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Idaho halts execution by lethal injection after 8 failed attempts to insert IV line
  • Doctors will not perform lethal injection. It goes against the Hippocratic Oath:"First do no harm"

  • US airman Aaron Bushnell claimed to have classified knowledge of US forces fighting in Gaza tunnels on night before setting himself on fire: pal
  • See also the NYT article about the CIA being extremely involved in the war in Ukraine, and the many ways they assisted in escalating things before Russia invaded. Not a Russia fanboy, they shouldn't have invaded and I hope they're defeated soundly, but there was a lot of hand washing pretending that the US did not provoke this war, and it did.

    At least with Gaza, I actually kinda hope it's true and US Special Forces are in those tunnels fighting Hamas members. Because that's a far more effective method of stopping this fight than Israel carpet bombing civilians. I would like the US to beat Hamas before Israel does, in the same way Germans wanted the US to get to Berlin before the USSR.

  • If we can use hydrogen to power electric motors, why can’t we use water to run a car?
  • Correct. Green hydrogen is expensive and energy intensive, and is not as cost effective as getting it from natural gas. So currently most hydrogen comes from natural gas.

    But, unless we find ways to make batteries without rare earth metals, we will be better suited to moving towards fuel cell, once we have the excess electricity from renewables needed to split hydrogen from water. For now, batteries are the better option.

  • If we can use hydrogen to power electric motors, why can’t we use water to run a car?
  • Correct. Splitting hydrogen from water is quite energy intensive. Burning hydrogen into oxygen to make water releases energy, but not as much energy as it takes to split the hydrogen off in the first place. The reason to use hydrogen fuel cells is that the extra energy needed to generate the hydrogen is still far better than the carbon output and costly materials needed for making and charging a battery. Batteries need rare earth metals, and they lose their charging ability over time. Splitting water into hydrogen creates "potential energy" from the later creation of water again, making it a useful, clean way to store electricity.

    Same as the plans for using cranes stacking concrete bricks to store electricity. It takes more electric to stack them than is produced by unstacking them. But it's a clean way to store potential energy, and far more efficient and sustainable than a battery.

  • Dude, where’s my self-driving car? The many, many missed deadlines for a fully autonomous vehicular future.
  • Maybe instead of trying to train an AI powered car to deal with the insane chaos that is the road system, what if we designed something to remove that chaos? Maybe like a path that's just for these self driving cars. There's a network of paths to get you to your final destination.

    But if we did that, there'd still be our current problems of running out of fuel, or battery power. Which could be solved by electrifying those paths.

    But it'd be very difficult to have each of those individual cars switch between paths. Maybe it would be easier if instead of the cars switching paths, the people switched paths. Maybe we just make really long cars, and numerous people can get in them, and then switch cars as needed. People would need to know where to switch between these long cars. So we'd want to set schedules of when they're running to where, and then have an app or something that just told you where to get on and off.

    And if they're really long, maybe we could kickstart this before we have self-driving abilities anyway. We could just have one person in the front driving it.

    And maybe to reduce the need for rubber, instead of regular wheels on a road, they could just be metal wheels on metal tracks.

    Just throwing some ideas out there.

  • Windows 11 24H2 to enforce hardware requirement - gHacks Tech News
  • sure, but not having POPCNT means way older than not having TPM

  • Zelensky signs decree recognizing some Russian territories as historically inhabited by Ukrainians
  • When was the last time there was a conservative president in the US who didn't cause tremendous lasting damage to the country?

  • Amazon pricing makes no sense.
  • They're so insistent on getting people to do their Subscribe & Save stuff, with lots of discounts for making a subscription. And I take the discount and cancel the subscription as soon as it shows up. The entire point seems to be to get people to subscribe at the low price, and then jack the price up, sometimes double, when it starts recurring.

  • Removed
    Iowa Opts Out of Federal Summer Food Assistance Program, Citing Sustainability Concerns
  • They want to get the same shenanigans they pull with welfare funding.

  • Beeper vs Apple battle intensifies: Lawmakers demand DOJ investigation - Android Authority
  • Because their practices are anti-competitive. School kids are getting bullied for using Android phones because they're "green texters" in iMessage. But most importantly iMessage's connection with SMS causes all interaction to be very low quality images and videos. And when people complain to Tim Apple about the experience, his only response is "Get your grandma an iPhone". Our only saving grace is that the EU is requiring Apple to support RCS, which should solve these issues, except they'll probably find some new way to be anti-competitive about it.

  • Catholic legal expert says Iowa Satanic Temple display not protected by First Amendment
  • Except like the Church of Satan, The Satanic Temple is very clear they don't believe in a literal Satan. The Satanic Temple is also very much just a paper religion meant to counter these public Christian displays. They walk a fine line of making that very clear while also having plausible deniability.

  • Everyone brings something
  • Thanks for noticing my fear of abandonment. It's from being abandoned so many times.

  • Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations'
  • Obama was a huge problem, but not because of being half black. Because he ran on a progressive platform, and then was decidedly Centrist once he actually got into office. The entire financial bailout could've gone way better, and moved the country in a far better direction, if he wasn't busy placating his wall street friends. His drone program made every civilian in Afghanistan and Iraq despise us to the core, and made children afraid of the sky. He pushed through Obamacare/Affordable Care Act, which was the Republican plan, as a compromise. None of them voted for it anyway, he could've gotten through a much better plan instead. Hillary's loss in 2016 was as much a denunciation of Obama's centrism as it was about Hilary or right wing populism. And his interference in 2020 to get all the centrists to back Biden and shut down Bernie may have doomed us in 2024.

