Kelly @ Kelly Posts 9Comments 789Joined 2 yr. ago
Wait... How do Trade Secrets work?
I thought that the individuals might be in legal trouble if they violate NDAs or No Compete clauses but that once the "secret" was out it was fair game.
I know a few people who have a HDD exchange going. A couple of times a year they drop off a HDD with their current backup at a friends house, then take the old one home to use next time.
It offline, so it can't be accessed easily but its also protected from device failure,power surges, etc.
Its no good as a daily backup but its fine for static data e.g. videos of the kids as they were growing up.
If its just a HDD in a static proof bag it doesn't take much room and can be stored easily.
Its got issues but it does offer a cheep offsite backup
It doesn't look good
pCloud has a fourteen (14) calendar days money back guarantee, beginning on the day you have submitted your payment for the Paid services. During this period, you are eligible to request for a refund. If you issue an explicit written request for a refund within the fourteen (14) days referenced above, we will process the refund due to you in full within 30 calendar days, counting from the day you have confirmed your request.
We will usually refund any money received from you using the same method originally used by you to pay for your purchase.
In case you have purchased Paid services through a promotional campaign or provided discount, pCloud reserves the right to decline providing a refund.
I just used web archive to check the site on three random days in 2024 and it looks like they always have a promotion and could claim any purchases are ineligable for the money back guarantee.
We reserve the right not to provide the Site or Services to any user. We also reserve the right to terminate any user's right to access the Site or Services at any time, in our discretion. If you breach any of these Terms, your permission to use the Site and Services and your account automatically terminate. If pCloud ceases operation, your account will be terminated and pCloud will no longer provide the Site or Services. If your account is terminated in accordance with this section, you will not receive any refund of any fees paid for the account.
And they can decide to stop your service at any time.
There are on going costs with running the service so if new customers stopped signing up they would go broke when they run out of money. (i.e. like a ponzi scheme)
Unless they invest your seed capital and pay for your services from growth. This would work when times are good, but could fall apart during any significant financial crisis.
The current offer for the named service is asking for us$800 for 10TB, if they followed the 5% rule that would leave them with us$40 per year to provide the service.
Agreed, even if you limit yourself to major tentpole content its impossible to keep up.
But if you look at the uploads to major digital distribution platforms its incredible how much content is being produced:
- YouTube gets 500 hours of video uploaded per minute.
- Spotify has 60k tracks uploaded per day
- Kindle has 225k books published per month
- Steam has 50 games published per day
I actually didn't mind the Beetlejuice sequal, it was busy but fun. So I guess it comes down to implementation more than hard rules.
But Jurassic World 3 would have been better served being split into two films, one where they visit the Jurassic Park crew for some guidance and a separate film where the Jurassic World crew can resolve their own issues and complete their series.
Pushing both into a single 147 minute movie is a bit silly.
I have no problem with sequals taking an idea/world and not the characters from the original. Star Trek has been doing this pretty successfully with their TV shows for years.
Moderates no longer have a say.
Many view the democrats as being right of centre already and that "moderates" are largely unrepresented because both parties lean right.
Surely its not the same cast.
A new group of kids having adventures would appeal to me more. I don't even want cameos from the OG Goonies, that kind of shit make legacy sequals feel much too bloated.
Joystick but no keyboard is going to limit the IF options. That said it might be a great way to play gamebooks.
As a related phenomenon the Addams Family set was painted in colour so that each element would show distinctly on black and white television.
QUByte Interactive is publishing Glover on Switch, Xbox and PS.
he expressed dissatisfaction with the Wii port, referring to it as not being 'original.'
Assuming we aren't missing some nuisance in the translation I don't think I agree with this interpretation. The "port" is not the "original", that's just a statement of fact. No dissatisfaction is implied.
As for the recommendation to play the port that runs on modern hardware, well yeah most people don't have the hardware to play the pre-HD versions at their best.
"That being said, I want to call out the way Unity chose to communicate these layoffs. Receiving a 5am email from 'noreply@unity' informing me that my role was being 'eliminated' and that I'd lose system access by the end of the day felt completely abrupt and impersonal. Unity must do better in how they treat their workers in hard times like this."
This probably depends on what you mean by "shut down".
Availability of Video Games (originally released before 2010) is approximately 13 percent, slightly above pre-World War II audio recordings (10 percent or less) and below the survival rate of American silent films (14 percent).
These are fascinating numbers, do you have a source?