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Wake-up Call: Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year
  • I really don't think Gaza will be a defining issue in the 2024 election. It's already fallen out of the news cycle and Gaza city will be under full occupation by next Nov.

    Trump, however, will be in the middle of taking a huge beating by all his court cases. There's zero chance he ever gets more support than what he had last election. The best thing we can hope for is that the GOP puts him up for another election.

    Both parties have the same issue right now. Both candidates don't have great appeal. But there aren't any Democrats that have an issue voting for Biden. He's been fine as president. We don't have to worry about him going off half cocked all the time. The party will fall behind him. The same can't be said for Trump.

  • Facebook's VR Headset Not Selling, Literally Giving It Away
  • The main problem with the Pro is that it completely fails at the thing it was primarily marketed for: AR passthrough.

    The cameras are so bad that when you use video passthrough, everything is blurry. It's completely unusable. No one will ever use it for productivity tasks in its current form. Meta should have just focused on making a high end gaming version because they failed at making it usable for anything business related.

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  • Sugar is only part of it. Corn and wheat based products are just as bad.

    The truth has to do with food availability as well, not just what it's made of.

    Food availability has increased in the US over the past 50+ years, to where we have over 4000 calories per person a day now. Easy access to unhealthy food is a major contributor to our obesity. People don't even understand what a healthy diet looks like and have a very poor grasp on how much to eat. We just eat until we're stuffed and then wonder why we're fat.

    It's especially tough as people age. I've been tracking my diet for 180+ days, eating under 1800 calories a day, and I still struggle with losing weight. Without a lot of effort towards eating the right amount and the right foods, people get fat.

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  • I actually don't think most of our society is qualified to vote.

    Voter rights should be determined by whether or not you know anything about what you're voting for, not based on your age. People should have to pass a test every year.

  • Things I’m thankful for
  • I think there's a lot of people that still haven't gotten the memo that they shouldn't be using Twitter or reddit. People still need to be reminded of exactly why if we ever want to see a full shift away from those platforms.

    Unfortunately, those messages need to be posted elsewhere because they really aren't reaching the right audience here. We came here to escape those platforms so the constant shit posting about them is a huge annoyance.

  • It’s time for Americans to embrace small cars
  • It's more complex than that.

    The way the US is spread out makes public transit prohibitively expensive and difficult to achieve proper coverage. To make it effective, you would have to shift the entire way we live. Our entire society is built off the concept that everyone has a car.

    Add to the fact that building transit is extra expensive in the US and you arrive at the reality that we will NEVER have a working transit system. That's why the shift to small cars is needed. We don't have any more room for roads, so we need more cars to fit in the roads we have

  • AI-Created Art Isn’t Copyrightable, Judge Says In Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause
  • Yeah while this suit covers a very specific scenario, a large majority of AI driven content does have human interaction and does qualify for copyright.

    Even just a draft, fed into an AI finishing system, has some human interaction. Nothing is going to stop the AI revolution.

  • Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment
  • I don't really agree with this sentiment.

    Are they dipshits?


    Should Sothebys lose all credibility and be fined for faking an auction?

    Also yes.

    Should Bored Ape owners get any of their money back?


    This crosses certain lines that are beyond just: huuuur crypto dumb

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • I really hoped that the mask stigma would change, but it's sad to see it go this way. I might just start wearing a mask again to do my part to normalize it.

    If people are sick, they should feel like it's the right thing to do to wear a mask. It needs to be a normal thing and people that make fun of it are pieces of shit .

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • Other studies show that in health-care workers, n95 vs medical masks made almost no statistical difference.

    However, the use of masks in the public is not necessarily to protect yourself. It's to keep you from spreading germs in a wide range if you cough. It's the same concept as herd immunity with vaccinations. We all help protect each other.

    So with that in mind: wear a washable cloth mask.

  • The ship that won me 5mil aUEC

    I went to a random ship meetup in my server last week and won 1st place!

    This streamer is doing ship meetup contests weekly on Fridays if you want to try your luck, with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd best ships:

    There weren't too many ships at this one, so chances were stacked in my favor :D


    Thank you for doing your part

    You are the Difference – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

    Sneak Peak - Fury LX

    LX usually denotes a luxury model right? I'm not sure how you add luxury to a Fury 😀

    Star Citizen - Community Farewell to Port Olisar

    From inside the weekly update today, this is a really good fan-made production.

    Here's the text of the letter at the end of the video:

    >Port Olisar - The space station above Crusader with majestic views.

