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  • Yep I 100% recommend Fuzzel too !

  • Sell us on your favorite exotic/niche distro
  • Same as a Chimera Linux user I'd definitely recommend trying it. I was a Void user beforee and was Swithering whether to go full BSD when I stumbled across Chimera which gives me the best of both worlds.

  • Stay on Fedora or Switch to Void?
  • I was a serious Arch user for 10+ years when I finally decided to give Void a go on an old laptop. Needless to say Iloved it so much that it is now my daily driver. I even had a blip for a month where I thought I missed Arch but nope I just came running back home to Void. Give it a try you won't be disappointed also take a read of this blog Unmasking the hidden gems of Void Linux

  • Change the panning keybind in Zathura
  • Have a read of the docs at the zathura git repo or use the man pages.

  • [River] WIP, just started. Pretty much just done the bar.
  • To get neofetch to display river and not sway make sure that you have either lsof or fuser packages installed and it should display river then. See lines 1902-1903 from this link.

  • ZFS Swap on Linux

    One for those running #ZFS on #Linux systems. I realise that you can't have hibernate aka suspend to disk on a swap in the encrypted zpool but if you don't use hibernation then is it OK to use swap using the likes of the command example below to set it up in the encrypted pool?

    I should point out that I'm thinking of switching from my current Void Linux luks lvm setup to Void with fully encrypted zpool and zfsbootmenu on my ThinkPad P14s AMD Gen 1which has 16Gb ram that I may upgrade to 40Gb. It also has a 1Tb nvme.

    zfs create -V "${v_swap_size}G" -b "$(getconf PAGESIZE)" -o compression=zle -o logbias=throughput -o sync=always -o primarycache=metadata -o secondarycache=none -o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false "$v_rpool_name/swap"

    Qtile 0.23.0 Released GitHub - qtile/qtile: :cookie: A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python (X11 + Wayland)

    :cookie: A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python (X11 + Wayland) - GitHub - qtile/qtile: :cookie: A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written an...

    GitHub - qtile/qtile: :cookie: A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python (X11 + Wayland)

    Qtile 0.23.0 has been released. Head over to their changelog for all the important changes and bug fixes.

    [Qtile - Wayland] Void Linux running the latest Qtile git repo
  • Thank you and glad they're of use to you.

  • [ Resolved ] Can't update user avatar
  • Nope reduced it down to 10k and still the same but thanks anyway.

  • [ Resolved ] Can't update user avatar

    I have just tried to change my user avatar from my browser and no matter what image format I try to use be it png or jpg it quickly flashes up some json error. I cannot even change it from the Android app.

    How do you theme a wm like qtile to look good?
  • Or if you're running Qtile under Wayland then Qtile is the compositor too. My dotfiles and a screenshot are here to show what's possible.

  • [Qtile - Wayland] Void Linux running the latest Qtile git repo
  • You can find out how to install Qtile using pip on the README of my dotfiles link posted above.

  • [Qtile - Wayland] Void Linux running the latest Qtile git repo
  • Yes if you run Qtile with X but not yet under Wayland but that is under discussion by the devs as well as other features.

  • Unixporn Justine Smithies
    [Qtile - Wayland] Void Linux running the latest Qtile git repo

    Not perfect but it's mine. Dotfiles can be found here.

    What is your preferred daily driver distribution?
  • Void Linux user here with Qtile - Wayland as my WM.

  • 7yo decided they wanted to update their GMMK
  • I'm liking the diy PC case. What's inside if you don't mind me asking ?

  • [River] My current Void Linux setup
  • Thank you and tbh I haven't attempted to run hyprland on void as I used to run it on arch as my daily. Since switching to void I haven't really looked back and don't feel the need for all the bells and whistles.

  • [River] My current Void Linux setup
  • Yes that's foot w/ sixel and the latest ranger version too.

  • Unixporn Justine Smithies
    [River] My current Void Linux setup

    It's not much but it's mine.

    Dot files are here:

    [Question] How can I dim screen after 20s inactivity when running on battery? tlp/sway/arch/chromebook
  • You could use swayidle and add a line to use either light or brightnessctl to dim and restore the brightness. Or just as I do turn off display after a certain time. This link should give you an idea.

  • Latest additions to my custom #VoidLinux repository:

    swayfx - SwayFX: Sway, but with eye candy!

    ranger-testing - ranger is a console file manager with VI key bindings. Latest commit with built in sixel image previews.

    neofetch-testing - A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+ Latest commit.

    Be warned there may be bugs 😉

    Void Linux Topped DistroWatch’s Average Rating

    Void Linux’s average rating soars high on DistroWatch, making it a must-try for advanced users. Learn why it is winning hearts.

    Void Linux custom /etc/issue file

    Got bored and made a custom /etc/issue file for my Void Linux machines. It displays a colour Void Linux logo along with kernel version, tty number and date on login. The file is here just copy it to /etc/issue or you can preview it using agetty. Feel free to change it to suit.

    JustineSmithies Justine Smithies

    Friend, Lover, Sister, Mother & Wife Loves cooking Linux & BSD Tech geek Mobiles: Fairphone4 OnePlus6T OnePlus6 PinePhonePro Watch PineTime ThinkPad owner Daily driver - Chimera Linux , RiverWM and Eww as my bar with fully encrypted ZFS and encrypted swap partition Homelab: FreeBSD

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