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Why are right-wingers so vocal about their views? Or am I just unlucky?
  • Is it because their views are essentially the status quo already and they have just fully internalised the capitalist propeganda?

    That's pretty close imo. I'd just add that most of them have never set foot outside of capitalist propaganda

    Every part of their media diet is bourgeois media, because naturally the owning class owns that too. The views presented to them with any degree of fidelity are necessarily non-threatening to bourgeois rule, and they make up the range of views that people feel are normal. Conservative bile is acceptable, and liberal outlets for empathy such as charity and saying to vote are too

    Meanwhile, in much of the west including the US, it has been outright illegal in recent history to be left-wing. Even now that it isn't explicitly illegal in the US, we have Stop Cop City protesters being charged as an anarchist terrorist conspiracy

  • Henry Kissinger is dead

  • How do we feel about "easy on the eyes" as a descriptor of someone
  • To me it evokes a mentality where other people's appearances are only considered through the lens of how they serve the person speaking. I'm not a fan. Even where complimenting someone's appearance is appropriate, I think it frames the compliment as "you're not like those uggos I hate seeing"

  • Tag yourself
  • I'm the leg-biting iguana




  • Stockholm syndrome
  • It means working from within the Democratic party to make it better, even when it has betrayed its values.

    What values?

    I fought for redress for my community and have spent my life ensuring that America understood that we could not betray our Constitution in such a way ever again.

    Constitution? That shit was talking about white men only and we're really gonna lean on it?

  • Imagine being so liberal you consider Liz Warren a threat to the liberal order
  • But you do need to break up big sandwich

    Big sandwich not fit in mouth

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • such a weird hill to die on

    says the person claiming it's immoral to have babies

  • Was this game even real?
  • Apparently they also made a program for Windows where a gillman swims around your desktop and "helps you with your emails"

  • I think the public reaction to Israel's actions show one thing clearly: settler colonialism supporters support settler colonialism regardless of who's doing it
  • I don't think so. With enough bourgeois interests tied up in the project, our media could create that support, but one of the biggest reasons why ordinary western anti-semites support Israel is that Israel's existence is a prerequisite for the Rapture. Of course that's pushed cynically at the think-tank level, but a shocking number of people whole-heartedly believe they live in the Left Behind cinematic universe

  • The thin pruned line between order and chaos.
  • $100/hr standard rate

    $150 if you watch

    $200 if you help

    $250 if you worked on it first

  • I love that they don’t realize the centrist is insane in both scenarios
  • "You loony leftists think I oppose civil rights, but you failed to consider that I also red-bait them."

  • Check in thread: how are you doing, comrade?
  • Pretty good. On one hand, the medical debt continues to mount faster than I can pay it. On the other hand, we're still fed and housed, and I might be getting an ADHD diagnosis. Terrified of ADHD meds because of how often I feel jittery even without caffeine, but they say it might can calm me down so it seems worth a shot

  • There is as much to be gained going to bat for 'cracker' as there is in any argument over bigotry being symmetrically applicable to both the oppressor and the oppressed. In a framework of white supremacism, which has been imposed onto the world by western cultural hegemony, all peoples are to be racially denigrated in favor of the "white race." This can be done by white or non-white people, but it can only be done to non-white people. One can be prejudiced against white people and can call them names, and that is a direct result of this system of racism, but it isn't a part of it

    This concept is important for understanding any dynamic of oppression. Anti-white racism isn't possible because it's predicted on 'white' being anything other than the identity construct created solely to "be supreme." Misandry isn't possible under patriarchy because its concept of manhood is the same type of construct. Classist bigotry can not be applied against the ruling class for the same reason, 'cissie' can not be a slur, and so on

  • Big vending machines 'will mean end of Walmart locks' says San Fransisco vending machine company owner Brand new anti-theft measure 'is coming and will mean end of Walmart locks'

    SHOPPERS are set to see the end of locked cabinets as a new company tackles theft and customer frustrations. The head of a company based in the San Francisco Bay Area has warned thieves “it&#…

    Brand new anti-theft measure 'is coming and will mean end of Walmart locks'


    CNN Investigates: China is using the world's largest known online disinformation operation to harass Americans China is using the world's largest known online disinformation operation to harass Americans, a CNN review finds | CNN

    The Chinese government has built up the world’s largest known online disinformation operation and is using it to harass US residents, politicians, and businesses—at times threatening its targets with violence, a CNN review of court documents and public disclosures by social media companies has found...