  • People have been cleaning their ears with cotton swabs for years. What other tools are being inadvertently used wrong?
  • Not a lot of products have to do that. The one people bandy about is McDonalds adding "Caution: Coffee Is Hot" to their stuff, but the actual coffee spill lawsuit was over coffee hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns. Few things need cautions against their intended use.

    Q-Tips / cotton swabs are an almost uniquely bad tool. It's incredibly easy to rupture your ear drums. There's no actual health benefit to swabbing your ears -- it just feels good your ears get itchy. A safer tool could be made, but it'd be more expensive, more involved to use, and there's probably several but I can't be bothered to find out, and neither can you. They make a product that they know is inherently dangerous to use and has no specific benefit. So it has a warning against doing it. Same as cigarette packs have a warning that they cause cancer, even though everyone buying them knows that and smokes them anyway.

  • What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • Arduino in the same vein. There's a great "30 Days Lost in Space" tutorial set, but even to play around with by yourself for cheap, you can get an off brand (the hardware is open source!) Arduino Mega for 20 bucks. All sorts of cool programming and electronics fun.

  • People have been cleaning their ears with cotton swabs for years. What other tools are being inadvertently used wrong?
  • They were specifically created for cleaning ears. First line of the wikipedia history.. The reason Q-Tip says not to use them in ears is plausible deniability. They know they mostly get used to cleaning ears. But it's incredibly easy to puncture your eardrum doing that. In order to stop people from suing them for using their product in its main use case and hurting themselves, they simply specifically instruct against using it that way. While that is a wholly ridiculous falsehood, without it they'd have probably been sued so much that no one would make them. And then I wouldn't be able to clean my ears.

  • Because customers don't need to easily filter away some stuff from their searches
  • I've been using Kagi for 2 months and swear by it. It might feel silly paying for a search engine, but I'm now the customer instead of the product, and I can customize my searches the way I want.

  • ⚙️AEW FULL GEAR Discussion Thread 11/18/23⚙️
  • I love that this is a world where 8 men try to stop MJF from wrestling because his leg might be hurt, but it's fine for Adam Cole to wrestle in a cast after multiple surgeries on his ankle

  • Video Reveals Crucial Details of LAPD Ignoring Robbery to Catch Togetic in Pokémon Go Video Reveals Crucial Details of LAPD Ignoring Robbery to Catch Togetic in Pokémon Go

    'The guys are going to be so jealous': Video reveals cops ignored robbery, blew a stop sign, sped over speed bumps on residential streets, and pulled an illegal u-turn, but were able to capture two very powerful Pokémon.

    Video Reveals Crucial Details of LAPD Ignoring Robbery to Catch Togetic in Pokémon Go

    'The guys are going to be so jealous': Video reveals cops ignored robbery, blew a stop sign, sped over speed bumps on residential streets, and pulled an illegal u-turn, but were able to capture two very powerful Pokémon.

    Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate”

    In the same week large swaths of the US were under extreme heat warnings, Joe Biden’s Justice Department filed its most recent motion to dismiss a landmark climate case by arguing that nothing in the Constitution guarantees the right to a secure climate.

    Twitter Beats Out Threads for Coveted Taliban Leader Endorsement Twitter Beats Out Threads for Coveted Taliban Leader Endorsement

    The fundamentalist group thinks Meta’s content policy, which includes a ban on support or praise for terrorist or hate groups, is “intolerant”

    Twitter Beats Out Threads for Coveted Taliban Leader Endorsement

    The fundamentalist group thinks Meta’s content policy, which includes a ban on support or praise for terrorist or hate groups, is “intolerant”

    Vietnam bans Barbie film over disputed map of China’s South China Sea claims Vietnam bans Barbie film over disputed map of China’s South China Sea claims

    Scene shows map of China’s controversial ‘nine-dash line’ – repudiated in international ruling

    Vietnam bans Barbie film over disputed map of China’s South China Sea claims

    Scene shows map of China’s controversial ‘nine-dash line’ – repudiated in international ruling

    /kbin meta JoeCoT
    While you're waiting on a kbin app, you should know the mobile site is entirely functional as a mobile app. Just make a shortcut for your home screen

    Apps are always nice, but lots of mobile websites, including the kbin one, are entirely functional as an app. In your browser you can just make a shortcut to them, and they'll appear on your home screen and act as an app.

    In technical terms these are Progressive Web Apps, but it means you don't need to wait for someone to write an app (or kbin to have a good API for doing so) to use it like an app on your phone.

    In Firefox it looks like this. Open the website, in the menu hit Install, drag the icon to your desktop. When you click on it it'll open the site like it's a standalone app.

    Chrome is exactly the same, but the menu button is "Install App" instead.

    JoeCoT JoeCoT

    he/him. LARPer, Nerd Organizer, Web Dev. Mastodon admin, Not the CNBC guy but I've got Nihilist Stock Market advice🌻

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