the Company As Its Users: Report
  • Unfortunately, they were also recently acquired by Canva. It may be all right for the time being, but I wouldn't throw my full weight behind them anymore.

  • Great deal
  • Hyper-vigilance rarely leaves you without anything to do. So, there's a plus. My therapist would be very proud of my re-framing.

  • I totally meant to do that
  • Having no knowledge of chess really at all, I'm like 60% sure all those words are made up and it's just a giant gag the chess community uses to confuse people. They must have some random chess generator that spits out random gibberish that sounds impressive.

  • Alabama calls nitrogen execution method 'painless' and 'humane,' but critics raise doubts
  • Okay, can someone explain to me why states with capital punishment don't just inject someone with a bunch of morphine and they just go to sleep and never wake up again? I hear all the time about the horrific shit they inject into people and the horrible deaths they suffer, while one easy drug can execute the person with no fuss? I just don't understand.

  • tumblr saves the world. again.
  • Seriously no idea at all. My wife, who doesn't generally care for music at all was very well acquainted with it. It was just one of those one-in-a-million things just seemed to happen.

  • tumblr saves the world. again.
  • Semi-relevant story time!

    A couple weeks ago I was watching a favorite Youtuber, 12Tone, deconstructing a song I wasn't aware of. During the intro he made a joke about trying to explain the song, then stopped, saying everyone already knew what the song was. I had no idea at all. So I went and listened to the song and looked up a bit more about it.

    Due to some weird convergence of chance and Matrix-esque internet dodging that I didn't know I was doing, I somehow missed out on the phenomenon that was Mr. Brightside.

    It's a really good song and I had the fortune to be one of that day's lucky 10,000.

  • The USS Every State In The Country
  • I mean, it's fine, but couldn't it do with more guns?

  • Removed
    Dianne Feinstein dies at 90
  • Because power appears to be even more addictive than money.

  • T-thank you, ma'am... 🥺
  • Have you tried presenting them in the form of a sonnet? I hear chicks dig poetry.

  • Reps. Barbara Lee, Summer Lee, Jamaal Bowman, and Rashida Tlaib Introduce OLIGARCH Act to Tax Extreme Wealth and Combat Aristocracy
  • It might have been from Twitter or somewhere else, but awhile back someone said something akin to after someone passes $999 million, take the rest for the public good and give them a trophy that says "I won capitalism." I think it's a lovely idea.

  • Fake news community
  • For real. I just had the misfortune of looking at that cesspit for about 45 seconds and I feel like I need a shower.

    There is nothing if value there whatsoever.

  • Camp NaNoWriMo Victory

    This is the fourth NaNo event I've participated in and my fourth win. I set my goal at 25k words, so just half a real NaNo, but more focused on an area of my writing that I'm severely lacking. The month has helped improve it a bit so that's been nice. Also pretty happy that I finished a week ahead of time. Maybe for next camp, I'll up my goal a bit to push me a bit harder.

    But anyway, I accomplished something important to me and got another certificate to hang on my wall which I'm pretty happy about. Figured I'd share.

    What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Nope. They're the ones most likely to murder me. Just me, my wife, and our cats. Minimal chances of murder. Except from one of the cats but if it comes down to it, I think I can take her.

  • What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Exactly. Do as little as required by the laws of where you live and immediately get the fuck away from wherever you are and start the process to emigrate to a different country. Christmas and Thanksgiving will now be done over video chat.

  • 0.23.0 is out with lots of options for customization!
  • Thank you so much for adding the option to switch thumbnail sides. That silly feature was what I needed badly.

  • Portrait of a Woman by Van Mierevelt
  • Beautiful, no doubt.

    But can you imagine the hell it must have been to dress in such a manner? I'm glad I live in the t-shirt and pajama pants era.

  • What are some good hobbies/interests for someone in their mid thirties to pick up?
  • Same with the piano but when looking around for starter keyboards all they can tell you is everything is shit unless to throw out $500.

    I don't even know if this is going to click with me. I can't spend that much on something that may end up gathering dust.

  • The 56 best/worst analogies written by high school students The 56 best/worst analogies written by high school students

    I came upon this over at the House of Figs blog.  I don’t know whether they came from high school students or not, but I laughed harder than that time that something really funny happened. He…

    The 56 best/worst analogies written by high school students

    A real masterclass in analogies.

    IntheTreetop IntheTreetop

    I'm just a nerd. I'm an unbelievably amateur novelist and I'm a lover of the greatest game on earth, baseball. Go Giants, Eff the Dodgers and such.

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