    China is using the world's largest known online disinformation operation to harass Americans, a CNN review finds | CNN

    Watch out folks, they've got conference rooms unofficial police stations here and they're cyberbullying anticommunists on Zoom threatening American citizens. We know because the US Justice Department and Meta told us so

    >Other posts by the network have referenced how “racism is an indelible shame on American democracy” and how the US committed “cultural genocide against the Indians,” according to a Meta report in August. Another post claimed that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “riddled with scandals.”

    This whole long-ass article is a work of art

    archive link

    The Black Myths Podcast - Myth: Communism Made Me Do It (w/ Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly) The Black Myths Podcast: Myth: Communism Made Me Do It (w/ Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly)

    In this episode, we cover the myth "Communism Made Me Do It." 'Communism Made Me Do It' is a tongue-in-cheek way of how the US blames radicalism for radicalism, instead of the US capitalist-led conditions that produce it. Since the Bolshevik Revolution, Communism, more than any other political ideol...

    The Black Myths Podcast: Myth: Communism Made Me Do It (w/ Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly)

    You know how capitalist rags talk about Communism as an infectious ideology that can subvert the mushy minds of marginalized people, rather than being a natural response by thinking people to the material conditions they're subjected to? This episode is about that

    Steve Jobs Experienced Extreme Regret In The Final Days Before His Death Steve Jobs Experienced Extreme Regret In The Final Days Before His Death, Saying, 'I Wanted My Kids To Know Me. I Wasn't Always Here For Them, And I Wanted Them To Know Why And To Understand What I Did'

    Steve Jobs, renowned as one of the most influential and visionary leaders of this time, left an indelible mark on technology and innovation. His work at Apple Inc. redefined the landscape of consumer electronics, establishing him as a symbol of success and creativity. Yet, in his final days, as he b...

    Steve Jobs Experienced Extreme Regret In The Final Days Before His Death, Saying, 'I Wanted My Kids To Know Me. I Wasn't Always Here For Them, And I Wanted Them To Know Why And To Understand What I Did'

    >"I wanted my kids to know me," Jobs told Isaacson. "I wasn't always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did."

    Bro chose his legacy over his kids and spent his last days cloying for validation of that decision !rip-bozo

    Acting like he's some fuckin' migrant worker forced to leave his family to get them what they need to survive smh

    [AI shit] General Shrek leads the charge

    There's only one way to get Shrek OC without putting in any effort, and it must be done

    Democrats launch write-in campaign for Biden in N.H. Democrats launch write-in campaign for Biden in N.H.

    Joe Biden’s supporters are working to avoid an embarrassment in New Hampshire, where his name will not be on the ballot.

    Democrats launch write-in campaign for Biden in N.H.

    By my principled analysis, it must be noted that:

    Robert E. Lee Confederate statue in Charlottesville melted down


    >The massive bronze sculpture of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, in uniform, astride his horse Traveller, stood in a downtown Charlottesville park for nearly a century. It was at the center of a deadly white nationalist rally in 2017, when Neo-Nazis and white supremacists tried to stop the city's plans to remove the statue. > >It came down to cheers in July of 2021.


    >Charlottesville prevailed in a protracted legal battle with the Sons of Confederate Veterans and other groups, and donated the Lee statue to a coalition that proposed to melt it down and create a more inclusive public art installation.


