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Heatwave is no joke...
  • People don't know these things or they assume and project the idea all they did was have power and that's all that needs to be done to maintain it.

    Maybe it's our attention spans are shorter to even deal with it, maybe it's just that we are so comfortable in our existence plus so overwhelmed by knowledge that it's easy to just pick parts you like and assume it will all be fine without the struggle. But we are to busy lying to ourselves, and just carrying on as expected I think, to pivot until forced.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Half a liter per kilowatt hour. That's the average water use

    It's like the idea of recycling plastics with water.
    Not all of it is reusable to the same degree. A good portion of water has to be evaporated off to cool down the exterior towers plus water isn't really infinitely usable in these loops. It gets gross or full of materials.

    Another thing that people need to remember is generating electricity uses the water here as we literally don't use many methods that don't involve water, we are not on a green grid and neither are these huge data centers for the most part. We boil it for the electricity then have to use additional to clean the system after.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Oh everyone is into toys and roleplaying right now. That's the theme of the era.


    Pretend to do business like your daddy and then sit back and watch number go up. Pretend the new algorithm system is some super future app. Pretend we can just undo it and that we really have control over everything we do.

    Heck, even most politicians aren't actually bringing plans but simply roleplaying what they think is the party or level of conservativeness needed to just make it work a little longer.

    No plans. No thoughts towards the future. Just now and how to make it feel more right than be.

  • Credit card debt is soaring, especially in these cities
  • Honestly. Probably not as big a deal as we would hope. America runs in debt. It's the economic battery that's used to power the purchasing power of the nation itself even if it's not a great idea it does hyper charge the government of oligarchs pretty well.

    And, with massive soars in Cost Of Living I would bet it's mostly by the same percentages that the debt is raising even if it's closer to real inflation and not the lower stated values.

    People are incentivized to spend beyond their means cause the forever debt feels cheaper than paying for it up front which makes you then a consistent battery of debt paying back more as you hopefully hit peak production.

    The problem for sure is that there is no exit on the other side. And with astronomical costs and no clear way to exit the debt likely you end up to old and still fucked.

    The debt is a feature not a bug but will absolutely cause instability if not checked. This might still not be truly in the red yet though.

  • Or *else*!
  • Yeah all the flowers are on the inside of a fig. That's actually more or less the fruit you eat too, a bunch of sweet flowers compressed in a pod. Figs are super weird.

  • You guys have so many pretty gardens so now it's time for my ugly one.
  • LOL I know you are being nice but the cheap cover set that I'm weighting down with stone that fell free from the leftover brick wall that separated mine and my neighbors yard.

    Plus the weeds that have roots that I have seen over a few feet long and thicker than my hose.

    I actually planted mint in the far back of the yard to know that it will simply win some time after I leave, and the next person can have a different problem.
    To many mojitos.

  • You guys have so many pretty gardens so now it's time for my ugly one.
  • The neighbor I share a front stairwell with I think would kill me if I got a massive delivery of wood chip. I have heard the horror stories.

    But it's insane the yard is less dirt and more a nest of weed roots. I actually managed to get the tiller attachment for a free ryobi weed whacker I got and that has made the soil at least there way more usable. But I have to weed for sure every week. The mulch honestly won't stop them.

  • You guys have so many pretty gardens so now it's time for my ugly one.

    I rent in an urban area and was given a backyard full of 6 foot tall weeds. Over the winter I managed to somewhat reduce their numbers and have been fighting them down since but also I didn't really have any money for gardening so I just went with direct inground with a bag of miracle grow for fertilizer and some cheap mulch for bedding.

    Pretty much a scraps garden. I have green onions and regular onions, garlic cloves that sprouted, bell pepper and jalapenos, a potato plant, 2 basil and 3 Thai basil, a daikon scrap I'm letting flower I hopes of seeds I can plant next year, and all my beans and peas on the fence over there.

    I also planted a blueberry bush that I realized I really should have kept in a pot cause I realized how long that thing is gonna grow for.

    I also threw potatoes under the bush in the far back that is doing pretty good and a strawberry I won't ever be able to eat the fruit from because the critters get up earlier in the morning than me.

    Get Pasteurised
  • Honestly I really should just be locked away for everyone's, and my own, safety.

    I was one of the original patients that spread swine flu in the US in 2009 after a trip to Mexico. I now have vaccines for everything from yellow fever to typhoid cause I thought I might spread it too.

    My stories should probably be in a leather bound book of things not to do that people argue whether or not it's allegorical when it says "do not trust the boy who brings back diseased cloth for all his friends"

    Edit: same vacation I broke 6 ribs falling off a cruiseship and had to be rescued by the Mexican coast guard actually.
    Train wreck.

