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Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
  • Whatever you say conservative

  • Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
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  • Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
  • Dudes from Thunder Bay, just ignore him

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • Yes. You are going crazy.

    Your comparison with Karen and CVS fails on numerous accounts and lemme spell them out for you.

    1. CVS is an established megacorporation. A bunch of Karens saying that they wont get business from them anymore is meaningless to something that brings in billions of profit.

    2. Karens are not connected beyond vague occasional facebook groups and other types of groups.

    3. is not established as the be-all and end-all of the fediverse. In fact, it's shown that it's badly managed in the sense that the site is non-functional more often than not. Various features just do not work here, show context as example, and the admins are more focused on the fallout over a troll post than working on the site.

    4. Users of this website are the only thing that has. Due to it's lack of stability on numerous counts, if there's a mass exodus of users it no longer becomes financially viable to keep the site running the way that it is or even at all. Due to the relatively small amount of users, a mass leaving incident so early in it's life cycle could kill the site.

    5. Lemmy users are organized on the very site that they are leaving. Comments can be left to point out why the person is leaving. This isn't being screamed at a single cashier, this would be visible to numerous people in the product they're using.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • First off, lemme just say that I left reddit because I was sick of the site bowing more to a corporate end than listening to the people and being somewhat reasonable. is now guilty of that. I genuinely dunno how much longer I'll stay around this instance if this is the type of administration we see at the start.

    Second, there is no situation in which could be considered legally responsible for that of another instance, allowing access to them or not. Merely blocking the instance in its entirety shows a disgusting amount of overreach on behalf of the administrators. The whole point of the fediverse is to NOT cut oneself off from everything, but keeps showing that it is willing to do so time and time again.

  • Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
  • Am I being dumb on this?


    The property is making more than twice minimum wage simply by existing as nothing more than a parking space. I'm on disability and I get less than minimum wage. The idea that a parking spot in my city gets paid more than I do is depressing as hell.

    There is a significant difference between land having value and hourly income off of that land. Especially when the only thing done to the land is paving it flat and staying empty.

    Then there's the issue that these staggering amounts of parking lots bring in all this money for a company that often has nothing to do with the city. So some guy is just leasing land to let people rent it per hour and giving no real money back to the city. It's pure business but doesn't help the city in any way. Meanwhile the city has a catastrophic lack of affordable housing.

    If you can't see why it's fucked up that a single tiny slice of undeveloped land is making more than someone on minimum wage then I'm not sure you're that left leaning.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • You're being downvoted but you are completely correct. By American standards the democrats are left wing but by the rest of the world they're incredibly conservative.

    If you were to honestly compare the American Democratic party to the Canadian Conservative Party you would have a shockingly close fit.

    In America it's not right vs left. It's, at best, right vs centrist.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • No. The US is 50 states that are masquerading as countries. Moreover, I didn't say that it should split into 50 countries, now did I?

    The thing your missing is everything I fucking said.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • I feel like you have a poor understanding of a lot that you talk about.

    No, I understand pretty well.

    This issue isn’t a east coast vs west coast thing. This is a rural vs urban issue.

    I never said that it was an east vs west thing. I used east vs west as one of a couple of examples. The issue is that the country is catastrophically divided between numerous sides who see their point as being 'right'. In doing so, they are destroying the lives of EVERYONE by constantly pulling the chain. The country is so large that this constant pulling of the chain is fragmenting every state. No one is getting what they want or what they need. Shit I've already said and I'm tired of re-explaining myself.

    Rural vs Urban is a problem, and one that needs to be talked about, but it has no place in response to the comment that I've made. Your entire point falls flat when other countries have similar issues but to a far less extreme extent. The push and pull of Urban and Rural isn't what's causing your country to invade the foreign democracies of others. It isn't what's pushing your country to disavow it's own citizens so heavily that they literally rot away in prisons, eaten by bed bugs. The push and pull of Urban/Rural isn't what's allowing gun rights to run on an extremist route where you have one side saying "Please reduce access to guns so my children don't die" and the other side then responding with increasing the amount of firearms in/near/around schools. The push and pull of Urban/Rural isn't what's having one side say "We welcome Immigration" and the other side installing circular saw blades and nets in rivers to saw immigrants in half or for arresting people who dare to give food/water to immigrants.

    I'm not entertaining your nonsense any further.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • Everywhere in your essay you say America you can sub in NATO, Japan and the rest of the Five Eyes

    Literally no. I am talking about one specific country. If you want to talk military, that's something else, but nothing that I said applies to any other country in that regard. The rest of your comment is predicated off of a catastrophic misunderstanding of what I've said. I have little interest in re-explaining myself after I was already pretty clear. Re-read it or leave me alone.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • First off, I'm not American.

    Second, your comment is invalid. This isn't an "us vs them" situation. It was up until very recently, but the Republicans decided to breach the wall. During the leadup from 2000 to 2016, American elections became far more entrenched. Newt Gingrich and Fox are mostly to blame for this, successfully turning republicans from a political group to essentially a lifestyle. The Democrats did this in kind, to an extent, but on a much later game. That wasn't turned up until 2016. However during the 2016 election, the leader of the Republican Party and a slew of other Republican party officials conspired with a foreign power to influence the election and then committed numerous federal crimes to do so. They also committed numerous federal crimes after doing so.

    This isn't "us vs them". This is literally "Democracy vs Fascism".

    So I'd kindly suggest shutting the fuck up and not downplaying literal fucking fascism as being 'the other side'.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • The psychotic thing to me is that this isn't really news. We've known that they've been meddling in American Democracy for YEARS. Remember when we found out about the meeting between the Russians and the campaign at Trump Tower during the 2016 election? The Trump Campaign, and all republicans by extension, are traitors to democracy. I'm done tiptoeing. I'm done saying it like it's anything than what it is.

    Fucking treason.

    And yes. All republicans. If you call yourself a republican you have decided to align yourself with traitors. Bitch, whine and moan all you want. You are a traitor.

  • Deleted
    "It gets better" - Can we take this phrase behind the shed and shoot it?
  • I know no one will give a shit about this post. There's no reason to give a shit. Most people gonna look at the body and go "I'm not reading all that" and then just click onto the next post. That's the thing that kills me the most to be honest.

    If this pain meant something... if it meant that I'd be at least remembered then I'd be okay.

    But knowing that it's for nothing...

    i cant do this

  • ‘He’s alone’: Trump arraignment sees no family, no posse, no protests
  • What even is this article? When was he ever with anyone to begin with?

    He has never done a single thing in his pitiful life that has revolved around anyone but himself. Everything was about him and his wounded ego.

  • Any Playstation Cmdrs kicking around?

    The galaxy is enormous and barely explored but it feels so dead lately. Especially after the Legacy/Odyssey split. I keep checking my 'recently met' tab and barely anyone ever pops even if I'm running through major systems. Then most of the ones I do see don't respond to messages or are going about it solo.

    I'm just lookin for some friends so I don't feel so damn alone

    Jase Jase

    I'm old. I'm depressed. I'm gay. I like Star Trek. Kill me?

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