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This union was not meant to be.
  • Obviously that's ok since it's an even half of 10.

  • As Starfield Steam Reviews Plunge to ‘Mostly Negative,’ Todd Howard Responds to Paid Mods Backlash - IGN
  • I suspect this is 80% execution biting them. (Though the cost is still dumb) If they'd left it truly modular and had not infected the main game with the intro quest then paywalled people. They'd be getting way less flack.

  • Confound you, WSUS!
  • This britens my day way more than it should.

  • We need a larger one. Yes, for the last time. Pleeeeeeeeeease!
  • Just put it in orbit! Let's commit and put a ring on this planet!

  • The truth...
  • For the Empire!

  • There are few things fascists hate as much as antifascist coalitions
  • At scale the US system has too many layers of abstraction. We are not a direct democracy once you pass the small scale elections you mentioned. Those abstractions combined with first around the goalpost winning makes it so statistically the chance of third party success rounds to 0. So if you vote 3rd party in a major election when you otherwise would have voted Biden then you helped Trump because that 3rd party vote's only impact on the election was to reduce Biden's total by 1.

    The only chance 3rd party has of gaining ground is if we switched to ranked choice voting as this would allow people to realistically gauge and react to support for 3rd parties without aiding the major party they dislike in the meantime.

    Also need to ditch the Electoral College as it is the worst of our voting abstractions that is only amplified by gerrymandering.

  • How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?
  • Don't forget your training wrench! 🔧

  • How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?
  •, search some interests, find some groups, go to some events, talk to people and slowly build those connections with those that you click with. Or all that via more general web searching, meetup is just a convenient hub.

  • Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered
  • "A group of Israeli researchers explored the security of the Visual Studio Code marketplace and managed to "infect" over 100 organizations by trojanizing a copy of the popular 'Dracula Official theme to include risky code. Further research into the VSCode Marketplace found thousands of extensions with millions of installs."

  • Good to the last drop
  • What is the word in such places for the non-soda drink?

  • U fools wanna go make a mock or two?
  • KJ doubles down on using weird wording; NIST: "Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright"

  • A flawless strategy
  • Thank you

  • Force of habit
  • But it kind of sucks compared to the competition, thus they are lagging.

  • Force of habit
  • Just give them a bit, they're lagging on the whole AI thing right now but they'll catch up.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • Obviously it isn't, if it was there wouldn't be a user facing cost. The fact this is a private venture basically proves that wherever this is, the municipality or building owner is only committed to providing tap water (which we see here is "free") the cost is for the extra, private, infrastructure that has been added in order to provide cold filtered water. If you aren't US, I'll note that municipal water treatment and filtering vs the more "Britta" level implied here are entirely different and very much a thing for some people.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • Refrigerant and filter systems need to be powered, replaced and maintained, that DOES cost money. What math, if any of substance, was applied on top of that cost to reach the subscription price is debatable. Though perhaps ironically, if they didn't expect many people to actually bite, then the cost per user would end up being abnormally high.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • It's going to sound like I'm defending them in some way, which I'm really not because the whole thing is stupid, but they're not charging for the drinking fountain they're charging for the cold filtered water, which is going to incur some kind of power and maintenance cost that's while negligible at scale is beyond the norm. Room temperature tap water is still free here.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • The heart of what you're saying is right, but it isn't 1.99, it's 1.99x whatever their expected ussage/power/maintenance metrics are.

  • Spotify CEO sparks backlash after social media post that claimed the cost of making "content" is "close to zero"
  • The problem all around, IMO, is just how extremely broad the term content is. Content can be a complex hour-long video on a subject with amazing editing, or a beautiful piece of artwork, but it can also be a quick selfie at a club or any given platform's equivalent of shitposting.

  • Sharing Trouble

    This may be as much a bug on the source instance as anything but I'm not sure. So I was trying to share this post from;

    But Sync is generating a link back to the post's record on OP's instance.

    And while the community link works fine. The link from OPs instance is buggy. On my phone at least. Firefox keeps trying to download a .bin file and Chrome opened it ok 1 time but ever since I keep getting a Jason/xml looking code snippet page instead. Going to itself and browsing around is fine though.

    Ability to Search or Similar

    If Sync could integrate searching, or a similar source, when searching for communities, I think it would really smooth out the user experience, especially for newbies. If I could set that as my default community search in the app I 100% would.

    Classic Moment

    Can't have a Stargate community without this post being posted.

    Bah-Weep-Graaaghnah Wheep Ni-Ni Bong!

    This is just the start of the sub/community, get posting!

    KazuyaDarklight KazuyaDarklight
    Posts 14
    Comments 267