  • Get Pasteurised
  • Hahaha my Japanese instructor in university was not particularly good at his job and when I told him I was planning to drop he told me I shouldn't cause the class would just get easier as it went.

    When it was past the drop period he confided in me that he was actually only trained in Chinese but the kanji was about the same so was filling in until the school could find a real Japanese instructor and that he only needed a few more hours for tenure and if I had dropped he wouldn't have had enough students in the class for the hours to count...

    I think Universities are broken just from the level of economic and social stress making people just be less involved in their work and more in themselves.

    It's easier to keep the mill grinding than to stop and make sure it's working properly.

  • Get Pasteurised
  • I once got caught up in a game of dodge the cactus that I mistakenly thought was "catch" the cactus and proceeded to try to figure out how to get the needles out of both of my hands face and mouth.

    I decided on sprite for the ones in my mouth by gargling it.

    I once also made homemade root beer let it ferment to long so it was alcoholic and got a bunch of other kids drunk at school. This barely scratches the surface, and doesn't include the forest fires or all the times hit by trains and boats.

    Anyways, yeah a recap of my life would be a wild watch. If you really do have your life flash before your eyes at the end I am gonna need some popcorn for this feature film.

  • Get Pasteurised
  • Yeah and told to finish the test. I also had a professor who let me take a final while bleeding after I was hit by a car on my bike on the way to class.

    Both times I did not do particularly well.
    I honestly think modern professors just don't care anymore, or expect 19 year olds to be way more mature and competent than they are.

    My life was, and is, a train wreck.

  • Get Pasteurised
  • Nah don't worry I had listeria 3 times and milk was only one of them. You got to worry about caramel apples and hummus just as much.

    Also don't get listeria I had a seizure while vomiting while taking a physics final and got yelled at for it in college. It's just not a fun time.

  • Seed everything, but seed bad media more
  • I meant like 480p with an encoding error that makes it not able to be fast forwarded without crashing.

    It that being the only way to watch it without hunting down a VHS kinda thing

  • OP designed and 3D-printed a pellet press funnel for a Dynavap to triple the amount of herb that fits into the chamber!
  • Isn't the whole point that you aren't supposed to compress it cause it will force you to overheat the flower to try and get the THC making it essentially the same as burning it?

    Seriously they recommend either using the teeth to cut a piece right from the nug or sucking on it like a straw to make sure their is air flow for the oil to vaporize properly.

    This seems backwards.

  • Am I old now?
  • Don't worry just buy this wallet removable card holder that attaches to your phone but comes off so that you can keep it separate when charging or putting it down, or trying to hold it in your hand without a big bulky thing that keeps popping off.

    And don't worry, the magnets no longer affect your credit cards just, hotel keys, cheap gift cards, bus passes, etc...

    Yeah sometimes classic ways are still best or you find you really don't need something you give up for efficiency, just do you and it's fine.

  • Seed everything, but seed bad media more
  • LOL it always the hot garbage that I'm shocked I managed to find that I try to seed as long as possible almost as an apology for making someone else have to host it to give it to me.

    But I will say sometimes it's just a bad quality and it's hard to figure out if it's worth keeping it around because it's the only version available or letting it die.

  • Cheap IDEX 3D printer questions

    So, I have always wanted to do multi filament printing. The thought of doing multicolor or washable supports has been such a cool idea and I tried to make that a reality all the way back when I bought my Geeetech A10M... And oh boy did I hate it. (Don't do single extruder multi filament kids, it ain't worth the headache.)

    So, with only my trusty prusa mk2 at my side I'm thinking of finally getting an IDEX machine and trying again right this time. Then I looked at the price of the Prusa XL and died a little.

    So, this is where I am gonna ask for some help. I saw that Flashgorge is selling their Creator Pro 2 for only $400 and with a cheap upgrade for a magnetic plate seems like it would be an awesome deal even if it's a bit small of a build size.

    Or I could go 3rd party and get the JGMaker Artist D Pro IDEX 3D Printer (which I have never heard of) for the same price but with a heck of a lot more build space.

    Or I could swallow my pride and a shit ton of credit card payments and do just the 2 head semi-built prusa XL for 3x the cost.

    So essentially has anyone tried the Flashforge Creator Pro 2 and thinks it would be worth it for basically half off? Have 3rd party Chinese brands gotten more trustworthy and actually able to print decent at these insanely low prices? Or is it still one of those you pay for what you get and if you want good multi filament printing you have to pay for it?

    Political Memes Krauerking
    If he can't win then none of us should! ...Wait

    I mean come on! Like, sure ok then, please go on ahead.

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