    >Over the years you have become more than just a space station. You have become a beacon of Hope, Dreams, and aspirations of what is to come. A launching point for our adventures and the beginning of an era. We will miss you and all the memories you bring every time we see you.

    >But fear not for us for we are moving towards the future on the path that you paved for us. And there will be a new angel in the sky watching over us - Seraphim

    >This is not a farewell, my old friend, for I will search pyro and beyond till we meet again.

    >When we do, I will be flooded with the memories of where this adventure began.

    >-The Community

    Go give Ezper a sub on YouTube and bump the post on the community hub. This content is worth it!

    Share why you're still a Star Citizen

    Let us know why you're still a fan of starcitizen and/or CIG!

    Turbulent acquired by Cloud Imperium Games Turbulent Joins Cloud Imperium Games - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

    Turbulent Joins Cloud Imperium Games - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    One thing of note from the announcement:

    >With Turbulent as part of the CIG group of companies, our headcount will be over 1,100, making us one of the largest independent game developers in the world!

    It's pretty insane to think how large CIG has gotten over the years. It makes sense to bring in Turbulent now. If everyone remembers correctly, they had spun up a team to make PU content last year, and many of us didn't really understand why that work would happen "out-of-house".

    I know that opinions have always been varied about the CIG website and Spectrum, but personally I think Turbulent has a lot of good talent. Whether they are just contracted out or owned by CIG doesn't make a lot of difference, but at least now we know their talent will be dedicated to the project and not split working on other things.

    Lorville is ominous at night

    I get a much better Blade Runner feel from Lorville now and I'm here for it!




    Roadmap Roundup - 07/12/2023 Roadmap Roundup - July 12, 2023 - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

    Roadmap Roundup - July 12, 2023 - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    The following cards have been added to Release View in the Alpha 3.20 column:

    Seraphim Station A new fully-operational station positioned in the skies above Orison. This station houses multiple shops, cargo services, refuel and repair, and more.

    New Crusader Platforms Adding three new points of interest in Crusader's atmosphere, providing new locations for missions and loot.

    The following features have passed their final review, therefore we are toggling their status to Committed.

    Arena Commander: Experimental Game Modes These limited-time game modes range from simple twists on current modes to entirely new modes. This initiative will not only allow rapid iteration of game modes to be put in players' hands faster, but also allow all teams to gather vital analytic data for specific activities, equipment, vehicles, and in-development features.

    New Missions - Salvage Contracts: Coverup Players will be contracted to strip the gang markings and paint off a ship that was used in a crime that the gang doesn't want to get caught for. Security forces will also be searching for the ship to confirm and prosecute whoever had committed the crime.

    MISC Hull C Encompasses all tasks, including design, art, audio, and tech, required for the implementation of the MISC Hull-C heavy cargo hauler into the PU.

    Wheeled Vehicle Handling Improvements Updates and improvements to current ground vehicle movement parameters and simulation, allowing for more robust tuning and identity between various ground vehicles.

    The fleet arrives!

    It's always great to witness the Bengal in all it's glory, even if it's only at 10fps 😆

    Foundation Festival 2952 - Free Fly July 6th to 17th! Foundation Festival - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

    Foundation Festival - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    From July 6th through July 17th, all current, returning, and new citizens will be able to partake in the Foundation Festival. Full details can be seen on the RSI Support website.

    The following ships will be available to all players during this event:

    • 600i Touring
    • Caterpillar
    • Cutlass Black
    • Cutlass Red
    • Freelancer
    • Gladius
    • Mercury Star Runner
    • Prospector
    • Razor
    • Starfarer
    • Valkyrie
    • Vulture

    Additionally, for players that partake in the Guide System (until the end of July) will receive exclusive rewards (in-game hats and ship paint jobs). More details have been posted in Spectrum.

    Inside Star Citizen: Behold... Seraphim!

    In the last ISC for this quarter of the year, CIG drops a massive drama bomb on the community with the reveal of how they will be replacing Port Olisar.

    Welcome to Citizens Gaming, a Star Citizen Lemmy instance!

    To get the best experience out of this instance, subscribe to the communities that you want to see content from.

    Here are some suggestions, but you can always see the full list by visiting the Communities page:

    ! - for in-game screenshots.

    ! - for video related content.

    ! - discussion around this Lemmy instance.

    ! - support for this Lemmy instance.

    ! - anything else unrelated to SC.

    In order to ensure that we can keep up with moderation, community creation is restricted. If you have a suggestion for additional channels, feed free to let us know in the Community threads.

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    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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