    >Lawsuits to stop the project failed, and last weekend organizers moved forward, with great secrecy, to disassemble and melt down the Lee monument. > >The work is being done at an out-of-state foundry. NPR agreed not to reveal its location or the identity of the workers because they fear repercussions. > >They use a torch to score the head of the statue, in the pattern of a death mask. Lee's face falls to floor with a loud clank. > >The symbolism is poignant for Andrea Douglas, executive director of the Jefferson School African American Cultural Center in Charlottesville, which is leading the project. > >"The act of myth-making that has occurred around Robert E. Lee, removing his face is emblematic of the kind of removal of that kind of myth," Douglas says. > >The project is called Swords into Plowshares, taken from a Bible verse in the book of Isaiah.


    >The melting down of the Lee statue will take weeks. It weighed nearly 10,000 pounds. Organizers say the next step will be choosing an artist who will craft the bronze ingots into a new art form to be displayed in Charlottesville.

    archive link

    ADL article - Allegation: Israel is an Apartheid State

    This article from 2021 is one of my favorite pieces of floundering apologia. At no point does it manage to establish any factor to distinguish Israeli apartheid from South African apartheid. The closest it comes is claiming that Israeli apartheid isn't meant to be permanent

    Archive link

    [fake news] Due to abortion fears, Gov. Abbott orders Texas national guard to deploy razor wire across highways

    "Texans will not stand for their tax dollars to aid and abet Satanic medicine," Abbott told reporters on Tuesday.

    "Plus I just really like razor wire" he added.

    In other news, c/fakenews still seems to be locked for non-mods. We have passive-aggressively reached out to Melina by mentioning it to various non-Melina users, but she could not be reached in this way for comment


    Seriously what is up with whining about people bringing their kids shopping. I get that they hate poor people I just would expect them to have more than one thing to talk about

    Edit: Even though I enjoy conflict, I guess I'll add some context here anyway. The usual line I hear as smalltalk is "You don't have to bring the whole family shopping," which if you don't shut it down immediately, will be followed up with some of the most racist and/or classist statements you can imagine, typically involving birth rates

    On diaper brands, 2023

    Just wanted to say real quick, fuuuuck Pampers and Huggies. They're decent and I've been buying them ever since trying a couple worse-than-useless cheaper brands (one was Hello Bello, idk the other) scared me back into their greedy arms, but it turns out they're almost triple the price of other decent ones

    If you have an Aldi near you, I'd recommend at least comparing diaper prices online, because mine carries actual diapers that absorb piss and shit unlike the worse-than-useless ones, but they're the same price as the worse-than-useless ones

    "I'm not supporting Israel, I just condemn all violence!"

    No you don't. You know why? Because the status quo is intensely violent, and at best it's both lazy as fuck and pointless to talk about violence in terms that aren't relative to that. At worst, it's deliberately laundering genocide apologia

    The good news is that if you're not trying to carry water for a genocidal project, then I can tell you why you denounce anti-imperial violence but never even think of imperial violence: Because it's comfortable. Imperial media allows you to ignore all violence but that which threatens it, and you happily accept that ignorance

    !sartre-pipe You, who are so liberal and so humane, who have such an exaggerated adoration of culture that it verges on affectation, you pretend to forget that you own colonies and that in them men are massacred in your name.

    AITA for bringing my babies and my dear sweet gran with me on an invasion?

    I thought it would be nice. I told them that we're clearing lots of good elbow room for them to live in, and that all they had to do to keep it was look pretty

    But now, these aggressive militants from the place we're invading are attacking us for no reason! They don't even refuse to attack the 100% of our hardish-fought territory that we've stuffed with babies and dear sweet grans!

    Now hexbear trolls are acting like it's my fault that these babies and dear sweet grans are in danger. Wtf!

    Linen was a democrat centrist

    And Carl Mark was a greedy materialist. Tf do you tankies think you're doing?
