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Yet more examples of how copyright destroys culture rather than driving it
  • All the examples you have brought forward apply to private individuals. This is about cooperations and companies. Those very different legal entities.

  • Leaked WhatsApp Feature Allows Users to Create Customized Stickers Using Their Own Image
  • I can't wait to finally have a fucking hiking emoji! Fucking mandela effect

  • A cool guide that works really well for me
  • Nice! A 1min wall sit, followed right by a 2min wall sit...

  • Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted?
  • Does that surprise you, given that it's a project out of the FOSS Space?

  • Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted?
  • There is Alovoa, it's FOSS, it's just that nobody seems to be using it. Closest next user is ~10k km away😂

  • K4mpfie K4mpfie
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