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What uses of a smartphone do you think most people miss out on?
  • USB OTG on android phones is severely underrated.

    • I can plug in a USB drive and transfer files around, I've used this to manage my retro handheld SD cards before.
    • You can tether your hotspot over Ethernet to your computer with an Ethernet adapter.
    • You can plug Ethernet into your phone to get faster connections.
    • You can plug a mouse into your phone and get a cursor on screen. Not super useful tbh, but kinda cool.
    • You can use your phone as an external webcam for your computer.
    • It's a bit more annoying than it used to be but you can use your phone as a universal IR remote with a small adapter and free apps (I miss my built in IR blaster from my S3).
  • what are these rubber holes on the back of the pc case?
  • Dust will get in pretty much no matter what you do. I wouldn't worry about it. If you live in an already really dusty environment then get some sections of filter and attach them inside of these holes but honestly I wouldn't worry.

    It's for water cooling loops if you want to mount the rad or pump or something outside of the case. I think it was more common in the early days of water cooling when things were less standardized.

  • As a new, one year, software developer who retrained late. How do you know when you're ready to apply for a new role with more money?
  • Now.

    Nothing is stopping you from testing the waters and applying to jobs constantly until you find something better. Maybe keep a dream job or two in your back pocket until the timing is perfect, but may as well apply to other places to test your marketability.

    You're always gonna feel stupid. Once you master this part of your job you'll feel stupid about the next part, it never stops.

  • What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • I don't know if it's forgotten, but it's forgotten to me. There was this ant game where you had a colony of ants that would go collect food, or attack other colonies. There was this very pixelated top-down map view where you could see the brightly colored food disappear pixel by pixel as they ate.

    I can't figure out what the game was but I loved it.

  • Bike shops should take car trade-ins
  • True, but I don't want to scare the carbrains. :P

    Honestly though yes. My pretty basic road bike was 1600 and that was one of the lower prices in the shop. I think they averaged at around 5-8k in that shop at least.

  • People who still wear masks (and aren't immunocompromised)...
  • I've started to skip the mask for small groups for short time periods but I still mask up for the grocery store, and large gathering, and any time I'm in a smaller room with people for a long time.

    I get sick so rarely now, it's great. And it's so much less socially exhausting to wear a mask and be able to hide my face. I dont have to take a smile or watch my expressions nearly as much.

    And it helps support my friends who are immunocompromised by normalizing mask wearing.

    I don't plan to stop for a long while. And I plan to always mask up if I'm sick, even just a cold, to avoid spreading it.

  • Do you prefer Gaming PCS or Gaming Laptops?
  • Desktop for sure. Though I've started to love using Steam Link in my home to stream to my laptop (or TV) to get the best of both worlds.

    Same reasons as everyone else, it's more powerful, better heat management, upgradeable, and still allows me to stream to a laptop when needed. (I'll even use RDP to my desktop from my laptop most of the time to still get the power for work things too).

  • Making a cook character
  • And every spell works like goodberry (the food is infused with the magic and anyone can consume it to complete the spell).

    And all material components are food ingredients.all somatic components are cooking steps, and all verbal components are Gordon Ramsay insults.

  • Making a cook character
  • Agreed.

    If you want to do a custom class, take the stats of something that already exists and just flavor it as something new with a new name. Maybe a bard but their performances are cooking meals for people or something.

    Maybe come up with a few homebrew spells for them that are cooking related (or something functionally identical to a spell, even if it isnt). Pick an existing spell that's close to what you want and flavor it as food related and give it a new name.

  • Databases and their real world use examples
  • The Lemmy app we are using on our phones needs to download content from Lemmy so it can be displayed to us. Lemmy might just have one big file full of links, but that's annoying to have to write code to handle. Or it might have a folder full of files where each file is a post, but that's also a bit annoying to write code to manage.

    It (probably) uses a local SQLite database to store all of the cached posts.

    Conceptually, a database is just a place to store things, just like a big text file. The database just handles a lot of the grunt work for you and makes it easier to search, organize, and filter the data.

    So anywhere there is data, there could be a database.

  • Need a good resource to learn linux
  • I see you got your answer, but I'm adding on for anyone else that comes across this.

    For me, I learned the most when I had a disposable and replaceable system. When I was dual booted I was too scared to touch anything in case it fucked everything up. Once I started poking round on a Pi, LiveUSB, etc it was a lot easier to learn because I could always restart.

    Id start there with something like Mint or Ubuntu. Then set it up in a way where you can easily replace your OS so you can reset it often and fuck around. Then just learn as you go.

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  • if you let complexities of a long term vision constantly be injected into the steps to take now, you end up putting the cart before the horse.

    This exactly. Honestly at this moment I don't really give a shit about long term stability as long as a genocide is happening, but we keep seeing that thrown out as a reason to ignore genocide.

    (Not to mention the arguments of if it's technically genocide or "just" ethnic cleansing. That's a problem for the international courts, all that matters now is that whatever it is, it's too damn close to genocide to be acceptable.)

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