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Man who calls women "females" hopes to one day be allowed within 500 meters of one
  • You have no idea what your talking about. It is not and never was a compound word of wife and man. The word wif meant the same thing as the modern day word woman. The word wifman was a compound word that would be translated into modern English as woman-person, with the exact same meaning as woman is used to today. It had nothing at all to do with being married. I've read the comment chain, where you say, repeatedly, that the word woman originates with a meaning related to marriage. It doesn't, at all. You do not understand what you are reading.

  • Man who calls women "females" hopes to one day be allowed within 500 meters of one
  • "Wif = wife / man = mankind. Literally the wif of men"

    It meant no such thing, ever. Wif didnt mean wife when this word was created. It meant what we now mean by the word woman. And the word wifman in today's language would mean woman-person. It's right there in the article you linked that you are unable to understand, or quite possibley, chose to misunderstand.

  • Man who calls women "females" hopes to one day be allowed within 500 meters of one
  • Yeah buddy. That doesn't say it means or has ever meant wifeman. Woman has always, from its first use up to now, meant a female human. So you read things and then interpret them as having whatever meaning you like?

  • Man who calls women "females" hopes to one day be allowed within 500 meters of one
  • I like that you call some nonsense about woman meaning wifeman an "exchange of ideas". It's utter nonsense, so in what sense is it an idea - that you thought of it? Or have you been reading "A history of English words for people with preconceived notions"?

  • Deleted
    I cant wait til our kitchen is done I am already excited to cook
  • Which gap do you mean?

    I think @grue is referring to the gap between the floor and base of the cabinets. In the US, it is nearly ubiquitous for cabinets to sit on a box, and the front edge of that has a toe kick, like shown here:

    For the most part, having legs or a box isn't very different. I know someone who has cabinets with legs, and they sell toe kicks that attach to the front, so it looks just like a cabinet on a box (like this However, as @grue pointed out, it's not clear to me how you'd secure an island cabinet with legs. For boxes, you attach a board to the floor, then attach the box to the board (see Figure 13 here What keeps the island you have secured? If it's only attached at the wall, I would think it could flex if force is applied to the end far from the wall. Does something hold it to the floor?

  • Replacing moldy sealant
  • A bleach solution or white vinegar solution will kill it. You could spot test for colorfastness on all surfaces first. And there are places online that give solution ratios.

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • In a post about small light duty trucks, and a comment about small light duty trucks, you're pointing out that compact sedans are not popular. Would you like to point out some other true but off topic things? Most sedans are two wheel drive. SUVs are the most popular body style.

  • A lasting legacy
  • I don't think it's a snide joke about what people call it. I think OP has no idea that it's called Neapolitan ice cream, not Napoleon ice cream, so there's no joke at all. If it were called Napoleon ice cream, I suppose it's a joke of sorts, but not one I consider very good.

  • Removed
    only as in free beer
  • It's got a picture showing it using 1.1 GB of memory, which for Windows 11 and 10 is really good, but it's also a testament to how absurdly bloated Windows is that even a stripped down version can't get under 1 GB.

  • Germany has too many solar panels, and it's pushed energy prices into negative territory
  • It's pretty funny. The article says that this is where money is being spent next (it implies it's government funded), but the author acts like that's a bad thing.

    Unless new installations are spurred on by subsidies or power purchase agreements, oppressed profitability could eventually halt Germany's solar expansion, Schieldrop said.

    Instead, focus is likely to move onto improvements that will make more use of the energy produced, such as investments in batteries and grid infrastructure.

    It's wild. This guy is suggesting that they subsidize solar installation, in the exact same article where he's saying there's too much solar. Either the article is disingenuous or he's an absolute idiot.

  • First time building a PC. Would these components work?

    I've never built a PC before and I don't know that I know all of the considerations.

    I'd like something as a server for automated backup from other devices, like phones. I may also do video reencoding on it. I'd like it to be fairly small, but it doesn't need to be that small. This is what I've picked out:

    The case, motherboard and power supply I plan to use is the AsRock Deskmini, but it wasn't an option on Part Picker: This was attractive because it says it has a built-in RAID setup. This is for backups, so I'd like RAID, but I don't know anything RAID, so a built-in option sounded convenient. The Deskmeet would have been fine too, but it's out of stock.

    Is the cooler OK for that processor? I don't care about a video card, and the 5700G has integrated graphics, but I don't know if I need something else to get the graphics working. Is there anything else I should consider?

    Thanks for any help.

    Does anyone use AHK with Adobe Acrobat Pro?

    Using Window Spy, Acrobat Pro doesn't appear to have button IDs to use with ControlClick. I can't find shortcut keys for almost any of the actions, and trying to navigate through the buttons with F6 and tab seems like a no-go too. The only ways I see to do this are to hardcode button positions or use or ImageSearch, both of which I find don't work well because coordinates change with window resizing or different resolution displays.

    Does anyone have a different approach or know of a way to handle different displays and window sizes? In particular, I want to activate "Visually digitally sign".

    How do you connect the p-trap to this metal drain?

    The connections under my sink have a flexible tube that I'd like to replace with rigid tube. The stub out from the wall doesn't have the nut and threaded connection I've seen before, and they've used what I think is called a no-hub connector.

    Would I use the no-hub connector on the rigid tube or do I sweat something like this on? Or is there some other way?

    I've soldered the narrower water supply lines, but nothing this large. Is there anything to consider other than heating it longer?

    The stub out has corroded on the bottom and there's a thin crack that the no-hub fitting covers, so there isn't a leak now, but I don't know if that will be covered if I sweat on a connector. Is there a way to deal with that crack?

    As some extra info, I think that some stubs are threaded into the vertical pipe. This isn't threaded in and doesn't look like it can be removed without opening the wall and replacing it.

    What's this Bug? Kethal
    Is this a termite?

    This is from Illinois. I think maybe it's a spider wasp, but I don't have any idea what I'm talking about, so I worry that it's a termite.

    Is there a way to block all pinterest results?

    Is there a way to block all pinterest results from search engines? This doesn't seem to work:

    This one doesn't block results in image search:

    Simply using "" isn't great, because there are a bunch of pinterest domains:,, etc. Typing them all in every time is a hassle.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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